

Trainwreck (4)

First Grow

First time growing indoor, wish me luck!


Day 122 (Week 18)

34 updates

119 photos

Day: 122

23% omgg this is way better than expected. hypeee

3 years ago


devyn.8 i work at a dispensary on the reserve here in ontario and they have testers. it’s hard to say how accurate they really are but at least it gives you something compared to the stuff they’re selling.

Day: 121


dry trimmed today and first day of curing. i’m honestly proud of how these came out considering some complications. gonna get it tested for thc and cbd soon. 91g yield

3 years ago


Godsproblem Nice job growmie. 😶‍🌫️

Day: 114


trimmed today. this was my first indoor grow and i learned tons about growing. these started off great, but i think i veged them for too long and let them get too big and i later had to take out two plants because it was overcrowded and causing PM. Powdery Mildew really affected this grow since i took a risk with flowering in the shed in a tent, but the humidity was too high allowing the PM to grow more in flower. i trimmed early to avoid further spread of PM.

3 years ago

Day: 102


so i forgot to water them one day and this happened. but then a little flush brought them back quick. defoliated a few days later. week 6

3 years ago

Day: 96


week 5 flower. they started getting WPM :(. took off the bad leaved. looking good tho for first indoor grow. even now i have a better sense of what to not do.

3 years ago

Day: 88


okay so i moved one more plant outside because it was still getting some white powdery mildew compared to the other two that had none. also it gives me room to move the blueberry plants that started to flower into the outdoor setup too. this also allows me to see what happens when you move plants outdoors at different stages of flower. these are week 4 flower btw.

3 years ago


Caliban What is your RH?


devyn.8 i added a photo to show my RH and Temp @caliban


devyn.8 it’s harder to control humidity because it’s in a tent that’s in a shed. so the outside weather affects the tent sorta :/.

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Day: 85

buds starting to form better

3 years ago

Day: 76


so i whipped them all down with 5 tbs of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 3 drops of non antibacterial soap for the Mildew issue. this seems to be working way better than the milk solution i used before. also added another fan and removed my biggest plant that had the worst amount of mildew.

3 years ago

Day: 73


buds are just starting to form. i spotted some white powdery mildew on the lower leaves again. any tips for that? i’ve heard lots of things, and i know it’s a lot harder to handle in flower.

3 years ago


Caliban Do you have a dehumidifier


grandgrow Would recommend a light defol below the point where your light strength drops off in your canopy to open up for airflow, then get a little fan down there to circulate. Also, if your humidity is higher than 50-60 during the day, it likely spikes another 10-20% at night. Circulation will help avoid the PM forming, though removing the humid air when needed (extraction fan on a humidistat would do it), will help alot too

Day: 67

lollipoped them today. it might be too early because it’s only week one into their 12:12 cycle. but i needed to get rid of the lower colas that weren’t getting light, and some older leaves were yellowing/falling off. they look way cleaner now tho, hopefully they aren’t too stressed.

3 years ago

Day: 64

so i added some new tech and heater. they’ve been under weird temperatures and humidity recently so hopefully they like this a lot more. i’m making soil tomorrow for my next grow.

3 years ago


moneymike1983 Woohoo. Living soil yes. You composting? I’ve been working on a batch of compost made mainly from banana, banana plant, melon rinds, and garden cuttings. It smells horrible but I see good things come flower time.


moneymike1983 You’re clearly more advanced than me though. I don’t even have a PH meter. Lol much less all that stuff

Day: 61

first day of flower. tomorrow will be first feed of the flower nutrients.

3 years ago

Day: 56

So this is the second setup and i’m pretty proud of it. i got good air circulation and my lights turn off by themselves now. the only problem i’m running into now is humidity being too high since it’s in the shed outside. i’m going to change their light cycle to 12 light/dark in 3 days.

3 years ago


crazycrayon777 Looking nice bro! Invest in a dehumidifier

Day: 51

getting their flowering tent ready tomorrow!

3 years ago

Day: 49


Oh no! My plants are going through a magnesium/nitrogen deficiency. I gave them a litre of molasses today, hopefully that helps. it hasn’t gotten too much worse but i’ve noticed it on more leaves.

3 years ago

Day: 46

had a few orange dots forming on the leaves of two of my plants. gave them some grow A & B and will continue to do so until switching them to Bloom A & B for flowering.

3 years ago

Day: 40


3 years ago

Day: 35

(April 28th) So i did some defoliation that was needed, looking way cleaner.

3 years ago

Day: 32


added soil around the edges and cut the stress training string

4 years ago

Day: 27


looking good. happy 4/20

4 years ago

Day: 25


today i tied down the main stems (low stress training) in order to branch out the lower parts.

4 years ago

Day: 24


So today i set up my 4” ventilation system in my tent. i also made a batch of nutrients with the recommended amount on the bottles i bought. i’m going to try adding it to the soil now even tho it had natural nutrients and see how it goes. any tips for that?

4 years ago

Day: 22


Do i pinch off the 5th nodes? or wait to top them?

4 years ago

Day: 18


Was away for a few days again. they’re getting a lot bigger since they’re in vegetive now.

4 years ago

Day: 15


finally transplanted the last one

4 years ago

Day: 13


(April 6th) all four are starting their 4th node. lots of progress.

4 years ago

Day: 12


Was away for a few days, but the third node grew for all of them yesterday. (April 5th)

4 years ago

Day: 9


I bought a whole new setup today with a ton of equipment. I’m going to start off 4 plants in my indoor setup, then move then to my outdoor setup so that i worry less about the smell. which means i can grow 4 new set of plants every month until it get cold again.

4 years ago

Day: 8


So i transplanted 3 of them, because i ran out of soil lol. I have another question tho, would it be a good idea to start plants off in the tent until they start flowering, then put them outside for flowering. there would be less light, so it would fit the cycle right?

4 years ago


Hammerhead420 I’m contemplating the same idea. Only thing is u loose complete control of the environment, worrisome for me as the New England spring into summer can be unpredictably wet and cold.


combatmedic81 Why not just flower them in the tent so you have a controlled environment and end up with good product?

Day: 7


Humidity could be higher. When should i be adding nutrients?

4 years ago


buffy If it’s soil, you could go a couple weeks without them!

Day: 5


I’m leaving the humidifier on today. I opened another vent hole so more airflow might help with high humidity. The first seedling seems to have a little leaf growing from the bottom, but i only planted one seed. I appreciate the support in comments since i’m new at growing. when’s a good time to transplant?

4 years ago

Day: 4


Humidifier makes way too much humidity so i had to turn it off because it was floating around 80%. without it it’s at 40%. What should i do? Good progress tho.

4 years ago

mephhead 80% is fine for this early stage. If it’s more than you like you can up your exhaust speed but 80% for seedlings works way better than letting it get sub 40%


alwaysgrowfuego Agreed with previous comment. Plants this young would much rather 80% humidity than 40.


devyn.8 @mephhead thanks for the advice! i don’t have my ventilation set up yet so i’ll just run it at 80% for now.

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Day: 3


all 4 sprouted. i got the humidifier today, and setting it up tomorrow morning.

4 years ago

Day: 1

First day after moving sprouted seeds into small pots. The one in the middle is just a random seed i found that sprouted.

4 years ago