First Time
Xmas 2020
3 plants no tent. Very first time
Durban Poison
Day 51 (Week 8)
19 updates
30 photos
Day: 51

Yes Yes Yes Shes looking better already... Thanks guys for all the info
4 years ago
Day: 50

Something seems off. The leaves aren’t as green and it doesn’t look like it’s growing much. Not sure if I’m feeding the right amount of nutrients.
4 years ago
verified Romeo Check your PH
waggflm Will do Thanks
ResinTacos She looks hungry
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Day: 46

Quick comeback.. still trying to training
4 years ago
Day: 44

Did I take to much off? A few were drying dying out underneath the big fan leafs. I’m not sure if I’m doing any of this right 😩
4 years ago
scottishstu Try to leave on ones that receive light and defoliate to create more circulation between your plant - looks like a nice haircut 🙃
waggflm 👍🏽
Day: 43

4 years ago
Day: 42

A lil LST
4 years ago
Day: 39

Seems like I’ve been growing this forever
4 years ago
Day: 36

New light messing up my camera 😡. Temp is the same but humidity is different. 🤔 What to do to lower humidity?🤔
4 years ago
combatmedic81 Get a dehumidifier
waggflm @combatmesic81 I was thinking about doing that but I’m not sure which one is correct. One says 83 and the other is 67. Both controls say the same Temp just different humidity readings
waggflm Oh and one is Bluetooth and one is WiFi
Day: 34

Trying to Train
4 years ago
Day: 31

How is it looking?
4 years ago
Day: 27

Moving Day
4 years ago
Day: 24

Boy or Girl
4 years ago
CraigBengfort You won’t know for a while
CraigBengfort Preflowers usually show about 6 weeks in
waggflm 👍🏽
Day: 15

Liking her new home and light
4 years ago
Day: 13

Growing fast now. I hope it’s a girl 💖
4 years ago
Day: 12

Something is happening. A couple of tips are turning up and half of one leaf is dropping down. I watered a little day a couple of days ago. Gave a little water today with root solution. Any info would be great a very appreciated.
4 years ago
mystrain420 Regular light pics would help to better diagnose the issue but from your info I’d guess overwatering if it happened after watering. Gotta get used to the weight of the cup when it’s holding water and when it’s dry. Btw overwatering doesn’t necessarily mean give too much at once, it’s about the frequency of watering. Good luck hope this helps,just opinion 👍🏾
Colalition A plant that size you can mist the soil twice daily around the stem only and that’s all she needs. About 20 good trigger pulls twice daily depending on temps and light cycle. What nutrients have you added? A plant that size doesn’t need much of anything if anything. Keep in mind there are nutrients in the soil and I’d only water with distilled.
waggflm Thanks.. I notice this when I was about to turn lights back on. It was without light for about 6 hrs. I actually water just as you described. Ive given a lil cal mag and clonex
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Day: 12

Better pictures. It’s actually looking better now. A couple of tips turning up on big leafs
4 years ago
taopathway Patience
mystrain420 Looks good besides being a bit leggy. Comment above is correct-Patience. Should let her dry out a while then whenever u water again do it a bit further out around the stem to make the roots grow in search of water. U might wanna research coco coir it’s like soil somewhat but gives hydro results and u basically can’t overwater. How far away is your light?
Day: 9

Only one now
4 years ago
Day: 6

60w led. 1 tiny plant nothing yet for other 2
4 years ago
Day: 6

Feed Clonex solution and Cal Mag today.
4 years ago