
Shiskaberry part 2

Winter 2021

Started in paper towel and transparent into RR. Flowering time 8-10 weeks Breeder: Barney’s farm Day 44/ switch to flower


Day 117 (Week 17)

114 updates

417 photos

Day: 117

Day 6 of drying. Lowered the temperature a bit and stems are bendy.

3 years ago


Greenstalk Thanks for sharing! I’m still waiting for my first harvest. Looks like the autos are the way to go(for the inpatient) 😀

cranky_vet Lol, I know the waiting game sucks. The worst is waiting a month for it to cure properly.

Day: 117

And total weight is 5.4 oz!!!!! She did great!!!! Gonna try and see how she tastes.

3 years ago

Day: 116

Day 5 of drying. A few stems have some flexibility to it. Only days left until cure time!

3 years ago

Day: 115

Day 4 of drying. Buds are drying out and the stems are still bendy. Humidity went down to 22%, added some wet rags and see if that goes up a bit.

3 years ago

Day: 114

Day 3 of drying. Got the humidity up to 70% but I’m sure it’ll go back down to 30%. Getting pretty dry for the most part

3 years ago

cranky_vet Yeah, I can’t wait. She smells so delicious

Day: 113

Day 2: Dried pretty quickly. Branches are flimsy. Temp 68.9 degrees and 30% humidity. Gonna try to get that humidity up.

3 years ago

Day: 112


Day 1 of drying. Still moist and fluffy. Smells good.

3 years ago

cranky_vet Thanks brother!

Day: 111

After 48 hours of darkness, time to chop and hang 😁

3 years ago


bigbuds1986 Nice grow

cranky_vet Thanks!!! I appreciate it!

Day: 109

Flushing her for 48 hour of darkness!

3 years ago


Hammerhead420 Beautiful 🤩

cranky_vet Thank you! I can’t wait until she’s finished


mystrain420 I’m so glad to see her in natural light. She looks amazing, I see your skills growing 👍🏾

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Day: 108

Last day of light until the big flush and 48 hour of darkness. Almost done ✅ So stoked!!! 😁

3 years ago

Day: 107


I’m gonna wait another few days before I flush. Just need more amber pistols on the top buds.

3 years ago

Day: 106


Ehhhh, gonna wait another day to see if she get her leaves more discolored.

3 years ago

Day: 105


Gonna wait a few more days before the big flush. I’m waiting for more amber trichomes to pop out.

3 years ago

Day: 104

Just being patient. I think I might flush her tomorrow. Hopefully a lot more leaves turn color by night time.

3 years ago

Day: 103

Trichomes are nice and cloudy with some amber. Her buds fattened up overnight. Starting to use up the rest of the nutes before I flush her. Hopefully another day 😀

3 years ago

cranky_vet I can’t wait.... her smell is to die for.


johnnyg Looking frosty

Day: 102

Keep on cooking lady. Nice cloudy trichomes, need more amber ones. Lovely shade of purple is showing up on the buds.

3 years ago


Greenstalk It’s gorgeous! Are you into autos or no??

cranky_vet I’m gonna plant some autos outside for the summer. I haven’t had much luck so far.

Day: 101

Changing colors!!!! Trichomes are nice and cloudy. More amber trichomes too.

3 years ago

Day: 100

Starting to get some discoloration on the bottom leaves.... hopefully means she’ll be done cooking too. 8 weeks in

3 years ago

Day: 99


No change

3 years ago

Day: 98


No change

3 years ago

Day: 97

I’m guessing 1 more week left 🤞trichomes and pistols are starting to turn amber. Getting hints of purple in the buds too.

3 years ago

GreenBoy From Alabama

GreenBoy From Alabama 👀👀😍😍I bet smell so good in there... looks real

cranky_vet She smells fabulous!

Day: 96


No change today.

3 years ago

cranky_vet Thank you! I can’t wait for her to be done cooking!

Day: 95


Looking good 😌

3 years ago

Day: 94


No change today. 7 weeks

3 years ago

Day: 93


Lots of cloudy trichomes. Very sticky and the smell 👃 is to die for. sooo much of a blueberry smell.

3 years ago

Day: 92

Yum. More cloudy trichomes and some shade of purple. Cant wait for her to be done.

3 years ago

Day: 91


Omg she smells so good! A few buds are starting to get some purple to them. 😍🥰

3 years ago


ojaiamor 🔥🔥

cranky_vet Thank ya, appreciate it! Cant wait til she’s done cooking.

GreenBoy From Alabama

GreenBoy From Alabama Aww man... open your tent one more time so I can get a smell.. lol.. they look majestic..

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Day: 90

Trichomes on the top bud has a hint of amber. 🥰

3 years ago

Day: 89

No change

3 years ago

Day: 88


Bottom buds starting to get a hint of amber to it. Getting frosty!

3 years ago

Day: 87


Trichomes are cloudy but haven’t turned amber yet. She’s gonna be fire 🔥

3 years ago


adamsgrow She’s looking gorgeous, almost time to chop her down of the trichomes are cloudy

cranky_vet Thank you! I’m thinking in a few or so. Her smell is to die for.

Day: 86


She’s just smelling amazingly. 6 weeks into flower.

3 years ago

cranky_vet Lol so do I!!! Man, you should smell her.

Day: 85


Wow. Trichomes are cloudy and starting to fatten up... smells amazing. Hopefully she has about 2 weeks left. 😀

3 years ago


ItsKillaKeyz Is this a auto ?

cranky_vet Nope, just feminized

Little Nicky

Little Nicky Looks great 😎🤙

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Day: 84


Trichomes are starting to get cloudy and frosty. Uhhh she’s gonna be 🔥

3 years ago

Day: 83

Still going strong

3 years ago

Day: 82


Gave her a hair trim and she’s super sticky. Gotta wear gloves next time.

3 years ago

cranky_vet Thanks brother, appreciate it.

Day: 81


No change

3 years ago


Greenstalk Shiska yeah!! 😆

cranky_vet She’s smelling sooooo good too!

Day: 80


Trichomes starting to fill out a bit and slight cloudiness.

3 years ago


SHG 🔥🙌

Day: 79


Removed LST and watered

3 years ago


SHG 👊🔥🙌

Day: 78


Adjusted LST and trichomes are starting to get frosty. Most of buds have turned amber. 😀

3 years ago


SHG 🔥🙌

Day: 77


LST and she’s smelling so good.

3 years ago


SHG 🔥🙌

Day: 76

No change

3 years ago

Day: 75


Watered and trichomes are starting to get cloudy.

3 years ago

Day: 74

No change. Exactly at 4 weeks in flower.

3 years ago

Day: 73

Getting smellier and frostier each day.

3 years ago

Day: 72

Her scent is getting stronger... uuuhhhh. 😍

3 years ago


Caliban Nice. I can almost imagine it

Day: 71

Some LST. Trichomes pretty clear. Berry scent to her.

3 years ago


Caliban Looking good! Is this a Sativa? She looks that way with the leaves. I don’t know the Berry strain at all?

cranky_vet Shiskaberry is a indica dominant. It’s a mix of Afghani and blueberry. Good strain!

Day: 70

No change

3 years ago

Day: 69

Removed fan leaves and watered. Smell is strong, berry flavor.

3 years ago

Day: 68

Removed some fan leaves and watered

3 years ago

Day: 67

Doing good

3 years ago

Day: 66

She’s smelling good.... also gave nutes

3 years ago


Caliban Looking good! Where did you serve? I was Army.

cranky_vet Thank you. I was army too. Got out in 2012, deployed to Iraq 09-10. How about yourself?


Caliban I was Germany. 87-90. 3ID. A tanker.

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Day: 65

Trimmed some fan leaves and LST a few branches.

3 years ago

Day: 64

Just watered.

3 years ago

Day: 63

She’s got a fruity smell. Glad she’s getting her scent on! Lol

3 years ago

Day: 62

Her buds are getting bigger. Just water today

3 years ago

Day: 61

No change

3 years ago

Day: 60

No change

3 years ago

Day: 59

LST and light nutes

3 years ago

Day: 58

No change today

3 years ago

Day: 57

Removed some big fan leaves

3 years ago

ogbb Looks nice

Day: 56

She’s doing good

3 years ago

Day: 55

Removed her ties from LST.

3 years ago

Day: 54

Doing some LST

3 years ago

Day: 54

No change

3 years ago

Day: 53

She’s looking good so far

3 years ago


Greenstalk Very sexy plant! Lol

cranky_vet Thank you!!!

Day: 52

Seeing some white pistols

3 years ago

Day: 51

Moving right along

3 years ago

Day: 50

LST for her

3 years ago

Day: 48

Trimmed her

3 years ago

Day: 47

Grew a bit

3 years ago

Day: 46

Gave her some calmag

3 years ago

Day: 44

Removed some fan leaves and 12/12

3 years ago

Day: 43

No change

3 years ago

Day: 42

Filling in nicely

3 years ago

Day: 41

Got a haircut and LST

3 years ago

Day: 40

No change

3 years ago

Day: 39

Just water for today

3 years ago

Day: 38

Added calmag to her water

3 years ago

Day: 37


3 years ago

Day: 36

Getting rid of the bigger fan leaves.

3 years ago

Day: 35


3 years ago

Day: 34

No change

3 years ago

Day: 33

Filling out from her hair cut

3 years ago

Day: 32

Going to trim the big fan leaves.

3 years ago

Day: 31

Looking good

3 years ago

Day: 30

She’s filled out a little bit. Gonna do some LST

3 years ago

Day: 29

Grew some more fan leaves.

3 years ago

Day: 28

Got some big fan leaves

3 years ago

Day: 27

No change

3 years ago

Day: 26

A couple leaves branched out.

3 years ago

Day: 25

Looking good so far

4 years ago

Day: 24

Not much of a change today.

4 years ago

Day: 23

Growing right along.

4 years ago

Day: 22

Filled out a bit. Gave her calmag and ph is at 6.

4 years ago

Day: 21

Filling out some more.

4 years ago

Day: 20

No change

4 years ago

Day: 19

Leaves are coming in nice. Also fed her calmag

4 years ago

Day: 18

Starting to fill out some

4 years ago

grilledtrout Love this strain. Barney’s?

cranky_vet Absolutely!

Day: 17

No change

4 years ago

Day: 16

Handled the transplant well.

4 years ago

Day: 15

Transplanted to 5 gal pot with FF coco noir.

4 years ago

Day: 14

Doing pretty good so far

4 years ago

Day: 13

She grew some. Finally got the ph right. Which I started at 6

4 years ago

Day: 12

Doing pretty good so far.

4 years ago

Day: 11

Grew a bit.

4 years ago

Day: 10

No change

4 years ago

Day: 9

No change

4 years ago


ogeast Check your PH. And I would add some extra soil/coco around that coco pellet. It seems too high up. 🤷‍♂️

cranky13 Yeah I screwed it up. I was just waiting to transplant her into a bigger pot.

Day: 8

She’ll be transplanted in a few days.

4 years ago

Day: 7

No change

4 years ago


mystrain420 Looks dry

cranky13 I’ve been watering her like crazy. Not a fan of the rapid rooter so far.


mystrain420 Why is the rapid rooters out of the soil? Do you keep the bag sealed so they hold the moisture and nutes? Are these official rapid rooters or a similar brand? I asked because rapid rooters are designed to hold the correct moisture/air for seed germ and they have the correct amount of nutes in them to carry the seedlings a bit. U might consider starting them in the plugs in a humidity dome so u can see roots out the bottom before planting and the plug should never be out the soil, I usually level the top of the plug with the soil and as she grows cover completely because roots grow throughout the whole plug.

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Day: 5

Another one that has an issue with her helmet getting stuck on.

4 years ago


mystrain420 If that’s happening often then u need to have higher rh or just mist with water. I noticed this happened to me a lot when I don’t plant the seed deep enough or if I don’t germinate before plant 1/2”

cranky13 Ok. Thanks. I finally got my Ph pen. Still waiting for ph up and down to come in the mail.


mystrain420 No problem, hope she grows well 👍🏾

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Day: 4

She’s looking good. I added water to her after this photo.

4 years ago

Day: 4

Her helmet is almost off.

4 years ago

Day: 3

She’s growing up

4 years ago


ogeast Indeed it is.. 👍 For me, even after years of growing, I still get antsy about whether it’ll germinate or not. Especially if it’s a strain I’m dieing to try.

cranky13 I hope she grows well. I’m still super new at this and trying to figure out the science behind it.

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