
Autos again 💃🏼

Summer 2022

Excited to see the Red Poison and excited to try this Amnesia Haze again!!! I fucked it all up the first grow and still got 7oz! Amnesia Haze going in a 5 and a 7 gallon and the red poisons will be in 3 gallon

ILGM Amnesia Haze and Sweet Seeds Red Poison

Day 84 (Week 12)


10 updates

39 photos

Day: 84


Took one red poison and tops of the one amnesia haze.. don’t have time to get over to them much

2 years ago

Day: 33

All but the runt are bent over gave em a little water after I took the pics just to get them thru till tomorrow…starting them on nutes tomorrow

2 years ago

Day: 29

Got the amnesia haze in their bigger pots.. did one 5g and one 7g.. it was pretty big last time I grew it in 5g wanted to see if the 7g would make a difference… completely fucked this plant up the first time I grew it but I’m ready for her ass this time😂 gonna get them bent over later.. and FINALLY got my humidifier in the tent today😂🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ The tall red poison is showing preflower

2 years ago

Day: 27


Bent the tall red poison over probably do the rest tomorrow

2 years ago


HeritageSecretGarden U prolly want to raise RH to like 70% the girls will like it better just some advice good growing

emd555 Yeah I know just been lazy bout getting my humidifier moved… not tripping 🤷🏼‍♀️


HeritageSecretGarden Figured you knew just thought it may have been an oversight good growing

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Day: 15


They are growing again finally… 😂 they was mad at me

3 years ago


Doobie123 Looking good, keep up the good work

Day: 12


Transplanted last night.. they look much better now that they are in good soil 💃🏼

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz 👍😎🙌🙌

Day: 9

One of the red poison is stunted 😩 the rest are moving along nicely

3 years ago

Day: 5


They are all here

3 years ago

Day: 2

Hey 👋 Amnesia Haze

3 years ago

Day: 1

First Red Poison joins the 🌍

3 years ago