

UK Cheese

First auto run

SF 1000D 2x2 tent. Recycled Gia green soil

Uk Cheese Auto

Day 159 (Week 23)



35 updates

91 photos

Day: 159


Did a quick trim final yield was 28g of flower plus trim

2 years ago

Day: 148


Chop day! Humidity set to 50%

2 years ago


piperboy007 Beautiful! Nice work!


ash6793 Thanks!

Day: 134


Looking good, some sugar leaves starting to get amber trichomes

2 years ago

Day: 130


Another un pH’d watering, beginning to fade no new burning

2 years ago

Day: 126


Moved light up a couple inches and watered with RO un ph’d water. Color might be coming back to yellow new growth

2 years ago

Day: 116


Added 3tbs worm castings and 2 tab bloom no water added

2 years ago

Day: 112


Watered 6.4 runoff 6.6

2 years ago

Day: 111


Watered 6.4 runoff 6.6. Watered with distilled water

2 years ago

Day: 105


Defoliated and watered 6.3ph and runoff of 6.6. Most of the leaves looked healthy and we’re praying up to the light

2 years ago


Caliban Looking great!

Day: 103

Last night watered T 6.5ph. Runoff at 1. Added 1tbs of 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 (total of 2) 3 tbs of worm castings and topped up with soil.

2 years ago

Day: 99


Bud let’s forming. Still seeing signs of what looks like potassium deficiency. Added 3tbs worm castings. Watered at 6.6 runoff 6.7

2 years ago

Day: 94

Watered at 6.5ph and runoff was 7

2 years ago

Day: 88


Trimmed Aaron and Jade. Jade yielded 15g Aaron came in at 24g. Flipped Luke to 12/12 deficiency starting to clear up

2 years ago

Day: 84


Watered yesterday at 6.4, runoff was 6.5 colour coming back to the leaves looking healthier again

2 years ago

Day: 77

I’ve realized now it’s been about 45 days since my last feeding. Fed 1/2tbs GG All purpose and 1/2tbs GG Bloom and 3tbs work castings. Watered at 6.53pH. RH about 45% looking to get a humidifier.

2 years ago

Day: 75


Chopped Jade and Aaron. Watered Luke at 6.5 ph with liquid seaweed (1Tbsp per gallon) and runoff was 6.84 looks like nitrogen deficiency.

2 years ago

Day: 70

Watered Luke with 2tbsp/3 gallon liquid seaweed to water at 6.4ph, runoff at 6.9

2 years ago

Day: 69

Added 2tbsp to 1 gal and watered left plant (Luke). All plants watered with 6.5pH. Looks like it may be a nitrogen deficiency/lockout. Will flush on next watering. RH at 45% to prioritize flowering plants which may be causing deficiency. I will likely chop next week, trichomes looking mostly cloudy with a few amber

2 years ago

Day: 64

Looks like Luke has a cal mag deficiency. I added Gaia green 444 and worm castings recently so there should not be any deficiency. Watered at 6.5 ph and runoff was 7. Flushed with water 0h’d down to 6.0, runoff was 6.3. Hopefully ph adjustment will fix issue

2 years ago


Caliban You can get quick results with some Epsom salt dissolved and sprayed foliar if needed.


tae_94 You ever get that fixed?


ash6793 I think I was having issues with either the hard water or adjusting ther pH while using organic nutrients that may have killed the microbes. On the largest plant I recently started to use RO water and not adjusting the pH and other than yellowing at some of the new growth the plant is doing well with no burning

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Day: 57

Lookin frosty! Added 1Tbsp of AP and BLOOM. 3Tbsp worm castings and 1/2 cup of re used soil. On the 4th plant and watered at 6.7pH with similar runoff. Did some defoliation and supercropping of tallest stems.

2 years ago

Day: 53

Getting big on the left, fade is looking good

2 years ago

Day: 53

Starting to get some amber, may chop next week

2 years ago


mnyone81 On the buds or sugar leaves? She still looks like she needs some time from this shot


ash6793 I saw them on the buds, and I would typically give it more time still but the third plant is starting to takeover the tent . So I’m planning on using the other two to make some tincture and keep the third for the flower

Day: 48

Looking good. Rh adjusted down to 50, +/- 3. Luke (non flowering) is 12” tall. Watered at 6.7pH and runoff was 6.3 for all plants

2 years ago

Day: 42


Watered yesterday at 6.65, runoff at 6.3. Buds fattening up. Still no change in Luke

2 years ago

Day: 37


Watered at 6.7pH. Runoff was 6.00pH and plants looking good, flowering plants praying. Top dressed with 1Tbsp 284 Bloom and 3Tbsp worm castings each. Light defoliation of larger fan leaves on bottom and blocking bud sites

2 years ago

Day: 33

Lookin’ good!

2 years ago

Day: 31

Watered to runoff at 6.7pH, Runoff = about 6.0pH on all three. Named plants. Jade in back, Aaron front right, Luke front left. Luke nitrogen deficiency seems cleared up, still no flowers

2 years ago

Day: 30

Flowering plants moved to 18” from light

2 years ago

Day: 27

Still no water since last watering update. Will give a light watering in AM. All plants had adjustment to leaf tucking, all looking good. Rear plant still no training, just tucked some fan leaves

2 years ago

Day: 25

Front left might have nitrogen deficiency, will check runoff ph on next watering

2 years ago

Day: 23

Watered un-pH’d water (7.5) until light runoff (6.5) photo to follow in AM

2 years ago

Day: 19

Started LST with two front plants. For humidity control, kitchen towel is damp and exhaust fan set to maintain 62-67%RH

2 years ago

Day: 16

Watered at 6.5pH. Water runoff = 5.5pH

2 years ago

Day: 13


Watered yesterday at 6.4ph until a little runoff. Leaves were looking a pale green but have started getting better since adjusting pH.

2 years ago

Day: 0

Planted in 1.5 gal pots. Reused Gia soil. Amended with 5tbsp Gaia all purpose, 4tbsp Gaia Bloom and 9tbsp worm castings in about 4.5 gal of medium

2 years ago