Rockin’ 4Evah 2Gether

Bruce Banner #2

3rd Grow

5 Gallon Pot - Organic Grow in Natures Living Soil + Coast of Maine Stoningtons Blend + Fox Farm Strawberry Fields + Perlite + Coco Coir + Worm Castings from Mushroom Hill Worm Ranch

Bruce Banner #7 Auto (Sweet Seeds)

Day 80 (Week 12)



10 updates

12 photos

Day: 80


She continues growing nicely.

a year ago


Caliban If you accept some observations… I think that you have too much N going on. Dark green clawed leaves are a tell that she is having an N toxicity issue. Also 3 blades leaves sometimes indicate plant stresses. Just some observations from a friendly grower. 👍

Rockin’ 4Evah 2Gether Thanks! She’s growing organic so not getting fed any nutes but water. And she looks exactly like the last Bruce Banner with the funky leaves. They looked weird from the moment they popped out of soil.


Caliban 👍👍

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Day: 57


She’s getting her bud on.

a year ago

Day: 47


She’s coming along.

a year ago

Day: 38


She’s in flower!

a year ago

Day: 29

It’s a girl! Top dressed with lobster meal and water.

a year ago

Day: 22


a year ago


RobSilver Good evening my fellow grower, I’m following your grow right here out of curiosity. I have tried two Banners two different ways this past winter and they both hermied. It coulda been me they didn’t like or the genetics where I got ‘em’ which was from Excited to see your turn out my friend

Rockin’ 4Evah 2Gether This is my 2nd. The other is in flower. They both have funky leaves, but hoping they both work out!


RobSilver I’m rootin for ya! I have 3 more Banner seeds I’m saving to try again in spring

Day: 10

Looking better!

2 years ago

Day: 4

She looks like she will have the same gimpy leaf as her sister.

2 years ago

shawncody420 Cute baby

Rockin’ 4Evah 2Gether I love the babies!

shawncody420 Ya same here I just started mine

Day: 3

Popping up!

2 years ago

Day: 1

Planted in 5 gallon pot

2 years ago