
Green scape grow

Feb 17th 2024

Day 01


Day 111 (Week 16)



21 updates

27 photos

Day: 111


Day 36 of flowering burned a couple of them went with 1 tablespoon of feed couple of plants didn’t mind will step back to 2 tsp.

3 months ago

Day: 103


Day 27 flowering. Watered yesterday 6.0ph. Been adding fox farm cal mag helped darken the leaves. Been feeding heavy 3 tsp tiger bloom every other watering.

3 months ago

Day: 99


Day 23 of flowering just fed looking great.

3 months ago

Day: 99


Day 23

3 months ago

Day: 93


Flowering day 17

4 months ago

Day: 93


Day 17 flowering.

4 months ago

Day: 80


Flowering day 2 looking great.

4 months ago

Day: 73

Flowering in a couple of days.

4 months ago

Day: 67

Looking great flowering soon

4 months ago

Day: 67

No issues looking great

4 months ago

Day: 49

After transplanting looking a lot better. Transplanted two weeks ago. Never start in ocean forest.

5 months ago

Day: 27

Plants are getting better was for sure to hot of soil from ffof. Watered this morning

6 months ago

Day: 27

Soil was to hot don’t use full mix ffof. Watered this morning seeing improvement.

6 months ago

Day: 21

Little burn from soil thinking flushed two days ago

6 months ago

Day: 20

Noticed light coloration possibly over feeding from the soil or issues with the humidifier water. Turned humidifier off going to wait and see for improvement watered yesterday.

6 months ago

Day: 19

Plant burned

6 months ago

Day: 12

Growing very well no issues. Temp been stable at 70 and humidity at around 50%. Second set of leaves coming in. Watered today.

6 months ago

Day: 9

Looking great growing fast no issues.

6 months ago

Day: 6

Plants are doing well I think out of 7 one didn’t pop. Very good genetics it seems growing fast.

7 months ago

Day: 2

5 out of 7 popped out so far very fast germination to first plant out of soil.

7 months ago

Day: 1

Day 01

7 months ago