
White Widow first grow

4x2 tent with SF2000

Just set up brand new tent and breaking it in with some feminized white widow seeds from Ilgm.com

White Widow

Day 37 (Week 6)

13 updates

41 photos

Day: 37


Changed out both reservoirs and mixed nutes identical to the right bucket last week since that plant just took off and stayed level the entire week. 3.5 gal water at 210ppm 20ml micro and gro 10ml bloom 8ml rapid start 4ml flor plus 7ml hydroguard PPM at 1100 Gave half gal clean water PHd to 6.0 to my soil plant as a flush week. Growing slower, but still looking good. I am using pipe cleaners as LST tools to tie branches down and provide better light exposure to underneath growth. So far the plants are bushing out nicely, interested to see the stretch. Will decide to flip to 12/12 next week or not.

3 years ago

kaplanalec792 What soil an nutrients do u use

WoodchecK Roots Organics soil with General Hydroponics Flora Series

Day: 31


Total Day 31 (Veg Day 10) Ladies appear to be doing well; the first plant on the left, after the FIM, one of the main stems at the top broke off, so now it appears to be growing another top possibly? Hard for me to tell exactly what’s going on as a first time grower to be honest! I’ve removed a couple big fan leaves that were blocking the under growth, as well as used some 90 degree plant benders for some small LST. 5.8 PH 1250 PPM The right dwc plant is booming. Looking great after the FIM, although it looks as I got the same result as just topping. No complaints though, great undergrowth. I’ve removed a couple big fan leaves to help promote the undergrowth as well. 5.8 PH 1150 PPM. Both PPMs are staying steady, and no signs of nutrient burn/deficiency, so doing well I think. My soil plant is also doing well, growing slower than the dwc buckets obviously, but I may do some more training on the dwc buckets, and allow more veg time for the soil to catch up. Haven’t decided 100% yet. Have to mention, dealing with rolling blackouts the last 2 days; meaning the power has been going out for 30mins up to 4 hours at a time multiple times a day. Not good for DWC plants that need o2 in the water and not good for the light schedule... they aren’t handling it too hard it looks like though.

3 years ago

Day: 21

Veg day 1 Changed out nutrients completely. Filled both with 3.75 gal water with 15ml Micro 15ml Gro 8ml Bloom 8ml Rapid Start 4 ml Floracious Plus 7ml hydro guard PH at 5.8 PPM at 920/930 Fed soil plant about half gal of water with same nutrients ratio as listed above. I think the yellow spots on the one DWC are from spraying the plant with nutrient water. I’m using only PhD water now to spray, if any.

3 years ago


mystrain420 Your humidity is very high?

WoodchecK Keeping it at 60%


mystrain420 Ok I was just wondering because of how wide the leafs are growing on the dwc. I just finished a side by side of coco and dwc, looking nice. Good luck

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Day: 18

Lots of growth in the last couple of days. Roots finally touching the water in the DWC buckets. 5.8 PH on both. Left PPM is 450 Right is 430. Will change out reservoir Sunday and officially start veg cycle and nutes.

3 years ago

Day: 14


My two DWC plants are showing some signs of over watering and wilting just a little bit. I think it was a combination of the new humidifier and the reservoir levels being too high and soaking the rapid rooter. I changed out the reservoir, put 4 gal of fresh water, with 4 ml each of floraseries, rapid start, and hydroguard. PH is at 5.85 and PPM is at 420. Light is still about 26-30in away and at 60% intensity. My seedling in soil seems to be doing well after a rocky start. It is a lot greener in color than the DWC buckets, and pointing upwards (too much light?). I moved it a little more off to the right away from the light to see if that helps. Good news is, I have some roots starting to grow through the net pots in the buckets, so should see some good growth soon. Will have to keep an eye on the wilting and minor yellowing. Learning a lot this first grow!! And the babies are holding on! 🤞

3 years ago

Day: 12

Starting to see some growth now that they are settling into the DWC buckets. Water has been at 5.8 PH and 420PPM in between 70-73 degrees. Setting the humidifier to 60% for now. Planning on changing the nutes out in a day or two and adding in some rapid start.

3 years ago

Day: 9

Covered the rapid rooters with hydroton as previously suggested. PH is 5.8 at 400 PPM I got temps down to 70 with some ice cubes but I need a better solution, reservoir has been staying at 75. I covered the lid of the net pots with Mylar to help reflect the light/heat and I added 6ml hydroguard to each reservoir. Trying to get humidity up as was previously suggested as well. I have a humidifier on the way, but until then I used my dome to cover the buckets and this 3rd seedling I’m gifting soon. Thanks for all tips and keep them coming! Loving the process so far and trying to be as meticulous as possible.

3 years ago

kaspa757 I had temp issues and bought a water chiller from Walmart.com for bout $80 and resolved my temp problems


mystrain420 Open the vents at the bottom of the tent to let air in, if your not in flower mode the tent and vents can be open. I used frozen water bottles(ice cubes will change ppm when they melt). The hydroguard should make temps irrelevant, I use southern ag garden friendly fungicide instead of hydroguard personally. U can raise rh by hanging a warm wet towel in a corner on a hanger until the humidifier comes. Disclaimer-I’m not usually a dwc grower but am doing one currently.

WoodchecK Love the towel idea! Definitely going to do that for now. After the ice cubes last night, the temps have been staying at 70-71 which is better. I have water bottles in the freezer for future though, so it doesn’t change the Ph like you said. 👌

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Day: 7

Transplanted both to 5gal DWC buckets with air stones filled with 4gal of water with 3ml each of GH floraseries nutes. Reservoir temp is a little high 73-75 range, going to add hydroguard as well eventually. Bought Mylar to wrap the buckets in to try and help with temps. I think they are a little stunted right now because I haven’t seen much growth the last 48 hours. SF2000 light is 30” away and set to 45%. Tent stays at about 77 degrees with humidity at 45%.

4 years ago


mystrain420 Just a tip- I think the plugs/pellets should be under the hydroton, sitting on a small layer of hydroton so they don’t dry out. I have a private dwc grow going and it worked for me 🤷🏾. And I did top feeding with water from my bucket also to help roots reach the water.


mystrain420 I could be wrong but there’s definitely good dwc growers on here that can say for sure. Ask around, good luck with your grow 👍🏾


JustANovice Bump that humidity up to 65-75% during Seed and Veg. You could make a humidity dome for this too

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Day: 6

Decent growth in the last 24 hours but leaves are starting to curl. I am guessing from too much water? I put them closer to the T5 light to see if that helps. Already seeing a root grow through to the bottom of the container on the one on the right. 73 degrees and about 65% humidity.

4 years ago


nobuddyatall I would move that light closer and add more grow medium to fill containers. Will keep em short, increase stem strength, encourage root growth, and help em develop leaves, not stems. 👍

WoodchecK I went ahead and moved one to the DWC bucket because the root was long enough. The others I packed more hydroton and lowered the light more like you said. I’ll see how the one reacts to the DWC bucket before I move the other. 🤞

Day: 5

36 hours under the CFL light and 2 have popped so far. The one on the far left popped after 12 hours. Temperatures at about 75 degrees with humidity at 65%. So far so good!

4 years ago

Day: 3

Went from germinating in paper towels for 48 hours, to planting all 4 in rapid rooters and putting them under CFL lights. I soaked the rapid rooter and will monitor to make sure it stays damp. Trying to get the humidity up a little bit as well.

4 years ago


mystrain420 Just a tip- pay close attention because rockwool can dry out fast. Btw that’s rockwool you have your seeds in not rapid rooters

WoodchecK Thank you for the tip, I’ll keep an eye on it. But those are definitely rapid rooter plugs. Just opened a new package of them.


mystrain420 Yea lol I’m high af I had to zoom in just now

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Day: 0

Currently dialing the system in. Testing with 2 5gal Hydrofarm RootSpa buckets. 1st night temperatures ranged from 77-81 degrees with humidity at 30%. Water temperature is a little high at 78, but I’m running low water with a little bleach to sanitize. Once the buckets are full, the temp should go down. I added a second 6” fan to the top of the tent to help exhaust the heat from the SF2000 light.

4 years ago

Day: 0

Better picture of the set up. Going to run a few more hours to see if the temperature goes down any from the extra 6” fan. Currently waiting on my water filter and ph/ec meters to be delivered and then I will mimic exact growing conditions for a few days to test the environment and setup. Once I’m confident the setup is dialed in, I’ll start germination of the white widow seeds.

4 years ago


newbiePA Been thinking of doing DWC myself. Going to follow your grow