

First try at cloning 2019

First time trying to clone got 4 to take lost 2 . I’m. Goin to be putting 4 planets in this grow being they are all Clones. But they are all very different. 1.Perfectly regular cut 2. Very small cutting (experiment) 3. 2 Clones - 1cup (experiment) They all have a nice root structure that shot out the sides and bottom of plastic bottles.

Og @ Dosi Do

Day 20 (Week 3)

1 update

1 photo

Day: 20

Not sure how long it’s been but we booming .

5 years ago

ClandestineWestOz Well done, I only had 50% success my first time.

Lonelygrower They sprouted roots but wouldn’t grow. Lesson learned gotta have a node for new growth!

Lonelygrower Lol looking at the pic I got the same 50% trashed the others