

Mephisto’s Wedding

Winter 2023/2024

Spider Farmer 4x2 tent, Spider Farmer SF2000 light, fabric pots, Sohum living soil with Fox Farms Happy Frog in the center.

Mephisto’s Wedding Auto

Day 82 (Week 12)


12 updates

31 photos

Day: 82

Chop day!

5 months ago

Day: 69


Original due date was 2/12 but I have a feeling we’re going longer than that 🤷🏻‍♂️

6 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 They are beautiful just have patience you will get there 💯🔥🔥🔥


YZ250f12154 I’m just anxious! Second grow ever and first tent grow so I need to build up some patience 😂

Day: 58


Can’t wait to see how frosty this gets over the next few weeks 👍🏻👍🏻

6 months ago

Day: 54


Still looking good 👍🏻👍🏻 Dropped some water today, stared for a minute, then closed it up 😎

6 months ago

Day: 47


A little defoliation, adjusting some stakes, and a fresh drink 🍹

7 months ago

Day: 41

Just a couple update photos. Hopefully we’re about halfway home 🤷🏻‍♂️

7 months ago

Day: 35

Time to bend her over and start some LST!

7 months ago

Day: 26


Looking good finishing up week 4. Might have a slight deficiency somewhere - top leaves have some yellow around the edges. A little canoeing on some lower leaves.

7 months ago

Day: 19

Mephisto’s Wedding looking great so far.

7 months ago

Day: 12

Heading into veg! Just dropped some 💦 💦

8 months ago

Day: 4


8 months ago

Day: 1

First sprout.

8 months ago