

2x2 homemade organic


5 gallon fabric pot. being watered with tap water left out for a few days, possibly water from our shrimp tank. homemade soil composed of peat moss, mushroom compost and peat hummus, cow manure and peat hummus, organic soil, and perlite. around 4 nightcrawlers and 20 red wigglers were added at the start. will be wick watering after fan leaves reach the edge of pot

Forbidden Fruitz

Day 101 (Week 15)


87 updates

573 photos

Day: 101

she’s been staying steady all day, not sure if it’s worth trying to bring it down temperature wise? thoughts?

9 months ago

Day: 100

100 days old and harvested 🥲 any advice on how to keep the tent cool? I’ve got it set to 60°/60% but am having trouble getting to to drop below 67°

9 months ago

Day: 97


how we feeling about her folks? refer to last post for trichome pics. i’m thinking about chopping friday or saturday

9 months ago

Day: 96


i think she’s ready? lemme know what you think, thinking about harvesting either tomorrow or the day after

9 months ago

Day: 95


a bunch of trichome pics. they are probably ass tho

9 months ago

Day: 93


sorry trichomes will have to come tomorrow, getting high and playing BG3

9 months ago

Day: 92


trichome pics coming tomorrow. i’ll take a few from all around the plant, would prefer to harvest all at once

9 months ago

Day: 90



9 months ago

Day: 89


she just doesn’t stop

9 months ago

Day: 88


wish you could smell her :)

9 months ago

Day: 87


white pistils absolutely everywhere

9 months ago

Day: 86


she got a gallon of water in her reservoir

9 months ago

Day: 84


happy happy

9 months ago

Day: 83



10 months ago

Day: 82



10 months ago

Day: 81


more white…. i’m gonna let her show me what she’s got

10 months ago

Day: 80


idk growmies… a ton of these white pistils shot out this past day, she still going?? 🤔

10 months ago

Day: 79


whoops i got high and played BG3 some photos from around the plant as well

10 months ago

Day: 77


not sure when to start looking at trichomes 🤔

10 months ago

Day: 76



10 months ago

Day: 75


amended a little less than 1/2 cup of dr earth flower girl. top watered a bit and used to rest to fill her reservoir.

10 months ago


zer0applied Discord?


agendercannabis yeah i got it, drop me your username and i’ll add ya.


zer0applied jamesmartin0470

Day: 74


shook off all the dead leaves, mixed them in with the mulch. she’s drinking away

10 months ago

Day: 73


how will i know when to add more dry amendments? it has been almost three weeks since i added some flower girl, thats when the dr earth cannabis feeding chart calls for more feeding. easy to find by typing it in google. i have the 3 dry fertilizers they recommend.

10 months ago


zer0applied If this was my plant I would give her recharge, some liquidirt (for the microbes, a tea would work), and a half dose of whatever flower nutes I have and prolly a small dash of my veg nutes because… you know.


zer0applied However if you plan to flush I would make sure you keep two to three waterings for a flush. I personally don’t flush because I do syn-ganic during veg and pure organic during flower with very few inputs.

Day: 72

not really sure how much longer, she still has a good amount of white pistils.

10 months ago


combatmedic81 I would have to believe that the lack of leaves is preventing the buds from developing.

Day: 71


smelling yummy

10 months ago


zer0applied Lookin great!!


amithus She is making it. Nice work sticking with it.

Day: 70


is it possible that the stems can hold up the buds? they look like they’re the leaning towers of budsa.. it was my birthday today!

10 months ago


ALFA Happy birthday bro 😁

Day: 69



10 months ago

Day: 68


good vibes and better smells

10 months ago

Professor Chag

Professor Chag Very nice


agendercannabis thank you professor

Day: 67


another day, she smells fucking amazing. wish you could smell her.

10 months ago

Day: 66


pics of the water basin, pretty nice to have. she controls the water.

10 months ago


lolaperez Its one plant that you have to water every few days, I’d recommend just hand watering unless you have to go on a trip


agendercannabis any particular reason why? doesn’t seem necessary when this seems to work just fine?


lolaperez What about this is working fine?

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Day: 65


the mulch layer and the bottom watering might be the most water efficient method i’ve seen on a plant. it’s insane

10 months ago

TheSocialGrower Do you just pour into the drip tray? I’ve been considering…


agendercannabis yeah so there’s a reservoir underneath, and you just fill it up whenever it runs out. it holds a gallon and has a little water level indicator so you know when it’s low. it’s honestly a game changer. they drink slower and the water gets used when needed rather than watering every day or so. 

Day: 64


she’s happy (i think), i’m happy (eh), we’re all happy

10 months ago

Day: 63


very happy, can’t believe it tbh

10 months ago

Day: 62


wow she’s two months old, what a crazy plant some pics from around the plant. she’s looks like she’s doing well… 🤷🏼

10 months ago

Day: 61


might be a comeback story

10 months ago


zer0applied What’s the status etc the last few days etc. been so busy getting all my grows straight now I can finally see what everyone else is up to

TheSocialGrower My best smoke from a grow so far was one that really struggled at the end of flower… could end up being gas


zer0applied The most stressed out plants including late stage herms on average, produce more temps and higher levels of cannabinoids. Stress equals stress response. Cannabis has trichomes etc to trap pollen and stop bugs in their tracks. Stress they assume it’s bugs or whatever so they absolutely kick the shit out of production. Keep the microbes up, enough light etc and she’ll reward you. Take them to the fucking brink.

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Day: 60


she’s looking beautiful. drinking slow. i really like the wick watering with mulch, seems to work really well.

10 months ago


combatmedic81 I would cut the dead leaves off , they are not doing much at that point


agendercannabis thank you for the advice!


amithus Yo it’s going to make it. With all the abuse she took you nursed to the finish line! 👍

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Day: 59


she’s looking happier. smelling better too :)

10 months ago

Day: 58


she got a 1/2 gallon compost tea as well as her reservoir filled up. she’s looking nice and green. stonks.

10 months ago

Day: 57

she’s getting a 1/2 gallon compost tea tomorrow. made from dr earth flower girl 3-9-4 and a small bit of molasses. she’s about out of water so it won’t flush the plant. i’m happy with her, hope she’s happy

10 months ago

Joey weed seed

Joey weed seed U should compost your dried leaves instead of putting them directly into your pot. It's a breeding ground for disease mr. Science teacher

TheSocialGrower Do u ever top dress w compost/castings? Being that large in a container that’s fairly small for organic, your girl is probably out of nutrition, and mulching/chop and dropping is probably locking up more of it. When you make aerated tea, you’re just culturing microbes that can only process nutrients which are already present for the plant. Hardcore organic heads would tell you only buy the best from local small producers, but VermisTerra vermicompost on Amazon has done me well, it’s better than nothing at least. Septoria and general deficiencies can look similar, but if the spots aren’t getting past the lower leaves it’s probably just nutrition. Probably just gotta ride out this grow however you can, so good luck w finishing out & your following grows!

Day: 56


she’s looking great :) she’s getting frosty.

10 months ago

Day: 55

she’s getting frosty. putting out pistils still :) i may just be too hopeful, but it seems that her leaves are starting to hold more green? at the rate things were going it feels like she should’ve been much worse by now, hoping the dr earth helped.

10 months ago


amithus If this girl pulls through and you get a harvest from her I’m thinking that’s a hell of a comeback story.


agendercannabis absolutely, she’s seeming to bounce back a little. only time will tell unfortunately

Day: 54

my little waste of electricity 🥹

10 months ago

Day: 53

she got some dr earth flower girl, maybe I’m tripping but she doesn’t look like she’s getting worse? maybe too hopeful lol

10 months ago

Day: 52

not sure what to do. compost tea foliage spray?

a year ago


zer0applied She’s eating herself. Umm…. Honestly, what I would do…. Use recharge and some regular nutrients at half strength and feed her around 32 ounces a day for a few days. However…. It’s pretty rough right now.


zer0applied The BIG issue is there’s no other foliage for her to fall back on. That’s why I don’t defoliate very much period until I am about a week from harvest and then I do what you did here.


agendercannabis fair!! I wish i wouldn’t have defoliated as much but live and learn. i gave her dr earth flower girl, I’ll post a picture of it with my update tonight. I amended some and lightly watered the top soil. I saw a worm or two when I was removing the mulch to add the fertilizer, very relieving sight as I was worried they had died. I’m not giving up on her and she doesn’t seem to want to give up either.

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Day: 51

another day another dead leaf lol. she’s still producing though, she’s a tough one

a year ago

LeChron James

LeChron James I would consider just putting this outside. Knowing how environmentally conscious you are…you’re wasting electricity at this point.

LeChron James

LeChron James The natural daylight hours are just right for flowering right now. If you’re light schedule is close to the sun’s, mover her outside.


agendercannabis I live in a state where growing is not legal. I wish I could grow outside

Day: 50

I am not sure if her leaves are getting worse or have stopped. let’s see what tomorrow brings I guess. edit: I just looked back at the pictures, she’s definitely doing worse lol

a year ago


zer0applied I went back and looked at the updates and didn’t see any fertilizer use, as in a scheduled regime besides the specific things you added to your water and pot etc. is that all you fed, foliar, etc was the shrimp water, gypsum, etc? I saw dr earth but how much and how regularly? Exactly which product?


agendercannabis I used dr earth 2-2-2 blend as a compost tea and dry amendments around 3 times during the grow.


zer0applied Not enough nutes by a long shot that’s why you’re having issues. I did it too don’t worry. I totally underestimated just how much of a “sports car” cannabis is. I give nutes every other watering. Water. Nutes. Water. Nutes. I do element complete crop, myco+, recharge, flower booster, and sometimes a few other things and I’ll never go back.

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Day: 49

amended some dr earths 2-2-2, watered the top soil a bit and refilled her reservoir with magnesium in water. she’s not looking terrible, fingers crossed

a year ago

Day: 48


her leaves are not having a good time, I’m very worried she won’t make it to harvest. she’s still putting out pistils. not sure if I should reapply the fungicide tomorrow. I feel so bad for her. she’s drinking slower now that there is mulch on top. learning a lot this grow so the next will be amazing.

a year ago

LeChron James

LeChron James I’ve looked at all of the pics you posted. I don’t think you ever had a fungal issue. The plant looked very healthy, at least in the pictures. Honestly, the only issue I saw was over defoliating. Build A Soil has a wonderful channel on YouTube. I suspect you’ve already found it given the make up of your soil. You may want to watch a few hours of his content to gain some confidence.


agendercannabis so what’s the brown dots on all the leaves that started at the bottom and spread to the top of the plant?


agendercannabis I didn’t post pictures of them early on, but the leaves have looked just like the ones in the current post. a small brown dot would appear with burnt tips, if left for more than a few hours the leaves would be covered in large spots and appear much weaker. I cannot see anything else it could be.

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Day: 47


took some pictures of the leaf spots, didn’t do anything to her. the spots definitely appeared on a bunch of leaves and some got big. I don’t see the leaves making it very long, not sure what to do. her bud sites are starting to get frost, so close.

a year ago

Day: 46

i’m just so frustrated. it seems like everything i am doing isn’t helping. i am done defoliating leaves, she can’t handle anymore. i just want her to finish, i really don’t want to lose the plant now. very sad :(

a year ago


zer0applied What seems to be the problem?


lolaperez Dude stop fucking with it and just let it grow. Get a dehumidifier or a humidifier and proper ventilation


agendercannabis interesting advice. I already have all of that, thank you though.

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Day: 45

today was wild, will do leaf septoria post tomorrow. she’s looking good, gave her a fungicide spray again, just trying to suppress this shit, I should mulch the top layer but I don’t know what with, any ideas? compost tea got some more molasses, nice and foamy

a year ago

Day: 44

she’s going great, still had to take some leaves off but way less than previous days. started a compost tea with dr earths, molasses, and water from a shrimp tank water change. will probably add it to the fungicide foliage spray. will spray before dark hours tomorrow

a year ago

NateTheSnake Looks amazing

sleepy joe

sleepy joe What’s your ppm?


agendercannabis no idea, haven’t done ppm or pH tests this grow.

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Day: 43

poor girl. i’ve had to defoliate so many leaves because of the septoria, foliage sprayed with the fungicide again as well as spraying the top soil heavily. filled her reservoir with a gallon of water with 2tbsp of epson salt. fungi are amazing, the epitome of evolution.

a year ago


amithus Hey not to be annoying but I’m new and would love to know what you saw or if you could post pictures to help people like me identify what you’re looking at to make your prognosis. Also did those arber products work for you? I was thinking about getting some a few days ago to have on hand if needed. Funny seeing you post about it here. Almost seems like fate. Thanks for sharing.


agendercannabis you’re not annoying for asking a question, don’t ever think like that, question everything. I will make a post about it tomorrow morning with some pictures, I will also update you throughout the growing about arber, hoping for the best!


amithus Much appreciated, thank you 🙏

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Day: 42

cut some leaves that had noticeable spots. picked up a bio fungicide, it is OMRI listed and specified being able to use it on hemp and tobacco. I sprayed both sides of all the leaves. hoping for the best. fungi are fucking insane

a year ago

Day: 41

i am heavily leaning towards leaf septoria, a specific type of bacteria has shown to suppress but there has not been enough research. there is a bio fungicide, arber products, that have that as the active ingredient. not sure if defoliation and fans are enough

a year ago

NateTheSnake Looks fantastic


agendercannabis thank you nate!!! i’m hoping to keep this fungi under control!!

Day: 40

looking good and smelling even better. is it okay to lst again? I am just worried to now that it’s farther into preflower

a year ago

Day: 39


lot of leaves that weren’t looking great, i am pretty sure its leaf septoria, so i defoliated all that looked infected. gave her a compost foliage spray. might spray with neem oil to try and help with the septoria, has anyone battled this before, what helps?

a year ago


SaviiBuds Stay away from neem in flower, it’s toxic to humans when consumed. Lost coast plant therapy and flying skull nuke’em can both be used up until harvest if necessary. Yucca is a natural fungicide so it might work for septoria? I’ve never tried it for that purpose, but it could work? I would do some research before trying that one though.


agendercannabis you’re the best, always extremely helpful information. I am definitely deep cleaning my tent after this. hopefully my defoliation helped, i definitely caught it early, just hope it’s early enough lol


agendercannabis I was looking into a product called: arber bio fungicide. it seems to be a very natural fungicide but am not completely sure. I’m not super sure what “ingredients” are safe or not for cannabis. it’s hard because things don’t advertise as smoke safe lol

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Day: 38

gave her a gallon of water with 1tbsp of epson salt. started aerating a compost and molasses tea for foliage spray. there seems to be leaves fading, but they are all towards the bottom of the plant. not sure fully.

a year ago

Day: 37

amended pelletized gypsum that i crushed into a powder, used a small amount of compost tea to wet the top soil and speed up the calcium release. i will add epson salt to her next watering. tightened all the plant ties to bring her down a bit, i’ll be able to bring out the scrog net in a week. she’s doing me proud :)

a year ago

Day: 36

going to be giving her gypsum tomorrow, she’s definitely needing calcium, might throw a little epson salt too. i need to get kelp meal.

a year ago

Day: 35

defoliated some lower leaves as i saw they were starting to wilt, im suspecting its normal as she’s starting her stretch. gave her a gallon of water.

a year ago

Day: 34

lower leaves are starting to fade off, i think i might just let them fall and get decomposed by the soil, throw some browns on it.

a year ago

Day: 33

she didn’t seem to mind the foliage spray, her leaves look a lil greener. she’s almost out of water so tomorrow will be refill day. she’s smelling amazing, not using a carbon filter right now and it makes my house smell beautiful

a year ago

Day: 32

she’s got 1/4 gallon of water left in the reservoir, going to give a compost tea foliage spray tomorrow. looking beautiful but she’s ready for a recharge

a year ago

Day: 31

!!!!preflower!!!! she’s definitely getting shrimp tank water for a nice recharge in the next couple of days. no worm escapees, hopefully they are liking their home. considering mixing cubensis mycelium from a finished grow in the top soil to either eat some dead shit and give me psych shrooms or eat dead shit then get eaten by worms, the plant wins either way. hoping for shrooms though!

a year ago

Day: 30

first post of the day: applied plant wide LST, going for as low as possible, want the most stretch possible.

a year ago

Day: 30

second post of the day: 3 hours later. she’s fast. applied some more LST in a few areas sticking up, a ton of little leaves are starting to pop into the center to fill it up :) I think it’s looking even?

a year ago

Day: 29

nice even canopy. she drank a gallon of (non pHed) tap water in about three days. the sides of her fabric pot are soaked until about halfway up, which is a great sign with wick watering, capillary action is working. no worms have tried running so that’s plenty of poop as well. my little ecosystem seems to be chugging along, so proud 🥹 gave her 1/2 gallon of water, when that is empty she will get 1 gallon of my shrimp tank water. fish poop.

a year ago

Day: 27

chugging along. she’s recovering from LST easily, I don’t know if I should defoliate? I don’t think it’s *too* crowded but I am not sure if it would benefit her to do it.

a year ago


PopsGarden420 Some people say just pluck the ones that cover bud sights and some say take everything off below a certain height 🤷‍♂️ I just pluck the buds ones that cover bud sights


agendercannabis do higher or lower fan leaves have priority in being plucked?


PopsGarden420 For me personally neither. Not sure what best practices might be.

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Day: 26

applied LST to entire plant a couple hours before these photos were taken, she just bounced right back. gave her another gallon of non pHed water.

a year ago


Nyçrølyñiuis Remember to cook the water; in my area there is 2% toiletwater in the water tap because of an open septic tank in the area for example, or buy fresh water at the store

Day: 25

bent her down to as close to 90° I could get. she’s just chugging right along. no idea who the little guy growing alongside her is but they are very welcome

a year ago

Day: 22


my oh my how she’s grown :) tied her down and cut a single large fan leaf that was just not in a good position and had no where to be tucked. at least I can press it!

a year ago


zer0applied I am not a fan of those auto water buckets. I have had nothing but issues and have always had people tell me they run into issues.


agendercannabis I have not run into any issues with them in past grows, but I will definitely keep that in mind if anything does arise. thank you!!


zer0applied How long have you been using them? I am always interested in others experiences with products etc.

Day: 21

i can’t believe it’s only been 3 weeks since planting her

a year ago

Day: 20

no worms have tried escaping so that’s good. she’s just moving right along

a year ago

Day: 19

looking good today

a year ago


ig:@eaegifts She’s a beast 👍🏾

Day: 18

began wick watering, 1 gallon of non pHed water, she’s looking great! excited to see the explosion from wick watering

a year ago

Day: 17

shes a queen. nothing more to it. moved up from 0.8 to 0.9 kPa in tent environment.

a year ago

Day: 16

she’s vibing. hella fuzz around the topsoil, lil plant is still growing strong :)

a year ago

Day: 15

a nice healthy layer of fuzz has grown where I watered the dr earth fertilizer into the soil. plenty of good mycorrhizae in the dr earth, ones gotta stick with my plant

a year ago

Day: 14

pushed the chopstick down so it doesn’t interfere with the growth. gave a bit of water. added some dr earth’s for the mycorrhizae. mixed in the dry amendments then watered

a year ago

Day: 13

she’s chugging along, hoping the worms are making plenty of poop for her

a year ago

Day: 11

going well :)

a year ago

Day: 9

I upped the light level because it seemed like she was stretching, so she’s a weak ass apparently, so she’s tied to a chopstick till she can hold her own head up lol

a year ago


ig:@eaegifts Get a oscillating fan on her and it’ll strengthen that stem up fast 👍🏾

Day: 8

watered. she’s happy it seems

a year ago

Day: 7

running her VPD at 0.8 kPa and keeping it consistent on that. around ~15 DLI, will be increasing a small amount soon. she’s looking great, expecting big things.

a year ago

Day: 6


so far so good, added a few worms when I found them. some cubensis fungi mycelium and spores were added at the start, and they are starting to show fuzz. would be cool to get two things going, if not it’s food for the worms and their poop is the best. only watered once. not going to pH water. using tap that has been sitting for a few days. will be using my shrimp tank water from water changes in the near future as little natural recharges. there’s this other tiny plant growing up though? it’s in the last picture.

a year ago

Day: 1

germinated in water, long taproot after a few days. planted today in soil, surrounded by coco so it’s not too hot.

a year ago