
zamaldelica express

Mephisto Genetics

First day breaking soil using 1/4 tsp Megacrop, 3ml fish shit, 1ml rapid rooter, .6 ml Mammoth p per gallon and mycos sprinked on the surface and I’m seed starter hole


Day 15 (Week 3)

5 updates

5 photos

Day: 15

Nute burn this plant is very touchy and doesn’t need much to survive and thrive so I flushed it hard and will only give water for the next week

4 years ago

Day: 9

Increased Nutes by a .5 of what I listed at the beginning Megacrop Fish Shit mammoth p rapid rooter and I added 1 tbs recharge and 1tbs Calmag per gallon to this weeks nutes plant is catching up to my others that are 3 days older

4 years ago

Day: 6

Plants showing it’s 3rd set of leaves and is healthy green watering once a day

4 years ago

Day: 1

Looking green and healthy

4 years ago

Day: 0

Baby poking it’s head out to see the world watering once daily 4 inch radius

4 years ago