

Spring 2023

First Grow.


Day 54 (Week 8)


13 updates

42 photos

Day: 54

She’s so pretty. 🥰

a year ago

Day: 39

Damn she’s stretching. Feel like I’m moving light higher a couple times a day. Might run out of room in the tent.

a year ago

Day: 32

Gave her a first dose of nutrients today.

a year ago

Day: 27


Tucking down leaves every day. Looking beautiful.

a year ago

Day: 22


Damn she makes me smile, sexy b!tch. 😊Continuing with LST.

a year ago

Day: 17


Looking beautiful. 🥰 she’s growing like a weed. 🤣 Mild sweet effervescence is starting to fill the air. Started some LST.

a year ago

Day: 12

Pretty baby. 🥰

a year ago

LeChron James

LeChron James A suggestion…water where you want the roots to grow to until roots have filled the pot. Obviously give a little water to the center of the pot, but most of it should go just outside the circumference of the root zone. This will encourage the roots to branch out more to find what they need

IWetMyPlants It is on the outside. Nothing directly in the middle.

LeChron James

LeChron James Ok. Usually roots extend about as far as the leaves. Maybe the picture is misleading but the soil looks wet directly under the leaves

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Day: 6

Had a bit of a growth spurt on the lower leaves over night.

a year ago


organic_grower What kind of soil are you using? It may be a little strong for a seedling.

IWetMyPlants It a 50/50 mix FFOF/FFHF

Day: 4

Grow baby grow.

a year ago

Day: 3

Sprouting a first set of leaves. The yellow spot is leftover membrane from its helmet.

a year ago

Day: 2

Looks to be growing strong. Light misting hoping to aid in helmet shed.

a year ago

Day: 1

Helmet head.

a year ago

Day: 1

Humidity dome

a year ago