
Pink Pablo

Aquired sad plant

Got this from someone, it was looking sad and kinda dying. Wasn’t getting enough light. If anyone knows how to help me help her, that would be great!

Pink Pablo

Day 150 (Week 22)

9 updates

17 photos

Day: 150

A sad update. She started smelling funky and acting funky towards end of flower. Had barely any trichomes or crystals developing at all, I just haven’t cut her down yet but she won’t do well in the below freezing temps. :(

5 years ago

Bird I’m sorry my man.... you did the best you good with what you had!

Day: 113


I’ve been dealing with powdery mildew on the leaves for quite sometime, I trimmed off a bunch of the big fan leaves yesterday so they could breathe a bit better, as well as got a hydrogen peroxide and enzyme combo I sprayed focusing on the leaves, hoping for the best. It helped maybe a little bit but not what I expected, I don’t know if maybe my measurements for dilution were wrong. If it keeps reappearing on the leaves but the stems look generally unaffected, can I be hopeful that my buds will still come out okay? I’m so worried as I’m in the final stretch now.

5 years ago

Day: 92

Doing well got lots of flowering starting to happen

5 years ago

Day: 89


Big time growth’!! She’s beautiful, and budding :) I know it could be a lot more but she was very sick so I’m glad she’s come this far. Still feeding bud blooming stuff every so often.

5 years ago

Destinymxo The stem used the be dark purple from top to bottom, look at it now.

Day: 76

Fed 2ml big bud type product for flowering. Maybe too early, maybe not. Maybe this one will flower nicely, maybe not. Haha we’ll see. Stem used to be purple, at least that stress seems to be clearing up.

5 years ago

Bird Good work!

Day: 74


Getting bigger and bushier! It’s getting coooooler in Toronto so I’m not sure how much longer they can stay out... almost reaching down to 15 overnight. I’ll give it a bit longer but she’s doing a lot better than before so I’m Glad.

5 years ago

Day: 64

Getting bushier and a lot less mildewy. I sprayed them with milk and water mixture, this one was the worst before that so I guess it helped. Any suggestions on how to make her even bushier and better?

5 years ago

Bird I’m not completely sure how well veg. Growth with bee after all the tram-a the plant went through when you acquired it. If I had to make a suggestion I would say just watch the leaves and be sure the plant had plenty of nutrients. Especially nitrogen because the plant uses a lot of nitrogen in veg. And that could help it get more bushy and have more bud sites in the end.

Day: 53

As per a comment about the stem, I built up the dirt around it a bit more and will top it up when get some more so I can properly bury that part of the stem and see what happens. It was green up until that little bend so it could be an issue. The leaves are definitely darker on top so I know the sun has been helping, will update once I bury it in more dirt.

5 years ago

Bird Looks much better with the steam under the soil. Just give the little guy some time and see how he does!

Day: 52

Don’t know exactly how old she is. Help me help her grow! I’ve already had her about two weeks and she hasn’t grown much but hasn’t died either. Just consistent.

5 years ago

Bird I believe if the plant was indoors and then put outside is why the leaves look burned(sun burn). Also I believe the plant is struggling because of the weird turn in the bottom part of the stem. Just my thoughts though