

Frozen Black Cherry (Grow #3)

3 Pheno Grow

Anesia seeds, Frozen Black Cherry

Frozen Black Cherry

Day 162 (Week 24)



10 updates

79 photos

Day: 162


Had a bit of nute burn on the leaves but nothing major. Smelling incredible in the tent, insanely fruity tones, can’t wait to see how much we can get off these ones 🙏🏼

7 months ago

Day: 145


Plants are doing super well (2/3) back right is the only one that hasn’t been repotted, so I may do that before needed to water next, still waiting to see. But otherwise doing really good, the colour on these girls is honestly amazing and we’re starting to get frost on the top flower sites of some of the plants. The smell in here is AMAZING going to be an amazing grow in sure provided we still get to the end 🙏🏼

7 months ago

Day: 124


Into week 3 of flower, girls are bouncing back ish, back right is t looking thd best but thd ones that were repotted a few months prior have bounced back the most and look extremely happy. Otherwise just monitoring daily through the 12/12 to make sure they’re not dropping or anything. Adding nutrients and water (following my PH perfect cycle graph for mg/ml) every 4-5 days depending on the plants, some may be a bit longer. Will try to update a bit more as flower goes on

8 months ago


happyplants89 What light do you use for those 3?


BL_Smoke Using the Mars Hydro TS600 100W light for my grows bro.

Day: 89


Not looking good at the moment for 2 of my plants, the one I haven’t repotted from Miracle Grow, has ironically survived the best thus far and looks relatively happy. Haven’t yet added the mix of micro into my nutrients mixture, but I will do today to see if they respond in a positive way, if not seems they’re just gonna die as my last grow did (and the grow before) have received my order or Coco Coir and am debating repotting all 3 of them into this medium as it’s a much better one for them. Worried I’ll stress them too much during repotting tho, any advice or information would be massively appreciated.

9 months ago


ig:@eaegifts Miracle grow is actually good soil growmie, just growers love to repeat stuff without full knowledge or context, I’d avoid using it because of the slow release food and holding lots of water in a flower cycle but npk is npk. “Cannabis soils” have the same qualities just more aerated, I’d leave the healthy plant to veg until she needs food indicative of the soil being depleted and the others take clones of before trying to wash away soil then repot to coco. Repotting without removing the soul is a no go- works fine the opposite way though

LeChron James

LeChron James Hey BL. I’m happy to mail you a couple of beans so you can start over on the ones that are struggling. I’d keep the one and toss the others. I suspect their roots are no bueno

LeChron James

LeChron James Don’t feed your nutes to the miracle grow.

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Day: 82


Anybody able to help me figure out what’s going on? This is my third attempt to grow for myself and I’ve failed at this exact point every single time, and I never understand what is wrong, if someone would be able to allow me to call them so I can explain everything I am using I would honestly appreciate it so much. Also can CashApp for information (I am literally that fed up, and desperate for a solution)

10 months ago

LeChron James

LeChron James I have to ask a lot of questions to help you but I don’t mind at all. What growing medium are you using?


BL_Smoke Thank you man honestly really appreciate it, I’m currently only using manure for my medium, up to this point I was using Miracle Grow multipurpose, but I’ve read that is t good for the plants either 🤦🏼‍♂️ hence the change to regular manure

LeChron James

LeChron James I got you. I enjoy doing this.

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Day: 82


Current nutrients cycle: am adding 2.5ml’s of everything except the Tomarite, of which I add 2ml. And my CalMg which I add also 2ml’s

10 months ago

LeChron James

LeChron James Please order the advanced nutrients Grow if you don’t have it already. You have the other 2 components it looks like


BL_Smoke Yeah I sadly ran out of the grow nutrient I need to reorder some, will add that onto my order now too. Do you think that’ll have a significant effect? I haven’t used the grow nutrient once during their grow cycle

LeChron James

LeChron James A huge effect. I would skip ordering the coco coir unless you already have. Save that spend for the next round. You have to use all three of those nutes together. We’ll talk about mixing them correctly once you get your pen and your nutes. I have followed your journal. Let me know when your stuff arrives. I have a medical appointment but will check in later to see if we can mix up a batch of nutes with what you have on hand now

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Day: 77


Haven’t really been focused much on my plants as of late, had a lot of issues with fungus nats 🤦🏼‍♂️ finally getting them sorted out can only hope they haven’t done much root damage, have been adding 2ml of my nutrients mixture to them weekly to let them dry best I can. Temps staying around 24-29 degrees C, will flip into flower soon, not too bothered about massive yields with these

10 months ago


combatmedic81 I would add Epsom salt (1 tablespoon / gallon) to get rid of that yellowish color


BL_Smoke Ah thanks mate! Not heard of it before I’ll get some and add it in :) appreciate it bud


combatmedic81 Just make sure you get the plant kind. Don’t want any aromas or anything in it

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Day: 21

Looking good, repotted due to roots breaking out the bottom already, proper surprising to see how fast they’re rooting. Still just adding water, will begin adding the nutrients cycle next week or so.

a year ago

Day: 15


Just adding water currently, monitoring PH and temp. Hot asf rn

a year ago

Day: 1

Germinating 3 phenos today, hoping for a good run this time through

a year ago


adders This is the one bro, you’ve got it 💪🏻


BL_Smoke Appreciate it bro! ♥️