

Stronk Angkor Wat agar

Transfer from a transfer to agar

Home made agar with rice water and corn syrup. Sample from a section of strong growth in a coco and worm castings substrate. The sample was grown from a corn grain spawn, transferred to the coco/castings substrate, grown in that media and then taken to the agar plate

Angkor awat

Day 39 (Week 6)


6 updates

17 photos

Day: 39

I took that agar and boiled some RO water, took a sterilized tube and made an LC tube by adding the water to the agar plate and scraping it off, then sucking up the mixture. I put about 5-6ml in the bag of corn (2lbs) and coco coir (about a lb and a half). I also made sure to take a sample for another agar plate before trying this Lc tek.

4 months ago

Day: 36

This was very successful! About to spawn now.

5 months ago

Day: 32


I took a cap from the same tank, and put the entire thing on agar like a dummy 😂 but it worked nonetheless! I have to update with newer photos

5 months ago

Day: 16

One is completely contaminated and the other has a fighting chance and is going stronger

5 months ago

Day: 12


Growing nicely. One is contaminated and the other looks great even with a little dirt in it

5 months ago

a Joe grow

a Joe grow Where do u germinate them


ZaddyXL On a heat mat in a dark place in these agar dishes

Day: 0

Home made agar with rice water and corn syrup. Sample from a section of strong growth in a coco and worm castings substrate. The samples were grown from a corn grain spawn, transferred to the coco/castings substrate, grown in that media and then taken to the agar plate. I’m positive I’ll have to deal with contamination with the little bit of coco that I couldn’t shake off but that’s fine, I want to see what they growth can do. Both samples were very fibrous and thicker than a piece of thread.

6 months ago