

project 0

project 0

4 plants, 1x1x2m tent, mars hydro ts1000, activated carbon filter

El Patron, Royal Gorilla, Mimosa & Cereal Milk

Day 113 (Week 17)



10 updates

27 photos

Day: 113


About 2 weeks to go until harvest! Super excited to smoke my first own weed! 🙏

6 months ago

Day: 99


They are doing great! ☀️

6 months ago

Day: 83


They really survived my first experiment. 😂 I learned soooo much during this time. Bought new automatics so I can use the 12/12 rhythm for the next grow. 🤝

7 months ago

Day: 49

First time I had to top a flower. Felt weird but they look healthier from day to day. I also did some LST. I learned a lot during my first seeding and I‘m looking forward to start the next session in a few months! 💪 And look at Cereal Milk on the bottom right - she is doing great! 😍

8 months ago

Day: 28

Babys look healthy but there are a few fungus gnats. Does someone have a quick tip against those? Appreciate you! Cheers 🥦

9 months ago

Day: 22

Girls looking healthier every day. They also start to smell a little bit. Better smell than coffee imo 😎😂

9 months ago

Day: 16


I think the moving stress is over. They look more stabilized. 🥦 Also my last seed popped tonight after 16(!) days… cereal milk has to outperform now.. 😅

9 months ago

Day: 12

Moved my 🥦 into new pots. I hope I can see some progress in the next weeks. Started to give them a bit more light strength. And I also activated the actived carbon filter. 🌬️ Also added some fertilizer for the roots! 🪴

9 months ago

Rasta Man

Rasta Man Nice set up and welcome to growing 💪🏽💯

Day: 9

Girls are doing great so far. One seed didn’t wanna pop..

9 months ago

Day: 6

Be kind to me. This is my first seeding ever. Bought the tent cause growing might be legal here soon.

9 months ago