

OG Kush Auto

Summer / Fall 2020

Freebie from FastBuds

FastBuds Original OG Kush Auto

Day 83 (Week 12)

65 updates

753 photos

Day: 83


Went ahead and harvested and trimmed this girl tonight. As of right now, I’ve got 222 grams of wet buds right now. Actually quite a bit more that I thought. She’s foxtailed really bad but she is still pretty dense so overall I’m happy. Will update every now and again with the drying process and final weight.

4 years ago

El_Jefe Why didn’t you dry before trim?


Luvs2Grow Never have, I always prefer a wet trim, that way it’s just into the jar for curing once dry.

Day: 81


Just waiting until Saturday or Sunday to chop her. I might let her go longer if I don’t get much more amber trichs but she’ll probably come down this weekend instead of foxtailing even more.

4 years ago

Day: 80


She’s just continuing to foxtail more and more so hoping she won’t be to crazy by this weekend cause I’d like her to get a little more amber in her before chopping.

4 years ago

Day: 79


Nothing new today other than there’s a few more amber trichs mixed in there. I’m still planning on giving her the axe this weekend unless I see some significant fattening but with the foxtailing, I just don’t see that happening.

4 years ago

Day: 78


Starting week 12 and I think for sure she’ll get the chop this weekend. Still has quite a bit of white hairs but she’s foxtailing quite a bit and there are no more clear trichs in there, a few amber but no clear. Hopefully letting her dry out and a little cooler temps, she’ll pop a bit more amber before she’s chopped.

4 years ago

Day: 77


The end of week 11 and I’m probably gonna give her another week then possibly chop. She is just about all milky and just don’t see her fattening up much more. I did give her one more round of nutes today but that’ll be it until the end and just straight water from her on out. If I see some fattening up, then may let her go longer. I may possibly do a partial chop and then see what happens with the lower stuff.

4 years ago

Day: 76


She’s still chugging along and not much to really update today. I know she’s foxtailing quite a bit but just letting her go to try and get as fat as she can. Still a lot of clear trichs and bright white pistils so a bit of time still left. She’ll need some water tomorrow for sure.

4 years ago

Day: 74


Still chugging along and even though she’s foxtailing, she’s starting to open up more and throw pistils. Other than that, not much else happening with her.

4 years ago

Day: 73


Looks like a few more bracts/calyx’s are starting to open and show more pistils. Some have thrown out a single pistil and started to shrivel already. She’s got a lot of milky trichs but still think she’s got a good couple of weeks left, hopefully she’ll fatten up quite a bit. Ended up giving her a gallon and a half of plain pH’d water today as well.

4 years ago

RedzDMann Looking good man I’m fellow newbie starting with my first auto flower run an ur LST just gave me the run down I needed great grow she is beautiful


BBlack19 Preciate it man and good luck. I am fairly new but have a few grows under my belt so let me know if you’ve got any question.

Day: 71


Starting week 11 and overall looking good still but have a ton of bracts/calyx that are not throwing out pistils. They seem to slowly be coming out on some but looking like I’ve got a ton of them without pistils and no buds actually forming, not sure if I’m explaining it right, all still fairly new to me. The only thing I can think to do is just let it ride for awhile longer and see what happens.

4 years ago

Lbc75 Foxtail king 👑

Lbc75 Like the Dr Grinspoon 👨‍⚕️


BBlack19 Good call my man, not sure why that didn’t even cross my mind.

Day: 70


The end of week 10 and not much to really update today. Just took her out for some pictures and tucked as many leaves as I could.

4 years ago

Day: 69


Still doing good and ended up giving her a gallon of plain pH’d water at 6.6. Nothing much else happening right now, just waiting for her to fatten up. I heard maybe molasses could help so might add some next feeding.

4 years ago

Day: 68


All in all things are going good overall but she just doesn’t seem to be fattening up that much. Not sure if it was something I did, the nutes or the soil but gotta figure something out to get her fatter. Other than that she’ll be getting some water tomorrow.

4 years ago

Day: 65


Not much new today, just letting her go and try and fatten up. Still have a lot of white pistils and she’s definitely still got some time left but gotta look up what I can do to try and get the buds to really fatten up more.

4 years ago

Day: 64


Starting week 10 today and she was ready for her feeding of nutes. Gave her a gallon of plain water two days ago and she was dried out today so gave her nutes and two gallon today. Other than that, she’s coming along nicely and not really noticing any more yellowing. Got it to where the fans aren’t blowing directly on her so it’s looking like her yellowing could of been some sort of wind burn.

4 years ago

Day: 63


Ending week 9 and nothing major going on right now. Flowers are looking great and seems the bit of yellowing has slowed down or stopped but did remove a couple lower yellow and dead ones today. She’s already ready for water so tomorrow she’ll get a feeding of nutes.

4 years ago

Day: 61


Still going good and fattening up nicely. The soil was pretty dry so gave her about a gallon and a half of plain pH’d water today, next watering will be with nutes. So far it doesn’t look like any of the yellowing is getting any worse so I’m thinking it was light burn.

4 years ago

Day: 59


Buds are starting to swell a bit in certain areas and getting nice and frosty. Her smell is starting to get a bit stronger too. Still have quite a bit of time left with her and she’ll be ready for water tomorrow then the watering after that, she’ll get a dose of nutes.

4 years ago

Day: 58


Into week 9 now and she’s really budding up nicely but something is definitely a bit off with her. Most leaves on the top are starting to yellow quite a bit and I’m thinking she might be getting a bit of light burn because I had moved the lights pretty close. Was trying something new with this one and don’t think it’s working so backed the lights up to the normal height and hopefully she’ll be ok. Other than that, looking good and should be ready for more water in a couple days.

4 years ago

Day: 56


Ending another week today and all seems to be going well still. The soil was dry today so gave her a little over a gallon of water. Other than that, I tucked a few leaves and put her back in the tent.

4 years ago

Day: 55


Still looking good but some leaves are yellowing a bit and think it’s due to it feeding her at all. So long as the buds keep developing and fattening, I think she’ll be ok. Should be ready for some water in another day or two.

4 years ago

Day: 53


Nothing new today other than I removed a couple yellow fan leaves towards the bottom and a couple others that are blocking the light to a few bud sites.

4 years ago

Day: 52


Starting to get a little too light in color so thinking she definitely needs her first round of nutes. Haven’t given any to this point because SoHum is supposedly a water only soil but I think she’s starting to get hungry. Went ahead and tied down two other branches but third one was too stiff but it was the shorter of the three so she’ll be ok.

4 years ago

Day: 51


Nothing new today, just did a little more leaf tucking today and already put her back but noticed a couple branches that are getting a bit long so will probably see if they’re still flexible enough to tie down, if not, I’ll let em grow.

4 years ago

Day: 50


Starting week 8 and nothing much to complain about. She’s in SoHum soil so didn’t think she needed any nutes but it does look like some leaves look like she’s hungry so I’ll give her till her next watering and if she’s still looking like that, I’ll give her a light dose of nutes. Her leaf edges are curling a bit too and I moved her around in the tent cause I think the wind was hitting her too much, so we’ll see how this works.

4 years ago

Day: 49


Ended week 7 today with a full gallon of water, she’s really starting to drink a lot. Not much else going on or done with her today besides removing a couple fan leaves and tucked the rest.

4 years ago

Day: 48


Still chugging along and budding up nicely. Not much happening with her, just giving her water when she needs it and tucking leaves but I have removed a couple that just stayed in the way. Should be ready for some water in another day or two.

4 years ago

Day: 46


This girl is still going strong and she’s starting to smell a bit more each day. For the most part, LST is done with the exception of a few that may still be bendable here and there. Had to give her a little under a half gallon of water today and tucked her leaves.

4 years ago

Day: 44


Nothing much new today, just gave her a little once over, snapped a few new pictures and put her back into the tent. All seems to be going well.

4 years ago

Day: 43


Starting week 7 and did a little adjusting to a couple of the tie downs. A few branches were starting to get really lengthy so wanted to keep them somewhat tied down so when the bud weight starts coming, it’s not too heavy. Other than that, she seemed to of liked the drink yesterday and is doing really well overall.

4 years ago

Day: 42


The end of week 6 and gave her about a gallon of water, she was ready. I did tie down a couple other branches that were starting to get a bit lengthy. Other than that, got some updated pics, tucked some leaves and put her back into the tent.

4 years ago

Day: 41


Almost the end of another week and still not much happening. She’s starting to bud up nicely and did tie down another branch so the canopy is pretty even. She’ll be getting a round of water tomorrow.

4 years ago

Day: 39


Nothing new today and no LST today either. Just pulled her out for some updated pictures and tuck a few leaves.

4 years ago

Day: 38


I ended up tying down the main stem in a different direction again. She was starting to stretch but seemed like she’d be a bit weak, plus I wanted to even up the canopy again. Soil was bone dry so gave her a half gallon of water today, she seems to be drinking a lot now.

4 years ago

Day: 37


Did a bit more LST with her today and tied down some of the branches that split and looked like they were topped. She’s drying up pretty quick too so will give her some water tomorrow.

4 years ago

Day: 36


Starting week 6 and she starting to stretch a bit now, went from 4.2 to 5.2 inches the last 24 hours so I’m liking that. She’ll be ready for some water in another day or two, I’ll check her out tomorrow and see. Will probably do a little more LST tomorrow as well.

4 years ago

Day: 35


Ended week 5 today with a little more LST. The main stem is still a bit flexible so got her turned down and everything is pretty even now. Just waiting on the vertical growth to really start and take off.

4 years ago

Day: 34


Everything is going good and did readjust the tie downs a bit and gave her a good drink of water, she was pretty dried out.

4 years ago

Day: 32


Tied her main stem down again and did a lot of adjustments to the tie downs. She’s starting to get thirsty already so giving her another day or so and will give her some water tomorrow or Saturday. Other than that, she’s coming along nicely and looking forward to the stretch.

4 years ago

Day: 31


She’s finally starting to stretch a little bit but would like a bit more before continuing with training. Just rearranged and tucked some leaves and letting her go for a bit longer. I didn’t do any topping either and it looks like a couple branches decided to split on their own and I’m ok with that.

4 years ago

Day: 30


All still going well and she was ready for some water tonight so gave her almost a full liter. Waiting on a little more stretching then will tie her down again and hopefully the much needed water will get her going.

4 years ago

Day: 29


Starting week 5 and did do some more LST, at least on the main stem. Waiting for her to get a little more vertical on the other branches I’ve tied down before readjusting them some more. Soil is almost dry so will be giving her some tomorrow.

4 years ago

Day: 28


The end of week 4 and did a little more LST with her and gonna try and do some more in the coming days to get her set up for flowering.

4 years ago

Day: 27


Almost the end of week 4 and she’s throwing more and more pistils. Starting week 5, I’ll consider it the first full week of flower even though she’s still preflowering. Other than that, she’s looking nice and healthy and she got about 16 ounces of water today. Will continue LST as well, just so long as she stays trainable.

4 years ago

Day: 25


Continued with LST today and hoping I’ll get a few more branches stretched and ready to tie down in another couple days. The soil is still fairly good with water so will give a few more days. This will be the first real grow using a living soil so we’ll see how things go with just straight water.

4 years ago

Day: 24


She’s doing good and really seemed to like the water the other day and soil was dry already so gave her about 400ML today. She’s definitely throwing out a ton of pistils so hoping I can get some more colas started with LST before she goes into full flower. Give her a little more vertical growth overall and will continue with training.

4 years ago

Day: 22


Starting week 4 and even though this girl is pretty small still, she’s already starting to throw some pistils so hopefully she’ll grow a bit more before she really goes into flower. Gave her a bit of water today so we’ll see what that does for her. I did tie her down again too so hopefully the lower growth will start growing too.

4 years ago

Day: 21


The end of week 3 and all is looking good. She’s standing tall again after tying her down. Gonna give her a little more time to get more vertical growth then will tie her down again.

4 years ago

Day: 20


Went ahead and started with a little LST today. She was standing about 3 inches tall and tied her down and she’s at 1.7 inches now. Hopefully the little bit of lower growth starts coming up now and then will start tying them down as well.

4 years ago

Day: 19


All still going well and not much new to update. Just really took her out to look her over and get some updated daily pics.

4 years ago

Day: 18


Looking good so far and starting to get a little growth going on underneath so not much longer, I’ll be starting a little LST with her. Other than that, just gave her a small spritz of water just to keep the soil slightly wet. So far she really seems to like the SoHum Living Soil, first time using this stuff so we’ll see how it does in the long run.

4 years ago

Day: 17


Into week 3 with this girl now and all is doing pretty good so far. I did give her a little spritz of water and poured about 100ML about 3-4 inches around the stalk to get the roots to work a bit more.

4 years ago

Day: 14


The end of week 2 and she’s coming along nicely. Just gave her another light spray of water today and placed her back into the tent.

4 years ago

Day: 13


Almost the end of week 2 and all is going good so far. Not much is happening but she’s looking nice and healthy. Gave her a light spray of water and just letting her go for now.

4 years ago

Day: 11


Nothing much to speak of right now, she’s just doing her root work and slow growth up top. Gave her another little spray of water and placed her back into the tent.

4 years ago

Day: 10


All is going good still and went and added a little bit more soil to the pot to try and hold her up a bit and the fan seemed to help beef up her stalk a bit already. Gave her another light spray of water and letting her do her thing.

4 years ago

Day: 9


Looking good so far but a little flimsy so I rearranged everything a bit so that the fan will hit her a little more. Will put a little bit more soil in the pot tomorrow to try and get rid of her flimsyness.

4 years ago

Day: 8


Starting week 2 and so far so good. Not much to speak of with her right now, just letting her do her root work and such right now. She’s looking a bit wrinkly but most of my grows have started out this way so not too worried about it right now. Just been giving her light sprays with plain water. I prewatered the soil about 10 days ago and still has a nice light dampness to it so should have to really worry about any water for a bit.

4 years ago

Day: 6


Overall all is going good so far, just giving her light mists of water occasionally. Her first set of leaves seems to be shriveled up a bit but think it might be due to the heat and light so raised them up and hopefully she’ll be ok.

4 years ago

Day: 5


Nothing much to speak of today, looks like I got her to stop the stretching for a bit and would like her to start building on her leaves and such, the second set is starting.

4 years ago

Day: 4

Went ahead and placed her into the tent today and moved her a bit closer to the light because she’s stretching a bit too much so hopefully that’ll stop now.

4 years ago

Day: 3

All is going good so far, she’s doing a little more stretching than I’d like so moved the light a bit closer to her. Other than that, keeping her under 24 hour light and under a glass for another day or two then will put her in the tent.

4 years ago

Day: 2


She’s got her first set of leaves out, small, but they’re there. Just noticed that her root is hanging out the side of the jiffy pellet so instead of leaving her in the humidity dome and risk something messed up, I placed her into a 3 gallon fabric pot. Going to keep her under the smaller grow light 24 hours a day until she gets a bit bigger and stronger then will move her into the tent. Still gonna keep a glass over her to keep the humidity up as well.

4 years ago

Day: 1


She just started poking out of the soil today and can see her first set of leaves just starting to develop. She’ll get another couple of days in the humidity dome then I’ll place her into her 3 gallon fabric pot.

4 years ago

Day: 0

Had bad luck for whatever reason with the last 2 Gorilla Girls I started so started germinating this one on 28 Aug and had a taproot showing today, 30 Aug. So instead of going strait into soil and pot like the last two. I decided to start this one in a jiffy pellet, what I normally do and then placed it into the humidity dome. Hopefully she’ll be looking for light in the next day or two.

4 years ago