
Aurora Indica


4 Female Aurora Indica Plants My Friend Gave Too me!

Aurora Indica

Day 25 (Week 4)

5 updates

17 photos

Day: 25


Trimmed and Topped all of the plants!

6 years ago

Day: 21


Plants are starting to get bushy again and recovering from the FIMS a little over a week ago! Gave it Kelp and Molasses today! will Top the plant Next week!

6 years ago

Day: 12


Took some Fan Leaves Off and FIMMED all the Plants! Also training 3 of them!!!

6 years ago

Day: 9

Plants are looking A Little stressed out from the Transfer! Going to give it a good 300 ppm Cal-mag water Today!

6 years ago

Day: 1

Plant got a nice Watering and Put under my 400W T5

6 years ago