Collie Man

Collie Man

MDB Crop #2

Clone Crop

8 clones taken from 2 plants

Margarita Dog Breath - Terrestrial Farms

Day 28 (Week 4)


5 updates

19 photos

Day: 28


- Transplanted the ladies into 8” pots and moved them under the 50w led - watered both trays with 4L water only after transplant

2 years ago

Day: 21


- 7/8 of the clones have all rooted nicely and are showing strong signs of new vegetative growth. - Fed them today with 2L water, 4ml A, 4ml B, 4ml regen-a-root. Bottom fed into the tray holding the clones - They should be ready to pot up by next week!

2 years ago

Day: 14


- transplanted the 8 clones to potting soil. - 7 of 8 showed strong root development. The one that had no root development still looked healthy. Transplanted it anyway and waiting to see if it takes root

2 years ago

Day: 8


- Removed lower leaves on all clones because they were beginning to feel dry - All 8 clones are beginning to show signs of new vegetative growth - no signs of roots through the sponges yet, however the clones feel “set” in their medium

2 years ago

Day: 1

- Cutting day - 4 clones taken from each remaining female plant from MDB Crop #1 - All 8 covered with rooting hormone and placed in grow sponges in the propagator

2 years ago