

Purple Punch Auto - Barney’s Farm

January 2021

Mars Hydro 2.3’x2.3’ Spider Farmer SF1000 Gaia Green Organics 5 gallon pot 18/6 Light Cycle

Purple Punch Auto

Day 100 (Week 15)

28 updates

97 photos

Day: 101

2oz dried and placed in mason jars with humidity pack to cure 👌🏻

3 years ago


mystrain420 Very nice. Looks incredibly dense


vukz Thanks! Yeah they are, I’m happy with the results 👊🏻

Day: 93

Harvest day!

3 years ago

T3CHGrows Solid chop!!


vukz Thanks! I’m hoping for a few ounces! 🤞🏻

Day: 89

Getting closer to harvest

3 years ago


TheBaghdaddy She’s gorgeous!


vukz Thanks 👌🏻

Day: 83

pH 6.4 💦💦

3 years ago

gorshorty2.5 Nice any training done ?


vukz Thanks man. Just LST


indicalla Looks awesome, and I appreciate your consistent updates. I’m using your grow as a sort of gauge for my first grow, also PP. Good luck the rest of the way!

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Day: 78

pH 6.4 💦💦

3 years ago

Day: 74

pH 6.4 💦💦

3 years ago


nobuddyatall 💣💣 super nice.


vukz Thanks man!

Day: 66


Had pH issue post molasses feed. Anyone ever experience that? Doesn’t take much for the girl not to be happy. Corrected pH over the last few watering. Let’s see what happens 🤷🏻‍♂️

3 years ago


vukz Thanks man! Appreciate it. Yes they are annoying I agree. I follow some of your grows, great work dude! 👌🏻

damian.650 How old are these


vukz 66 days from sprout

Day: 57

Top dress 70/30 Bloom and All Purpose. Watered with organic molasses.

3 years ago


adamsgrow Looks beautiful amazing work man


vukz Thanks man! Appreciate it

Day: 54


Buds fattening up.

3 years ago


gregg01f Nice, some people say take leaves off but o don’t want to stress autos too much


vukz Yeah I did a light defoliation the other day. Large fan leaves and a couple others that were blocking bud sites.

Day: 51

Gave her a trim today. Watered pH 6.6. Had some light burn so dimmed lights to 85% the other day. Live and learn 🤷🏻‍♂️

3 years ago

Day: 45


3 years ago

Day: 40


3 years ago

Day: 35


3 years ago


Wr3cked_Noob Looks great


vukz Thanks man

Day: 31

Top dressing with 50/50 Gaia Green AP and Bloom

3 years ago

Day: 29

More LST and preflower.

3 years ago

Day: 27

More growth

3 years ago

Day: 24


3 years ago

Day: 22

Some growth from bottom

3 years ago

Day: 20

LST Lowered light to 18”

3 years ago

kuku14 What is your light cycle?


vukz 18/6

Day: 18

pH 6.5

3 years ago

jdaygreens Say 18 from seedling or day 18 in veg? Cause thats no seedling


vukz 18 from sprout. It’s an auto. Check the log 🤟🏻

Dr. GreenThumb

Dr. GreenThumb Jday you jst sound like an idiot, ever heard of autoflowers... Looking good man, keep up the good work.

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Day: 16

pH 6.5

3 years ago

Day: 14

2 week bday and she’s got her 3rd node pH 6.4

3 years ago

Day: 12


3 years ago


DannyPH Looks just like mine when she was this age.


vukz I’m following your grow! Looking good man


DannyPH Thanks!

Day: 10

Coming along nicely

3 years ago

Day: 8

Watered pH 6.4

3 years ago

Day: 6

Watered pH 6.4

4 years ago

Day: 4

New set of leaves starting

4 years ago

Day: 2

Germinated paper towel method. Transplanted in 5 gallon pot January 17. Seed sprouted January 20.

4 years ago