

September 2021

I planted these and they show signs of overcoming and surviving through the harsh cold nights. I dont remember when I planted then and know little to no research. HELP PLEASE, appreciated


Day 121 (Week 18)

10 updates

15 photos

Day: 121

girls been doing nothing but growing, just no nugs. Will it even grow nugs? I cant tell

3 years ago

Day: 108


Big Plant has been making progress. Little one has stunted but shows heart.

3 years ago

Day: 67

these are what have been lingering on the weed plants, Brought the plants indoors but am currently lookin for where to place them

3 years ago

Day: 6

should i give up on growing? I found this

3 years ago

Daddykunt plz check my update

Day: 6

burnt tips are showing I added sprays of callmag and insecticide I was refered to pot poppers anything else? How do I measure for nutrients to add

3 years ago

Day: 6

small plant with excessive damage idk what to do I added sprays of calmag and incecricide aswell (The amazing doctor zymes eliminator)

3 years ago

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts Soil doesn’t look great tbh. I suggest next run use something from a cannabis company, it would have lots of perlite to stop soil clumping and to get air through the pot. U shouldn’t be watering the entire pot either 👍🏾

Daddykunt just finished spraying rn, I did add alot of water (insectisice w cal mag)

Daddykunt Ty will do

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Day: 1

my other plant that seeems to have stunted too many times

3 years ago

Day: 0

I dont know what I have or how old, I probs planted them in September. if anyone can help I very much appreciate it

3 years ago


keithlovesrach Is that in ice?

Daddykunt @keithlovesrach These are in the outdoors and I saw that there was an abundance of flying bugs so I covered the dirt with coffee filters because I dont want root damages cause by pests. I dont know if the bugs were beneficial or intruding


keithlovesrach Oh gotcha… I thought it was planted and frozen haha.

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Day: 0

Got them some lights to become healthy. Idk what state to put them in (Veg or bloom) The gnats died off(killed most that I could)

3 years ago


JG705 Veg works for now, save the utility bills until that spectrum is needed Growmie, good luck!

Day: 0

Its been growing, stil gnat infested but groeing. My other plant is still down

3 years ago