

LA Pop Rocks

Quick 2021 grow

2 clones I got from my buddy. They’re 5 in. In small inoculated soil cups. Once rooted I will transfer.

Indica hybrid

Day 122 (Week 18)

26 updates

159 photos

Day: 122


Harvest day!

2 years ago

Day: 115


Harvested #2 cause she had some botrytis going on. #1 looks ok and I’m gonna let her go another week.

2 years ago

Day: 108

Fed them bloom and cha Ching today. Probly two weeks from harvest we will see. They are about to bulk up. Frost is AMAZING on these girls.

3 years ago

Day: 95


Got the PH issues fixed and gonna em get some potassium for the last few weeks.

3 years ago

sayer1983 That looks 🔥

Day: 89


Week 7 of flower. Definitely the frostiest one the tent.

3 years ago

emd555 ☃️

Day: 82

Got some PH problems identified so trying to fix those problems. So far though they seem to be pretty happy. Hitting the get chunky stage.

3 years ago

Day: 74

These girls have hella stacked buds. Trichomes Coming in nicely

3 years ago

Day: 70


Trichomes are coming in!!

3 years ago

Day: 66


Can’t tell if I have nutrient burn or not. I’m running three strains and all three have something different going on. I reduced my lights to 55% so the problem isn’t accelerated. Buds seem to be coming in, more leaves are coming in. #2 in the back is getting purple on the leaves and I don’t think it’s a good purple. #1 is nice and happy. I also noticed #2 wasn’t taking in water as fast as she was. Feeding bloom feed. Watered with 6.0 PH water.

3 years ago

alawishes86 Purple on stem exposed to the light is ok. Purple on leaves is sign of Potassium deficiency. Raise your PH up to 6.4-6.6 so all nutrients are accessible to the plant. At 6.0 your not allowing your plant to get the full uptake of nutrients because 6.0 stops some nutrients from performing.


smokingforthegram I actually normally do it at 6.3 but my run off was 6.7 so I was trying to bring it down

alawishes86 No measuring run off is not accurate at all so don’t judge your soil PH like that. Either invest in a soil PHPen ($120+) or do slurry tests. Me personally I’ll top dress with 2 cups of worm castings and don’t worry about soil Ph anymore as long as I’m within the correct PH range when watering. I assume your a new grower so I understand the caution, but trust me keep your feed ph to 6.3-6.7 you’ll be in the sweet spot!! Also idk what it is about worm castings but they really are the bees knees. Has everything ya plant could like and won’t burn your plants!

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Day: 61

Day 11 of flower. Buds are finally forming. Fed them the actual amount of bloom flower so they should be happy. My new giant dehu is kicking ass!

3 years ago

Kuramamama23 Dang the humidity must of been messing with it huh


smokingforthegram I live right on the water so the humidity is crazy.

Day: 59


Week1 of flower down. Girls are hungry so they will be fed as soon as they’re dry, probly tomorrow. Got this new beast of a dehu. I live on a cliff by the ocean so humidity is insane here.

3 years ago

Day: 53


Day 3 of flower. All the bud sites are opening up. Yesterday I fed them and turned the lights up to 55%.

3 years ago

Day: 51


Before and after pics of defol. Flipped yesterday. These girls are so bushy it’s overwhelming. Did my best on the defol. Going to get bloom feed tomorrow.

3 years ago

Day: 46


Well these girls are filling out the tent. Definitely gonna flip next week. I’ve never maxed my tent out before. Everyone got fed cal mag yesterday and a good defol this morning. I’m gonna need a bigger dehu for flower. Also raised the lights and have em at 50% now. You can see #1 has a made a full recovery and she’s nice and green now.

3 years ago

Day: 41


I went out of town for 5 days and came back to a bushy forest. Had to do another defol. I also raised the light and turned them up to 45% power. So far these 5% increases seem to do really well with minimum stress. I’m just watering them with cal mag every time I water and the PH is around 6.1 - 6.3. You can also see #1 is recovering really well

3 years ago

Day: 35


Gave the girls a little defol and reworked the LST. Super happy plants. Also got watered with 1/4 gal of cal mag each. LAP #1 is slowly getting better. You can see the darker green in her lower growth and it’s slowly working it’s way up the plant.

3 years ago


steezykayla Nice training 👍🏼. Interesting how its an indica hybrid but the leaves look more “sativa”. (Smart work btw using paper clips to hold onto fabric pot!)


smokingforthegram They look a little slimmer than they are cause they’re canoeing from heat stress, which is due to a nitrogen deficiency. And that’s from not being able to transfer at the same time as the rest. She ran out of food when everyone else got fresh soil. She’s on the mend though I can see the nitrogen working it’s way up the plant. And the clips are something I learned from mr. Canucks grow on YouTube. He’s awesome 😎

Day: 31

Soil came in. With good timing too, you can see she is hungry compared to her sister. The soil is 50/50 ocean forest and happy frog so she will be well fed for the next 4 weeks and her color should get darker. I’m also seeing cal mag deficiency signs so she was fed with cal mag 1/4 gal each. Ph 6.3. I will do her full LST after I see she’s happy in her new pot.

3 years ago

Day: 26


Started full LST on #2 today. Still waiting for soil to transplant #1.

3 years ago

Day: 25


Transferred the girls into 5 gal pots except for LAP #1 cause I ran out of soil. Raised up the lights and turned the power up to 40%. I’ll let them settle into their new pots and then we’re going to turn up the LST. Possibly scrog I haven’t decided yet.

3 years ago

Day: 21

Really bushing out. I’m gonna let them go another week then transplant to 5 gal pots and continue LST. I’m pondering Stimming other branches since some are looking like main stems. Watered 2c PH WATER 6.0-6.1. Raised my lights up 3 clicks since some plants were showing signs of heat stress. They grow probly an inch a day at this point.

3 years ago


steezykayla Do you flow thru water and check your runoff?


smokingforthegram Not yet but I will. Don’t wanna over water

Day: 20


Beautiful color so far. They are happy girls. Started watering with 2c. Lights at 35% and 24” away. Already seeing roots sticking out of the bottom so we’re gonna transfer to 5 gal pots here soon.

3 years ago


steezykayla Looking super healthy!! 🌱 💪🏻 💯

Day: 17


Watered with PH’d water 6.0-6.1. Noticed they looked a little PH shocked so I recalibrated my PH pen cause I think that may be the problem. I also stimmed each plant today to do some moderate LST and make the plant bush out more. Also raised the lights and turned the power up to 35%.

3 years ago

atehorizons Like your pictures

Day: 13

Watered with cal mag and started LST. Sf4000 at 30% 24” above lights. 2 gal pots.

3 years ago

Day: 9


Transplanted these girls and they’re super happy. Already grew another inch. Soil is a 50/50 mix of happy frog and ocean forest.

3 years ago

Day: 7

Watered today. They’ve grown about an inch. Short little things.

3 years ago

Day: 3

Short stubby little girls. Nice clean clones. Loving the sf4000

3 years ago

Kuramamama23 I was like dang theee days old lol until I seen clone lol


@eaegifts I fell in love with this strain..taste like the old cherry sour power candy I bought as a kid. Amazing strain growmie, happy growing 👍🏾