
First grow


First grow


Day 133 (Week 19)

34 updates

68 photos

Day: 133


4 years ago


pakalolo Looks good!

Day: 108


All blueberry plants Hermed so they’re gone now

4 years ago


pakalolo Damn that blows!

Day: 104


4 years ago

Day: 98



4 years ago

Day: 92

Flippped to flowering

4 years ago

Day: 90

Prepping for flower. Feeding molasses 1 tblsp/gal +nutes every watering. 900ppm 6.0ph

4 years ago

Day: 88


4 years ago

Day: 79


4 years ago

Day: 76


4 years ago

Day: 69

Flushed medium

4 years ago

Day: 65


4 years ago

Day: 61

Last hit with the high stress

4 years ago


pakalolo Day 61, that’s some crazy stress that plant went through! Good luck man.

Day: 56


4 years ago

Day: 53


4 years ago

Day: 51

Feed 650ppm 6.0ph

4 years ago

Day: 46

Took four tops off each plant so that will make 8 tops per plant and that as far as I’m going. Fed at 350ppm 6.3ph

4 years ago


pakalolo Good luck man!

Day: 40

More tie downs

4 years ago

Day: 37

Light feed and lost the fan leafs

4 years ago

Day: 33


4 years ago

Day: 31


4 years ago

Day: 29


4 years ago

Day: 26

Good trim, prepping for mainlining and a clone from each. Fed them 1/2 liter each @400ppm 6.1ph

4 years ago

Day: 21


4 years ago

Day: 19


Reducing watering to 0.5L/plant because they weren’t drying out. 340ppm 6.2ph 55rh 75F Lights 24”

4 years ago

Day: 16

Reduced light so they stretch a bit

4 years ago

Day: 15

Light watering

4 years ago

Day: 13


4 years ago

Day: 11


4 years ago

Day: 9

First feed

5 years ago

Day: 8


Re organized the tent and removed the clear cups. LST on the basil lol

5 years ago

Day: 6

Transplanted to 5 gal smart pots. Pro mix HP. Added cage for mainlining. Keeping cups on top for HR.

5 years ago

Day: 5

Sour diesel root system is exploding but the plant is shorter the blueberry has no roots showing but is taller. Transplanting in three more days. Gave them a spray with fish/seaweed mix and a couple drops inside container also.

5 years ago

Day: 4

Rooters upside down didn’t work with seeds. Opened vents on dome, wiped inside of dome dry. lights at 24” on veg only.

5 years ago

Day: 0


Soaked over night, riot rooters upside down to let roots hang, few drops of peroxide, heat mat, medium set at 78 degrees, DSL had already cracked

5 years ago