
Mint Mistress, raspberry boogie


Left to are mint mistress right to our raspberry boogie 

Mint Mistress, raspberry boogie

Day 61 (Week 9)



12 updates

35 photos

Day: 61


Tri combs are looking beautiful 🤩

5 months ago

RoMag Super nice. Great photos!!!

cannabis_clay Thank you 🤝

Day: 55


Day 1 of flush

5 months ago

Day: 52


3 more days till I start 10 day flush

5 months ago

Day: 45

Last day in veg

7 months ago

Day: 38


Pic 1 raspberry boogie. Pic 2 mint mistress.

5 months ago

Day: 33


Week 5 of flower and plants look amazing. Raspberry boogie (first 2 pics) has great nugs and a lot of too colas

6 months ago

IG @stick_e_fingerz2

IG @stick_e_fingerz2 Lookin good 👍

cannabis_clay Appreciate it 🤝

Day: 26


No complaints. Plants are doing great

6 months ago

Day: 22


Heavy defoliation today. Followed with switching to (set-sack) on water.

6 months ago

Day: 12


Last day feeding a gallon between all plants. Going up to a gallon and a half.

6 months ago

BayLifeRalo This is really your day 12?? Sheesh😬

MaxBerries Probably day 12 in flower

cannabis_clay Yes, day 12 of flower sorry.

Day: 8


Fed today also turn the light up 1 click a day for the past 7 days slowly working it to 100%. Raspberry boogie (on the right) looks to be handling it great and loving the extra light. Mint mistress (on the left) seems he be wilting the leafs a little. Overall plants are doing good and looking healthy

6 months ago

Day: 1


First day of flower. Fed first flower mix

7 months ago

Day: 1

Final product. Flower, and fresh pressed rosin 😮‍💨

4 months ago

GrNadeGrade 💣

GrNadeGrade 💣 👀 🔥 🥶