“Tree” bag seeds
Winter 2021
I got some shag ass stuff from the shop, that 17 an eighth crap. I was like I bet this shit has seeds and stems (which I could right off the bat see). Anyways, I found three seeds, which is pronounced “tree” in the phonetic numerical system. How fitting, eh? Are they hermie self fuck seeds??🌿🌿. Or did some crap grower accidentally grow a male which pollinated the crop partially? Idk mang
I don’t remember :^)
Day 132 (Week 19)
51 updates
223 photos
Day: 132

Another belated post. I had to go back and make this post because it’s an important checkpoint. This is the day I jarred my harvest, marking the end of the dry period and start of the cure. Today is actually day 136
4 years ago
Day: 129

Harvested a few days ago, these are the last shots before harvest. The smallest plant has been out of the tent for about a week now, the pot is almost dried through and that’s why it’s leaning hard. Today is Day 131, harvest was 129 (69 days from flip). I hung up the plants in the tent, I’ll try to post some shots later
4 years ago
Day: 127

Week 9 +4 days 💐🌿. Late on the update , I’ve been fighting some fungus 🥵. Found some fungusy crap on some branches, it makes like a spore seed inside the flowers, ugh. I’ve been spraying with Dr. Zymes Eliminator organic fungicide/ pesticide, which seems to have stopped the spread. I’ve also removed all/ most of the fan leaves and any fungus I see. The second plant seems more resistant to mold as it had no mold on it, but I’ve been spraying it as well as a precaution. I’m so close 😵
4 years ago
bumper101 Strain used to be my bread and butter. Produced really well, and was easy to grow. Brought back some memories.
IGrowHowIGrow Mold only grows moist environments with little to no air circulation. Easy fix.
(Farmer)John Beautiful plants bud! But come check out my latest post and let me know what you think! I’m more or less looking for tips and stuff for how far along they are!
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Day: 120

First day of flush 🌊. I took out the smallest plant because it looked like it was getting rotten on the lower popcorn branches, so now I only have two plants in the tent. All of the photos are of just my best plant
4 years ago
Day: 116

End of week 8 🌿💐 getting thicc. Flush soon. These were taken yesterday, day corrected to 116 (today is actually Day 117)
4 years ago
kinglouis P.S. big lady smells like ginger/garlic/soy/citrus lol. Chinese takeout kinda
⚖️Golden Ratio 🧬 Very tall one indeed, is that a sativa strain ?
kinglouis Not quite sure. I grew the bag seeds from the same bud and they all stretched fairly tall. I didn’t take note of the strain when I smoked the flower and when I tried asking the shop they said their purchase history was corrupted that far back lol
Day: 109

End of week 7 🌿💐. I included some preliminary microscope shots that I took a few days ago, showing what appears to be blue stigma off the big lady plant. Once I get a better setup and more time I’ll explore all the plants up close, maybe for a midweek update. I included shots of my two not-so-great plants, displaying a few issues stemming from heat/light/physical abuse. What’s interesting to note is that the smaller plants are showing more darkened pistils and overall frostier appearance than the big sister
4 years ago
PeeJay856 Looking good
Day: 102

End of week 6 🌿💐. Getting big, not sure how much longer, 2-3 weeks?? The smaller ladies are considerably behind flower wise, looking like 10 weeks for thos maybe. Turns out one of the better ways to get a bud shot is to turns the lights off and flash on
4 years ago
Day: 98

Midweek update. I’m switching to the first part of the “Late Bloom” nutes on the cocoforcannabis schedule, which more or less correlates with week 6 of flower in my grow. This part is notable for completely cutting out: FloraGro, Diamond Nectar, and RapidStart. FloraBloom and KoolBloom received significant increases in response.
4 years ago
Day: 95

End of week 5 🌿💐 buds are stacking up closer now. Lower leaves are curling up and drying, which I think is fairly normal. Leaves closest to the light are showing slight signs of heat/ light stress. Large plant still showing most advanced progression. I’m wondering if the smaller ladies are just gonna take a longer flowering period
4 years ago
Day: 88

End of the 4th week since 12/12 💐. Pistils are becoming more distinct. Biggest lady showing the most impressive growth; maybe I stunted the other two with the supercropping I had to do on them. It could also just be genetics 🤔. Next grow I’ll be done with bag seeds, got some Gelat.OG and Blueberry I’m itching to germinate 🤤
4 years ago
Day: 81

End of week 3 🌿💐
4 years ago
Day: 77

Lucky sevens. Photos 5, 6, and 7 show the heights of the plants from “smallest” to thiccy (39”, 39”, and 33”). Photos 8, 9, and 10 show the flowers budding in the same order. I’ve been reaching some high temps in my grow room, I need to vent my tent properly to the outside. It seems the silica supplement is helping me out with themps like I wanted. Now I just need to look up some CO2 supplementation. Tomorrow I plan on doing some lst adjustment to try to get all the tops to ~33” and maybe also a final lollipopping.
4 years ago
Day: 75

Colas upturned after supercropping and LST
4 years ago
Hammerhead420 Looks good
kinglouis Thanks :)
Day: 74

The ladies appear to have reached their peak stretch, bud sites are starting to push up. Their stretch put them really close to the light, so I decided to go through and supercrop a few of the colas on the tallest plant. I removed the wooden platform so now all of the pots are on the ground, leaving the canopy an average of 11” from the light. Officially end of week 2
4 years ago
Day: 72

Quickie on stats. At this point, the tallest plant is 10 inches from the light. I have kept the other two plants up to the same level by raising them using wooden platforms, but at this point they are trespassing on the 18” flowering distance set by the manufacturer. This is partly why I decided to defoliate, to slow the growth of the plants. They haven’t shown any signs of distress, even though the temperatures have been recorded as high as the 90s. I’m gonna research CO2 and see what works best for me. Might as well take advantage of the increased temps 💪🌿
4 years ago
kinglouis If the plants show light stress I’m gonna remove the wooden platform for the two shorter plants and supercrop the four tops of the tallest sister. So for they seem ok though
Day: 70

Well I haven’t gotten a ton of flowers yet but I felt like I needed to do some intense defoliation. I wanted to expose the bud sites to more light. Hopefully they do alright. I did some more measurements as well. Hard to see from the photos but; the thicc plant is 27” tall, the tall middle sister is 35”, and the little lady is 28” Photo 6 shows the marker I placed 10 days ago
4 years ago
kinglouis I’m nearing (hopefully) the end of the flowering stretch
Day: 68

Pistils! All three are showing but I could only get ok photos of the two smaller ladies. Also battlestion pics. Nutrients are Armor Si, Calyx Magnum, GH Flora Trio, Diamond Nectar, and RapidStart. I pH down with lemon/lime juice. Next update I hope to have more flowers 😊
4 years ago
Greenstalk Nice job!!
Day: 65

Did some slight defoliation and lollipopping. The girls are doing good, did the daily feeding and rotation. Thiccy measuring in at 16”, tall middle sister is 22”, and the lil lady measuring in at 15”
4 years ago
Day: 63

Daily feed/ rotation; these were taken last night but I fell asleep. Photo 2 shows the canopy when I first opened the tent. The lady in the corner is stretching quite a bit more than the other two; growth patterns suggest it’s more of a sativa pheno. I had to place the thiccy plant on the same riser as the small lady in an effort to even out the canopy. It worked ok but even the small plant needs to be raised higher, which I plan on doing today some time after they wake up. Photo 3 shows the plants’ footprint and photo 4 shows the canopy after rotation/ rising/ fondling. Temps and humidity holding well, the sharp drop in RH is just from opening the tent. The yellowing from their fasting has recovered now as well, next grow I hope to have an auto drip set up. I love hand watering, but it really gets to be a chore
4 years ago
Day: 61

Lowered light to ~19”. Took some measurements and did their daily feeding. Preflowers looking more obvious, I think. I also took a photo of the supercrop of the middle lady 💪
4 years ago
SHG 👊🔥🙌
Day: 60

Woke up from the long night. It begins! Plants were actually in the dark ~36 hours because of reasons. It’s ok, although they will only get ~6 hours of daylight their first day. Showing slight yellowing, probably due to no feeding. Fed ~ph 6.2 transition nutes. It’s hard to see but pic 7 shows where I marked the height of the canopy today. It will help me see how much these babies stretch 😚
4 years ago
joely123 Looking good mate! How do you train the plant like that?
kinglouis Look up how to mainline cannabis. It’s a training method that involves topping at certain intervals to split the main cola/ colas. Then main cola gets split into 2 when you tope the first time. After a certain amount of growth you top each of those 2 colas, which splits them into 4 colas. You top each of those 4 colas after some growth, which brings the cola count to 8.
kinglouis Good luck! And they are looking good, huh 😁
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Day: 58

My loving 🥰 wife will be the flower evening officiator. She will physically turn off the light, that way the fan and exhaust continue to run at 18/6. I will ask her to take a photo as well. Also she will probably take her lettuce out.
4 years ago
Day: 57

Fed them their first transition nutes. Did the final lst on the little sister, her footprint should be the same as the middle sister now. The big lady got some lst as well but the internodal length is kinda short, so I can’t spread her out like I wanted. The middle four colas are gonna be bigger than the 4 outer ones in the end. I did quite a bit of defoliating as well, it can be seen in the two tent shots. I also installed my clip fan and carbon filter, last pic. I think I see a pre-flower (pic8)?
4 years ago
Day: 57

Flower transition schedule. 30 hours of darkness scheduled in
4 years ago
GreenBoy From Alabama Why 30hrs of darkness?.. newbie here🙋🏾♂️
kinglouis I read that providing an initial boost of darkness can help tip plants into flower sooner than it would take without it. There’s also people who say differently 🤔. I decided to try it to see what would happen
GreenBoy From Alabama Ok I’m watching.. hope it works for you💪🏾✊🏾
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Day: 57

Colas turned upwards. Next grow is gonna be 4 plants like the top left
4 years ago
Day: 56

Loving the light. Last feeding of late veg nutes. Gonna make a 3gal tank tomorrow with “transition” nutes.
4 years ago
Day: 55

Ladies responded well to light increase. In the future I will be doing 4x4 plants, that plant in the corner is looking sexy. My clip fan and carbon filter arrived today but I most likely won’t have time to rig it until the day after tomorrow. Oh well 🙃 overall vibes are positive😊 Planning to have 12/12 day 60
4 years ago
Day: 54

Turned the bloom switch on and raised the light to 24” I’m preparing to flip in about a week and I wanted to see if the increased light and addition of wavelengths caused any difference in vegetative growth.
4 years ago
Day: 53

Daily feeding and rotation, I also reintroduced the wooden platform to raise the smaller sisters. Colas are upturned after the lst and looking great! The big sister is still alive, so she survived the split 😊. Plants are starting to stink up, carbon filter on order, along with a clip fan so I can clear the floor a little. I have a couple clones in there that I’m gonna have to figure out what to do with once I hit flower.
4 years ago
Day: 51

Did some lst on the ladies. I did the two smaller sisters with no issue and moved on to the big sister. I was applyin the holds on both sides when the most heart-wrenching shit happened... I split the main stem right down the middle. I immediately rushed to pour some water down the stem and put a plant tie to secure the two parts together. I raced to the pantry, looking for the press n seal wrap. I cut come strips and bandaged the stem back together. I reapplied the initial tie at the bottom and added another tie to hold the canopy together and relieve pressure on the wound. I’m hoping it heals up in the next few days but goddamn do I need a smoke! Hopefully it serves as a hst super crop type of thing
4 years ago
Day: 47

Haven’t had the chance for a proper update, but here’s a shot of the ladies last night. Big sister showing good growth at the tips. The middle sister was supercropped a couple days ago and seems to be doing ok. Little sister chugging along. Need to transplant soon and set up a net to spread out the mains. Hoping to have my canopy ready to flip by day 60.
4 years ago
Day: 42

Did some tying to try to expose the tops to the light. The fan leaves push up so aggresively they smother the growth tips
4 years ago
Day: 41

Took off the ties I had on them, I need them to stretch out before I super crop them. My mainline plans require that my big plant have the first topping spread out 6” from the main stem
4 years ago
Day: 37

Did some lst on the ladies. If ya’ll can’t tell, I’m working on mainlining these plants. The biggest lady I’m planning a full 8 cola mainline, while the two smaller plants will only be a partial mainline at 4 colas. The plan is to grow the plants in such a pattern that the three plants occupy a 4x4 cola footprint that fits within a 2’x2’ square which is the recommended coverage for my light during flower
4 years ago
Day: 37

Mini update: I cloned the top of the big plant sort of as cloning practice and in case the bud turns out some unique pheno. First time trying, I told the hydro guy I wanted to clone a top and he gave me a thing of gel. Worked good I guess in the jiffy dome. Topped Day 22, so this clone is 15 days in
4 years ago
Day: 31

Three stages of topping. These were taken yesterday after I topped the smallest lady. Each pic is a different plant, in case that isn’t clear
4 years ago
Day: 28

Feeding late veg nutes, getting bog (mini Bic in pic). Big sister pushing twin branches, recovering well from topping. Middle sister beginning to recover, still to reach growth spurt. Little sister growing big, actually needs to be transplanted soon. The bigger ladies seem to be getting a bit of spotting, may need more cal-mag? The small lady has leaf edges kinda curling up, which has been a rotating issue in my garden. They seem to correct themselves after some time, just been checking pH constantly to keep values ok. In my tent I have the 3 ladies, a rose bush, a lemon seedling in a plastic bottle, and a jiffy dome with a clone from the big lady (and another lemon seedling trying to push out)
4 years ago
Day: 22

Transplanted the middle lady and topped the oneesan
4 years ago
Day: 21

Ladies doing good. Not pictured but I finally got a proper light hanger. I can now move lights up as plants grow. I made a crappy stand out of some scrap so that the smaller ladies could be closer to the light. Set it at 18” from big girl top. Fed mid veg nute juice diluted like to 0.8 potency(?), I eyeballed it. pH was around 5.2, trying to bring down saltiness with lemon juice. Plant was showing small nute burn earlier so thats why I started diluting.
4 years ago
Day: 20

Placed the big lady into her new pot. Humidity and temperature seem to be doing ok. Fertigated them and stuff, adding that acidic pH
4 years ago
Day: 17

Day 3 of “Mid Veg.” I have been trying to correct pH for a couple days now; I am receiving basic runoff even after fertilizing with acidic (~5.0) solution. I hope to have it clear by tomorrow’s “morning” feeding. Big lady is doing stronk and will need a new pot soon. I have three 2-gal fabric pots ready with coco perlite. Tiny lady doing much better now that I’ve taken steps to correct pH. This Mid Veg solution now has Armor Si and Diamond Nectar
4 years ago
Day: 14

Last day of the “Early Veg” schedule. That lil lady isn’t growing as good, decided to check runoff from plants. They all came back highly basic. The middle lady was starting to curl up at the edges. The big girl doing good, apparently highly resistant to pH abuse. Ran more than a few acidic flushes to bring pH down in the root system. I think the rockwool is dissolving into the system, making it basic. I finished by fertigating with a pH balanced nute solution in an attempt to further dial in the pH. I also installed a power strip and a table top fan. I bought an RH/thermo meter seen here. The second photo is a shot a couple hours later after being sealed in thr tent. The fan was becoming necessary because there was algae growing on the surface perlite because it wasn’t drying correctly. Will need am wxhaust/intake doon.
4 years ago
Day: 12

This log is for yesterday, Day 12. Only watered once today, around 2100, trying to see if they’re ok with it. I am still using the schedule, this time prepared with distilled water. The distilled water made it so I had to raise the pH, which I did by adding gradual amounts of baking soda. Previously I had been lowering the pH using a lemon since my tap water was a basic bitch. Gonna start posting veg pics outside the tent so they aren’t tinted blu
4 years ago
Day: 10

Been feeding new early veg nutes since day 7, now includes rapid start. Current mix is, 6:2.25:2.25:0.6:2 ml of Calyx Magnum, floramicro, floragro, florabloom, and rapidstart. ~1160 EC using distilled water and ~6.1 pH
4 years ago
Day: 5

Power went out today. Didn’t come back on till around 1600, one hour after official wake up time. I opened the tent to let some light in so they wouldn’t fear the end of the world (no sun waaa). This shot is after power came back
4 years ago
Day: 4

Fed the last of the 1.5L of fert juice I had when they woke up. Been feeding around 1500 and 2100. I made another 1.5L of fert juice. I’ve been following cocoforcannabis schedule, with the nutrients I have. So for seedlings: 5ml Calyx Magnum(hydro shop perpetually out of Calmag and calimagic), 1.25ml FloraMicro, 0.6ml FloraGro, 0.6ml FloraBloom per gallon. I’m using tap water so I expect I have high cal mag in it already since we get hard water spots. Tds/ec meter will be ordered soon. Wanna get rapidstart and koolbloom and diamond nectar at some point, maybe next grow.
4 years ago
Day: 2

Transplanted this morning to these square pots. They were in rockwool cubes which I placed in 4:1 Coco Perlite (20%p) Went to sleep 0900, woke up at 1500. The miss on the right, the one with only one cotyledon, she’s got some slight discoloration on the inner true leaves. Fed cal/mag + Flora trio. Overall looking good 😊
4 years ago
Day: 1

Ladies(🤞🏽) popped thru around 0600. 1319 now, a bit of stretching. “100w” LED bulb and bottle lamp kit + hanger. Also ammo box
4 years ago
Day: 1

Just got the tent, so I set it up with my Viparspectra 450W LED. Have the veg switch on which is why it’s so damn blue. Tent is 32x32x63 inches. Light is 26” from seedlings. One of the seedlings shed a cotyledon on its way up, I might have burned it by dripping nute juice right over it idk. Light is supposed to be equivalent to a 300W HPS/MH setup and the light is supposed to draw around 200W from the wall. So 2-3 hundred gs??
4 years ago
Day: 0

Been a while since I first germinated. Two of the seeds look like they’re starting to pop out
4 years ago