
Dosi do

March 2022

Just trying my first ever auto run but I think something is slowing them down can some one help me is 2 Dosi do and 2 bubblegum runts

Dosi do

Day 48 (Week 7)

23 updates

23 photos

Day: 48

N my brothas on here what can this be my tips are a lil burn but they look weird check this other one out

2 years ago


bonojohnson Looks like the beginning of light stress maybe I always move mine up a few inches when the tips look like that

bigbugga Now their about 18inches and the power is about at 30 %


combatmedic81 Just cut back on nutes , more aqua

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Day: 48

What can that be u guys think it still can be the lite or the nutes

2 years ago


bonojohnson How close is your light ?


keithlovesrach If you’re referring to the yellow, new growth is generally lighter in color that it’s counter part, the fan leaf. Looks healthy to me.

bigbugga The light is about 18 inch and is only at 30%

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Day: 42

She looking great as well

2 years ago

Day: 38

We are looking better

2 years ago

Day: 38

And she’s looking nice to me as well so hopefully this light burn situation goes away and we keep on moving

2 years ago

Day: 36

Guys can someone tell me something about this

2 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Looks like heat stress but hard to tell

bigbugga They all looki like that I tho it was nute burn

bigbugga @stick e fingerz look at the other pic under this maybe u can see it better

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Day: 36

Those this mean she hit flowering

2 years ago

PeeWeeDWC Definitely means it’s female. Are they auto flower? Coz if not they won’t start flowering until you cut back light.

bigbugga They are autoflower @PeeWeeDWC

PeeWeeDWC Then she’s starting to flower.

Day: 35

I don’t know if is light burn ornute burn

2 years ago

Day: 35

What ya think heat burn or nute

2 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Heat stress

bigbugga @stick e fingerz I just turn it down from 60% to like 45% but keep it at the same level what u think

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz I would have just moved it up a little

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Day: 34

Their still working

2 years ago

Day: 32

A lil bit of lst and some defoliation I know it early but she the strongest one

2 years ago

Day: 32

A lil bit of burn here and their trying to figure out

2 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Looks like hot soil possibly

bigbugga What u mean by that

bigbugga @stick e fingerz brotha should I just water them or should I keep feeding them lite

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Day: 32

Looking ok so far

2 years ago

Day: 32

This the other dos si do looking a bit yellowish new leaves

2 years ago

Day: 29

I had the the humidity up to 80 for the past 3 days since I buy humidifier

3 years ago

Day: 29

Now am getting some burn tip

3 years ago

Day: 29

This one looks like is coming back but still small

3 years ago


gpurps What happened to it?

bigbugga @gpurps man my humidity wasn’t rite n I guess this what happened but trying to fix her hopefully


shayden23 Check out bro. They have a pretty awesome diagnoses section

Day: 26

Dosi dos from Barney farm

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Love Barney’s 👍🧬

bigbugga Yes she’s the one trying the hardest man

Day: 26

Second Dosi dos don’t look like the first one but something is slowing the down

3 years ago

PeeWeeDWC Looks like too much water, light or nutrients

Day: 26

Dosi dos 1 looks green but very short

3 years ago

PeeWeeDWC Do si do are a shorter plant strain. From what I’ve read anyway. I’m about to start some dosido soon, I have a low ceiling height so they looked like the perfect plant for me. Not to mention I’ve smoked some and that 💩is 🔥

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Did you start these in those big pots bro I’m thinking big pot small plant and it’s easy to overwater this way 👍🙌💯👊

bigbugga Yes brotha I started them in this 3 gallon pot and yes I think I have over water a few times and hopefully I can lst this one or I just may let it shot up normally

Day: 26

# 2 Dosi dos something not rite folks give me some help

3 years ago


DaGr8estEv3R Got to get that humidity up 41% is way to low for seedling/Veg stages when they are in seedling stage 65-70% humidity and for Veg 60-65 also did you give them nutrients during early seedling stage? Cause could be nutrient burn or to much water can really know could be a bunch of things but those are the things I would first look at

bigbugga Yes I did man I too dress them with calmag and veg nut and my water them and I’m on the way to buy a humidifier..


DaGr8estEv3R Cool yea humidity is key in early stage development cause of the fact that the plants really doesn’t have a great or big root system so the humidity and the moisture in the air basically waters them cause the plant absorbs moisture through its leaves so it’s super important I hope this helped if you have any questions about something do hesitate to ask I just started my self but I have done extended research so good luck and I hope everything gets better

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Day: 26

All 4 of them 2 in front is Dosi dos and back bubblegum runtz at 26 days

3 years ago

Day: 17

The lady moving slowly the 2 in the fron look nice and green the 2 in the back don’t look too good and they all pop at the same time

3 years ago