
Freebie CANUK seeds


Planted seed into soil using tap water with root nutrients


Day 108 (Week 16)

20 updates

55 photos

Day: 108

2 more weeks then I’m flipping them

3 years ago

Day: 93

Had her on 24/7 lighting switched to 18/6 flipping the end of February

3 years ago

Day: 91


Defiency problem corrected

3 years ago

Day: 84

Waiting a couple more weeks til I flip to flower

3 years ago

keykey978 Added cal mag and floragrow, and floramacro with compost tea leaves looking real green nitrogen defiency

Day: 82


24/7 light for the past week after transplantation she’s responding well vegging nicely

3 years ago

keykey978 Trying to even out all branches to atleast 16 inches before the flip to 12/12

Day: 81

Moved to a bigger tent

3 years ago

Day: 74

Looks happy

4 years ago

Day: 71


Pruned and transplanted to 7 gallon airpot

4 years ago

Day: 69

Pruned and vegging nicely

4 years ago

Day: 58


Vegging nicely

4 years ago

Day: 35


4 years ago

Day: 33

Watered with nutrients today

4 years ago

Day: 28


Went away for 5 days on 24 light schedule now back to 18/6 pruned and watered yesterday

4 years ago

Day: 21

Starting LST

4 years ago

Day: 18


Started LST

4 years ago

Day: 11

Repotted 18/6 lighting

4 years ago

Day: 9


4 years ago

Day: 6

She is really trying me and my patience

4 years ago

Day: 5

Almost up

4 years ago

Day: 4

Almost a seedling

4 years ago