

Fuel D.og + White Widow (First grow)

January 2023

4x2 Grow tent, 2x vivosun 200 watt LED’s

Fuel D.og + White Widow

Day 120 (Week 18)


24 updates

73 photos

Day: 120

Harvest, about 3oz/plant

a year ago


Lhska Let’s go!!!


Tallboy2023 Well done 👍🏼


Cochran Thanks boys!

Day: 80


Bigger and wider

a year ago


Caliban Looking good!

Day: 65


Buds growing! Did some defoliating

a year ago

Day: 56


Lots of bud sites!

a year ago

Day: 50


Day 11 of flower

a year ago

Day: 47


Day 9 of flower

a year ago

Day: 45


Day 6 of flower, time for some defoliation

a year ago

Day: 41

Moved the girls to 11-13 a couple days ago after they made a full recovery from transplant. This is day 3 of flower and the growth is tremendous.

a year ago

Day: 38

Did a little defoliation, used some kelp extract in attempt to bring them back, seem to be doing much better

a year ago

Day: 33

Transplanted to 5 gal pots, definitely some shock but will get them to bounce back

a year ago

Day: 27


Before/after topping

a year ago

Day: 23

Had some issues with heat and light stress, luckily no permanent damage other than wavy leaves, starting to fill out quite nicely.

2 years ago

Day: 21


Undergrowth even better, almost time for first topping

2 years ago

Day: 19


Undergrowth coming in, 4 node sprouting. Will top in 3-5 days.

2 years ago

Day: 15


2 years ago

Day: 12

Almost veg!

2 years ago

Day: 11

Keeping the pace..

2 years ago

Day: 9

Looking very healthy

2 years ago

Day: 8

Growth steadily speeding up

2 years ago

Day: 6

Moving along…

2 years ago

Day: 5

Second set of serrated leaves

2 years ago

Day: 3


2 years ago

Day: 2

First set of serrated leaves

2 years ago

Day: 1

First sprouts

2 years ago