
Tangerine dream

Winter 2018-2019

Found a seed decided to grow it.I've grown a couple times out doors

Tangerine dream (sativa)

Day 120 (Week 18)

64 updates

100 photos

Day: 120

Over this app

6 years ago


Johnibudz Followed

Day: 113


Week two of flower coming to an end and is starting to stack up very nicely

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz Always wanted to try this strain. Looks great buddy 👌

Noshogro Thanks 🙏

Vegeto That’s wonderful ! She will be fuuuull of buds !

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Day: 110


Trimmed and Opened her up a bit. She seemed to love it

6 years ago

Day: 108


Going into week 2 of flower Been kind of neglecting this one a little haha She needs a trim the lower leaves are barely getting any light I'm also gonna rase her up so she's not so far from the light

6 years ago

Vegeto Yeeees ! Can’t wait to see big buds on your tangerine !

Day: 101

Switch to a 12/12 finally Day 2 of flower

6 years ago

Day: 99

Had to give one of the 4 tall stems the chop sadly. Was looking weak and flimsy. wasn't sure why it was like that the other 3 seem to be very healthy and happy

6 years ago

Noshogro Side note im Never going to train like this again it was for fun.

genghis_quan Do you prefer to grow like the Lemon Og? Or are you gonna do a more traditional grow next

Noshogro Most likely gonna go with the way I did the lemon og. But I do plan on growing autos soon so i will be growing standard

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Day: 92

She seems to be taking the training very well. Also looking a bit healthier after a flush to fix PH levels with some nutrient but as well

6 years ago

Day: 90


6 years ago

Zergas Wow! You are indeed committed to it. Impressive weave.

genghis_quan Beautiful work

CF998 Wow. I’d just make a living basket out of it. Nice pot.

Day: 88


Transplanted into a 8 gallon honor grow bag flushed early in the morning before transplant

6 years ago

Day: 85

Really showing today gonna give her a good flush Tuesday and transplant into the new 8 gallon

6 years ago

Vegeto She’s sweet I love it

Noshogro Thank you

Day: 84

Stopped feeding her about a 2 weeks ago . was getting more and more signs of Nutrients burn and Found out to late into it that fox farms runs hot. Will still use it till the end of this grow but will ease up on it. Live and learn 🤷🏻‍♂️Just plain water for now. Still trucking though

6 years ago

Day: 79


Needs a small trim again. Been thinking about transplanting her roots are just now starting to show fro the bottom of the pot. I might go with another 8gal. I also got a decent photo of the sex (two white hairs)

6 years ago

Day: 77

Flipping in April

6 years ago

Zergas 5 stars. What nutes and soil and light?

Noshogro Soil: ocean forest by fox farms Nutrients: Fox farms trio grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom Lights: 1 "600" watt led but only pulls 107watts from the wall and 1 "1200"watt led but only pulls 210watts from the wall so a total of 317watts

Day: 75

Still on a 18/6 and finally showing signs of being a female. I tried to take pictures of the white hairs but the quality is crap. I'll keep trying and hopefully I can get a nice one

6 years ago

Day: 74

Gave it a trim the other day

6 years ago

Day: 69


6 years ago

Day: 68

Fresh looking after haircut

6 years ago

Day: 66

Needs a hair cut here soon

6 years ago

BigPimpin88 Great training man. Looks like a pro did it. Interested to see the final product. Lee the updates coming.

Zerocool Symmetry is amazing. Impressive!

Day: 63

Itching to flip this one 😫

6 years ago

Zergas I’m itching for u! Lol looking 5 stars.

Day: 58

Itching to flip haha

6 years ago

Day: 57


Praising the sun Another small trim. Making sure these leaves are getting all the light they can

6 years ago

Glenn Are you planning on training out all those branches also? Or are you just going to jump to flower?

Noshogro I have some of the smaller ones training but not sure if I'm gonna train them all but yes if I don't decide to just train them then I'll jump to flower

Glenn Right on. You’ve put in a ton of attention to the training. Will be cool to watch it all explode into tops.

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Day: 56

Light feeding today and a small trim

6 years ago

Day: 55

Not trimming it much now just gonna Let it grow and once the lemon on haze gets where I want it then I'll flip to 12/12 or I spent the extra cash for a new tent and light for a flower room. I mean eventually that's what will be done but not sure if I can afford it just yet haha

6 years ago

Zergas What a beautiful manifold. Keep up the great training :)

Noshogro Thank you 🙏

Day: 52

Still on 18/6 topped at all 4 ends now and a small trim here and there

6 years ago

Day: 50

Topped the bottom branches and trimmed some excess fan leaves

6 years ago

Day: 49

Almost 50 days old. Not sure when I'm gonna flip to 12/12 yet. I'm kinda wanting to get one more light and one more tent for a flower tent and just have this one stay veg since my second plant is obviously to young for the 12/12... we will see

6 years ago

Noshogro I also topped the lower branches

Day: 48

Just another day

6 years ago

CannaUser Wow, that’s looking great.

Noshogro Thank you

Day: 47

Gonna top again soon

6 years ago


Johnibudz Do you trim off the fan leafs?


Johnibudz Won’t that hurt the plant?

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Day: 46

Transplanted and tied back down

6 years ago

Day: 45

Before ✂️ ✂️✂️ after

6 years ago

Noshogro Looking at these photos just made me realize i need to make new restraints... kinda being lazy about it. maybe tomorrow

Day: 44

Had to adjust again. Keeps spitting out nodes

6 years ago

YooKarl I cant wait to see the nugs on this baby ... And i added more photos to that post

Day: 43

Sex: male or female

6 years ago

Noshogro I'm thinking male but these are very tiny. I can't see them unless I'm right up on the plant and they look round


Electrcx Keep watching and be positive bro. Those pistils will open and sprout hairs out. Sexing from seed can take a few weeks into flower before the show 100% Don’t be discouraged just yet. 👊🏼🍻😎

Noshogro Thanks my man 🙏

Day: 43

Trimmed today

6 years ago

Noshogro I'm starting to think that this is a male it's starting to sex still small so I could be wrong about it but the preflowers are looking a little round to me


Johnibudz Take a close up of the nodes so we can see

Day: 42

Got new fabric pots coming in soon.

6 years ago

Day: 41

Readjusted again

6 years ago

Day: 40

Just a little off the top. Cut some more of the older bigger fan leaves off. 4 to be exact. This was to expose some of the newer growth to more light.

6 years ago

Day: 39

I adjusted some of the restraints and raise the light about two inches

6 years ago


Johnibudz Looking awesome! What you feeding that thing

Noshogro Fox farms big bloom, grow big, and Tiger bloom


Johnibudz Ahh nice, im getting some of that stuff in a month or so

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Day: 38


Still strong

6 years ago

Day: 37

So I leave my tent open just a little because it does get rather warm in there around 81.8 and with me leaving it open on the side reduced the heat to 73-75 but one of my cats decided to have themselves a little snack haha some of the bigger fan leave were eating or just nibbled on so I cut them off (I was planning to anyways) but whom ever it was did nibble some of the leave I needed to still grow. I don't think it will do anything though so I'm not completely worried

6 years ago

Noshogro Frankenstein still living up to its name

Day: 36

Tucked some of the bottom fan leaves under the twine to keep the stems twisted. So that all new grow will be getting light.

6 years ago

Day: 35

light feeding

6 years ago

Stixxy If you don’t mind me asking what does that do? I’m new to growing

Noshogro What does what do?


Johnibudz Looking awesome man

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Day: 34

Staying strong

6 years ago

Day: 33

i have to say the stems are strong as hell. New growth is coming in just nice 👍🏻 It's starting to show some signs of sex but it's to small to really determine

6 years ago

Day: 32

Before & after. Also turned on these color lights to see if I notice anything different

6 years ago

Day: 31

Month old now and just training hard.

6 years ago

Day: 30

Training going well

6 years ago

Buttercupbud Just so you know, I’m keeping up with your grow so keep posting

Noshogro Thanks my man

Day: 29

Cut some of the older fan leaves off and started training the two new top stems to lay a little flatter

6 years ago

Day: 28

I just realize last night that I'm behind a day it's not going to be day 27 today it's day 28 almost a month old now and moving right along

6 years ago

Day: 26

The bottom ones (new growth) will begin training when I wake up in the morning. They are starting to shoot pass the top ones. Also I didn't mention yet but I did purchase a tent a few days ago and a new 600w LED with a cob today.

6 years ago

Noshogro Strapped down

Adesa Why'd you strap them down?


Johnibudz He’s training the plant to grow like a bush instead of a Christmas’s tree

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Day: 25

Topped it about 5 days ago now I'm thinking about leaving the bottom new growth and try and train those along side the top two to see if I can get 4 colas. I know that this isn't how it's typically done but I don't care this is just a growing hobby of mine

6 years ago


Johnibudz Looks like the plants taking the high stress very well

Noshogro Thanks man, I think so too. Just took some time to recover front the shock but looks like things are catching up now.

Day: 20

Topped it today

6 years ago


Johnibudz Why did you top it?

Noshogro So it will how two colas instead of one

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Day: 19

First feed was today. didn't want to over do it. So it was light.

6 years ago

Noshogro I used just 1 Tablespoon of grow big and big bloom

CannaUser So would this be tipping at the third node without waiting for the 4th or 5th to begin? A noob soon to top so curious. Thanks

CannaUser Did you also cut off the lowest nodes? First real leaves?

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Day: 18

18/6 light cycle with a 100w led grow light.

6 years ago

Noshogro Tomorrow will be the first day I feed it


Johnibudz What will you be feeding it?

Adesa What brand of grow light are you using and what light will you be using to flower?

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Day: 16

New growth looking great in my eyes. Let's hope it stays like that.

6 years ago

Day: 15

Had some issues with it around day 10 and 11 not sure what happen but it left it looking like Frankenstein. All new growth is coming in very nice I think

6 years ago


Johnibudz I have one that just started getting some yellow on the tips on the leafs also..not sure why that is, I backed my fan off a little , gonna see if that helps

Day: 9


Small growth

6 years ago

Day: 8

Last night my heater turned off by accident and brought my temperature down to 61° f hopefully it didn't stress it to much

6 years ago

Day: 7

Don't mind the water drops. haha you can now start to see the second pair of true leaves are peaking out. I don't have a proper grow tent yet but any suggestions on how to bring up the humidity and stable Is currently at 40% RH and fluctuates between 37% and 52%. Should I just buy a humidifier?

6 years ago

Day: 6

Still can't figure out why the cotyledon are pointing up to the light. still on a 18/6 light cycle I raised the light a little. We'll see if that helps a little

6 years ago

Day: 5

18/6 light cycle

6 years ago

Day: 4


6 years ago

Day: 3

True leafs

6 years ago

Day: 2

Looking healthy so far

6 years ago

Day: 1


6 years ago