
Barneys Blend

Summer/Fall 2019

One starts a month ago two started two weeks ago


Day 82 (Week 12)

13 updates

32 photos

Day: 82


5 years ago

Day: 62


Lots of nute issues. I lost track of how much and when I was feeding. Can’t tell if I’m giving enough food or too much now.

5 years ago

Day: 42

Looking great

5 years ago

Day: 36


5 years ago

Day: 32


5 years ago

Day: 27


Time to up pot

5 years ago

Day: 22

Growing. Need that other tent to come in ASAP

5 years ago

Day: 17


All looking healthy under the new lights

5 years ago

Day: 14

Upgraded lights to Quantum Boards

5 years ago

Day: 4

All sprouted.

5 years ago

Day: 3

I’d dirt

5 years ago

Day: 3

Sprouts already

5 years ago

Day: 0

Day 0

5 years ago