
Purple Kush

End of Summer 2020

Planted in soil 9/13/20 Heating pad cycle:24hr a day Sprouted: 9/17/20


Day 18 (Week 3)

7 updates

7 photos

Day: 18

9/28/20. Unfortunately, this little baby was overwatered & is having some issues going on, I’m currently letting the soil just dry out so that I can get this little baby back happy, healthy & on track. This baby is 15 days old. 18hrs of 💡 6hrs Heating pad to eliminate some of that moisture faster.

4 years ago

Day: 16

9/26/20. This baby is 13 days old & has started growing it’s new set of true leaves, it’s growing good but leg is skinny & having a little trouble staying up on it’s own. Watered today with some plant food nuts & cal mag🌱

4 years ago

Day: 11

9/21/20. So within a few days this baby decided to start showing out, look, I know y’all see them new true leaves coming in🌱🥳 8 days old 🌱

4 years ago

Day: 9

9/19/20. Second pair of Serrated leaves coming in🌱 18/6💡

4 years ago

Day: 8

9/18/20. 18/6💡

4 years ago

Day: 4

9/14/20. Starting to separate from it’s cotyledon leaves. 18/6💡

4 years ago

Day: 3

9/13/20. I don’t have the first two pictures. 18/6💡

4 years ago