

Skunk Auto

Winter / Spring 2020/21

Another freebie from FastBuds

FastBuds Original Skunk Auto

Day 98 (Week 14)

76 updates

899 photos

Day: 98


Right about 7 days and checked her out today and branches had a nice snap to them so trimmed her up and little more and put her into jars to start curing. I did take a little sample today and I really am a believer in washing the buds after harvest. This had to be the smoothest smoke I’ve had in a long time, so I will continue bud washing with all future harvests. Looking forward to trying her out again after a couple weeks curing. All in all, had 99 grams of dried up bud, I’m definitely happy with the results from this girl.

3 years ago

Forty Two Yes please.🔥🔥🔥

Day: 90


Ended giving her the axe today, did a once over and quite a bit more amber trichs than I noticed, so instead of letting her go longer than I’d like, I cut her down. Ended up with 372 grams of wet bud right now so happy about that. Tried something new after chopping and decided to “wash” the buds before hanging to dry. Been seeing a ton of good reviews on it so figured why not give it a try. I keep my tent pretty clean and was surprised what the buckets looked like when I was done. So if this is a smoother, more flavorful smoke, I may continue with bud washing on future harvests. Will update more along the was as she’s drying and give a smoke report after 7-10ish days.

3 years ago


Caliban Wow! Nice yield. I wash and notice all the debris in the basin when done. It is good for the buds.

Forty Two Holy bucket O nugs! 🔥🔥🔥


Doobie123 These are the biggest nugs I have ever seen on an autoflower, very very nice 👍🔥🔥 keep us updated on the dry weight and smoke 💨

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Day: 89


She’s just about finished, all the leaves are yellowed and pretty shriveled up but hoping she’ll last a few more days. There’s still not a whole lot of amber trichs in there so after some plain water today, I’m hoping she’ll push out to the finish, she is starting to foxtail quite a bit as well.

3 years ago


gregg01f Been keeping an eye mate, really impressive. Enjoy the harvest!

Day: 85


Starting week 13 and nothing major going on, just waiting for her to finish up. She’s got another day or two before she needs water and she’ll get just plain water till harvest. Still very little amber in her right now but hopefully she’ll get a bunch more in the next week then she’ll get the axe.

3 years ago


Blues_Buds Well done!

Forty Two Bucket o nugs!! The best kind

CloneWars Yeah, these are very attractive buds. I had a blue dream auto that looked like this but the fluffiness didn’t way much ☹️. Curious what weight you’ll get, but man those colas look great

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Day: 84


The end of week 12 and she’s really starting to fade so don’t think she’s got too much longer, another week or so. Not showing a whole bunch of amber trichs but a few so hopefully she’ll finish off strong.

3 years ago

Paradise Grower

Paradise Grower Nice ! How much u think you will yeild ? Got some growing about the same size/shape 😋

Day: 83


Just waiting for her to be ready to chop and she’s finally starting to fade out a bit, 7-10ish days left.

3 years ago


buffy Is she in a 1 gallon pot?


Luvs2Grow 3 gallon pot, stunted her early on so not as big as she could of been.


dimentio She's short and sexy, my kinda girl

Day: 82


She was ready for water today, so gave her two gallons of water with her final feeding of MagiCal and Sugardaddy. It’ll just be straight pH’d water until harvest and thinking about 7-10 days or so.

3 years ago


Mr_KaLi Looks good bro. 👌🏼


tanuki#1 What are you expecting as a final yield?

Day: 80


Nothing to update today other than she’s showing a bunch of gorgeous reds pistils mixed in with the yellow and oranges. She’s still got another couple days, I think, until she’s ready for some water.

3 years ago

Paradise Grower

Paradise Grower How much you think you gonna yeild ? I got some ladies with about the same size in week 3 flowering 😋

Day: 78


Starting week 12 and gave her two gallons of water with 5ML of MagiCal and 80ML of Sugardaddy per the Technaflora feed chart. She’ll get two doses of that and then straight pH’d water till the end.

3 years ago

wonteshdoit Looks so good bro! Squatty bushy plants are the way👍🏽

Day: 77


The end of week 11 and still looks like she’s got a good couple weeks left, as of right now. Not gonna give her any nutes and just plain water from here on out.

3 years ago


Doobie123 GORGEOUS 🙏🔥🤌

Day: 76


Nothing new today, just a forest of trees getting fat and stinky.

3 years ago


SHG 🔥🙌

Day: 75


She’s coming down to the end with just a couple weeks left. She needs some water so gave her 2 gallons today and next watering I’ll start the pre-harvest feeding with just MagiCal and SugarDaddy.

3 years ago


SHG 👊🔥🙌

Day: 74


She’s still chunking up quite a bit and looks like the pistils are finally starting to fade a bit but a ton still nice and healthy. Another day or two and she’ll be ready for some water again.

3 years ago


SHG She chunky 🔥🙌

Day: 72


Nothing new, noticing a bit more pistils shriveling up a bit so I’ll probably give her another week or so and then possibly start flushing her. She did get 2 gallons of plain water today.

3 years ago

collin.parker Solid colas for a single low height grow

Day: 71


Starting week 11 today and starting to see a few orange and brown pistils but still plenty of healthy white ones but trichs are still clear with a few milky in there. All looks good and will be ready for some water tomorrow.

3 years ago


Mr.BlueGrow If you say so

Day: 70


Ending week 10 today and she’s got some fat and stinky buds. Haven’t really started looking at trichs since all her pistils are still bright white and healthy. Hopefully she’ll start winding down here in the next couple of weeks.

3 years ago

cranky_vet Wow! I bet she’s gonna have that strong smell just like your chem dawg from earlier. 😊

Day: 69


Just some updated pics for the day, nothing new happening. Waiting for the pistils to start dying off but no real sign of that yet.

3 years ago

Day: 68


All still good and she was ready for water and nutes so she got 2 full gallons today. This might be her last actual feeding of nutes before starting to flush but I’ll see how she is over the next week or so.

3 years ago

Day: 67


Not much happening, just watering/feeding when she needs it and doing a little light defoliating every couple of days. She should be ready for water tomorrow.

3 years ago

Day: 65


Ended up having to give her 2 gallons of water today, she’s starting to drink a lot. Buds are still fattening up nicely and smell is strong as hell.

3 years ago


jetropshop Good job with the LST. Beautiful plant

Day: 64


The start of week 10 and decided against defoliating and just tucked all the leaves in the middle instead. I’ll still pluck some here and there when needed. Buds are getting nice and fat and still has some decent time to fatten up even more.

3 years ago

Day: 63


Ending week 9 and she’s looking like she’s on track for a chop in a few more weeks. Not in a rush with her so when she’s ready, she’s ready but she does still have some time left.

3 years ago

Day: 62


She’s really putting out that strong skunky smell right now. She was pretty dried up so got 2 gallons of plain pH’d water today. Everything is looking great and will probably do a decent defoliation tomorrow and get her bud sites really opened up for the last few weeks.

3 years ago

Day: 61


Nothing new today but will be getting some plain water tomorrow. She’s doing pretty well for being so screwed up a couple weeks ago.

3 years ago

Forty Two Looks amazing to me 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Day: 60


Not much of an update tonight, she’s still chugging along and all looking good. Just letting her fatten up and do her thing for now.

3 years ago

Day: 59


All looking good after watering yesterday. She’s plumping up nicely and not expecting much more vertical growth out of her, just looking forward to her fattening up.

3 years ago

Day: 58


Well thought she needed more time before watering but she was pretty dry so gave her two gallons of water and nutes today.

3 years ago

Day: 57


Starting week 9 and all is ok with this girl. She’s gonna be the greatest harvest but she’s chunking up nicely and should still be pretty decent. She should be good on water for a few more days.

3 years ago

Day: 56


Ending week 8 and she’s actually fattening up quite a bit and appears to be pretty much recovered. Not really much else happening right now.

3 years ago

Day: 55


Soil was dry so she got 2 gallons of plain pH’d water today. Debated on giving her nutes since she was stunted a bit but decided plain water and just gonna keep to the Technaflora feeding schedule. All the buds are starting to fatten up nicely and developing a bit of frost now too.

3 years ago

Day: 54


She seems to be well on the road to recovery now and should be needing a bit of water tomorrow. Not much else was needed to be done with her today.

3 years ago

Day: 53


Wow, what a difference a feeding and breaking the soil up a bit has made, she’s finally standing tall for the most part. I thought at one point she wasn’t gonna make it but looks like I’ll be able to salvage this one. I’m sure she’s gonna be a bit stunted but she’s still bulking up a bit so all should be good in the end. I did end up removing some of the dead and discolored foliage as well.

3 years ago

Day: 51


She’s actually looking a bit better and perked up a bit today so hoping breaking up the soil a bit was the fix. Checked deep into the soil and most is broke up and well dry so since I don’t have much to lose, I went ahead and gave her a feed of flower nutes today, a few leaves were looking like she’s hungry. So it’s either gonna help or not, can’t get much worse.

3 years ago

Day: 50


Starting week 8 and still not looking good but appears she perked up a little bit so hopefully getting all the soil dried out and broken up a bit will help her roots get unblocked and not so compacted in the soil. Gonna give her a few more days to see if she recovers and decide what to do if she doesn’t.

3 years ago

Day: 49


Ending week 7 and still no real improvement and thinking about getting another seed started, just in case. One thing I did notice and probably my main issue is the soil is not really drying out and is packed really tight and there’s not much perlite mixed this that pot of soil. Not sure if she’s gonna make it and hate it cause she’s got some nice buds forming already but I did kind of try and break up the soil a bit by gently squeezing around the fabric pot. I’ve also got her on a higher rack so the fan is blowing right on to the pot to see I can get her to dry up a bit. Time will tell and we’ll see.

3 years ago


buffy Good luck!

Day: 48


Looking a tiny bit better today but mostly the same. Just gonna let her go and keep an eye on her. She still seems to be predicting buds but may not be a huge harvest but she may surprise me. She did stretch about a half inch so she is still growing.

3 years ago

Day: 47


Still not sure why she’s been so droopy so after some research, I’m thinking either root bound or root rot. So cut the bag open and no funky smell and roots still looking bright white but definitely was pretty root bound. Not a fan but went ahead and transplanted her up to a 5 gallon fabric pot, I know she’ll probably be pretty stressed but wanted to make sure she has a chance to continue growing. Gave her a good watering after the transplant and now we’ll see what happens in the next few days, fingers are crossed.

3 years ago


hem-p Mine did that to me at times that I either feed (or sprayed ) them nutes too low in ph or used micro nutes that were alone very acidic. So maybe just research all nutes currently being used. Greatttt size pots 🙌🏽 -No bound root issue


EtherealBud I’m a believer in the 5 gal

Day: 46


She’s starting to perk up a little bit but still not liking her droopiness, not sure what’s happening with her but she’s still growing and developing some nice bud sites so I’m just gonna keep an eye on her for now. I did do a little bit of adjusting to the tie downs and raised her up a bit so the fan will hit her a bit more.

3 years ago

Day: 44


Starting week 7 and calling this the first full week of flower. I did mess up with her and should of given her water yesterday but got caught up at work and didn’t get the chance too so gave her 2 gallons of plain pH’d water today and should perk her back up after a bit. Next round of water she’ll get her first dose of flower nutes.

3 years ago

Day: 42


The end of week 6 and looming like this is gonna be a longer grow but I’m ok with it. Did a lot more adjust to her today and a little defoliating. Trying to keep this one a bit more low profile because they always seem to be more packed and dense buds when they finish for me so we shall see. Getting close to be ready for another round of water as well.

3 years ago

Day: 41


All going well and did a bit more adjusting to her tie downs and tucked some leaves. She’s starting her stretch nicely and grew over an inch the last 24 hours.

3 years ago

Day: 40


Just did a little adjusting to the tie downs today and tucked some leaves. Waiting for her to really start stretching and developing some buds.

3 years ago

Day: 39


She was ready for water today so gave her two full gallons of plain pH’d water. Did some more adjusting to the tie downs and noticing more and more pistils.

3 years ago

Day: 37


Did a bit more adjusting to the tie downs again today and tucked some of the leaves. She’s starting to throw out quite a bit of pistils now so should be heading into full flower soon.

3 years ago

Day: 36


Starting week 6 and still not quite starting to flower yet. Lots of pistils shooting out but nothing much else developing, thinking she will be the start of week 7. Did a bit more readjusting to the tie downs to keep her opened up. She’s really a pretty low profile plant right now and will continue to keep her low and flat until she really starts stretching out more.

3 years ago

Day: 35


Did a lot of readjusting to the tie downs today and now she’s really opened up so hopefully she’ll start growing up a bit more now.

3 years ago

Day: 34


Doing well today after the watering yesterday and did just a few adjustments to the tie downs. She’s starting to get some more vertical growth going so will hopefully be able to tie out some more branches in the next day or so.

3 years ago

Day: 33


All still looking good and did a little more LST with her today. Also gave her 2 gallons of water and veg nutes. Hoping she’ll start getting a bit more vertical growth going soon.

3 years ago

Day: 32


All looking good and did a little more training with her today and tried to tuck the leaves as much as I can but might end up doing a light defoliation tomorrow along with some water and nutes.

3 years ago

Day: 30


She’s a really bushy girl so removed two more fan leaves from the top and tied down a couple more branches and have her opened up a bit more. She still needs another day or two before getting a round of water and nutes.

3 years ago

Day: 29


Starting week 5 today and tied her down again and readjusted a couple tie downs that were already in place. She’s pretty wide open now but really bushy so hoping to get a bit more stretching now so I can tie some of the other branches out.

3 years ago

Day: 28


The end of week 4 today and all looks good, just need some of the lower stuff to start getting some stretching going on.

3 years ago

Day: 27


Did what I could to tie out a couple branches and hopefully they can get some more light to stretch. Also had to remove two more big fan leaves and gave her some water to runoff today. She’s coming along nicely.

3 years ago

Day: 26


Went ahead and tied her back down today and removed 2 bigger fan leaves that is covering the lower growth. There’s a lot of potential bud sites so when the lower stuff gets some more growth, they’ll get tied down as well. Still good on water for a few more days.

3 years ago

Day: 25


All looks good so far, pretty bushy and such but will starting spreading her out a bit when she gets a little more vertical growth going, I want to get the undergrowth some more light. She’s good on water for another couple of days.

3 years ago

Day: 23


Went ahead and removed one fan leaf after tying her down again, it was blocking everything underneath so she’s opened up a bit now. All looks good as well after her full feeding of veg nutes yesterday.

3 years ago

Day: 22


Starting week 4 and she’s recovered from the initial LST and I’d like a little more stretching now and will start tying her down some more. She needed some water so gave her a gallon of water and veg nutes.

3 years ago

Day: 21


Had some pretty decent growth ending out week 3 so decided I would start LST with her. She’s got some decent under growth started so now it should start getting some stretching too.

4 years ago

Day: 19


Will likely try and start some LST in a couple days and may try topping her when the time is right but need some more growth before trying that.

4 years ago

Day: 18


Overall she looks nice and healthy just not much growth right now. The soil was pretty dry so gave her a little bit of water and gave her a foliar spray as well.

4 years ago

Day: 16


Still nothing much to speak of today, just gave the soil a nice spray of water and gave her a nice foliar spray.

4 years ago

Day: 15


Starting week 3 and all is going well. Not really getting much stretch out of here and lights are already as high as I can get them. Might not end up doing any training with her and just let her go all natural but we’ll see in a couple more weeks.

4 years ago

Day: 14


Ending week 2 and all looking good and hopefully she’ll get a bit more stretching soon. She may just end up being a short runty plant but she looks healthy enough so just gonna let her go for now.

4 years ago

Day: 13


Overall she seems to be doing good but not a lot of stretching happening which I normally like but would like to get a little more out of her so raised the light a bit more so hopefully that’ll help. Also the soil was dry all over so gave her a quarter of water and veg nutes.

4 years ago

Day: 12


Trying to get her to stretch a bit so raised the light a bit and took her off the rack. Soil is pretty dry so gave her a little bit of water with Technaflora Root 66 and Sugardaddy.

4 years ago

Day: 11


No major issues and not much to speak of today. Gave her about 200ML of water around her base and just letting her do her thing for now.

4 years ago


crazycrayon777 Hey! Have a look at my problem please

Day: 9


A little bit more stretch happening with her and I’m glad, she’s pretty compact and small right now so hoping she’ll get a bit more. Gave her another foliar spray today and placed the glass back over her for higher humidity right now.

4 years ago

Day: 8


Starting week 2 and just a few updated pictures for the day and gave the soil and glass a decent spray of water. Not much else happening at the moment.

4 years ago

Day: 7


The end of week 1 and the growth is looking good so far. Other than that, not much going on, first couple weeks are pretty boring. Gave the soil a light spray of water again and sprayed her with another foliar spray.

4 years ago

Day: 6


All still looking good and ended up adding a bit of soil to the pot to fill it up. She seems to be doing good so far and just poured about 100ML’s of water about 2 inches around the base of the stem. Also gave the rest of the soil a light spray and sprayed her with a foliar spray.

4 years ago

Day: 5


Not much new today, she’s growing just fine so far and waiting to get out of the boring beginning part of her growth. Gave the soil and her glass a spray of water.

4 years ago

Day: 4


She’s growing pretty good so far and just letting her get her root work going. Not much I can really do with her right now, other than let her go. Gave the soil and her glass a nice spray of water and will continue to do so until I feel she’s ready to continue growing without the glass.

4 years ago

Day: 2


All looking good and not much happening. Just gave the soil and the glass I’m keeping over her a nice spray of water.

4 years ago

Day: 1

Calling today day 1, her first set of leaves just barely developed but enough for me to move her from the humidity dome and into her 3 gallon fabric pot and the tent. Just letting her go and do her thing for now.

4 years ago


mystical420 Germination is day 1 you’re at like day 7-10 from the growth looks good

Day: 0


Started germinating in a paper towel on the 1st of January and checked her yesterday and the shell was just starting to crack. When I checked her today, the taproot was out so she was put into a jiffy pellet and placed into the humidity dome. Once her first set of true leaves form, I’ll start day 1 and place her into a 3 gallon fabric pot.

4 years ago

Day: 0


She’s up and out of the soil and had shed her helmet so just waiting for her to open up and start developing and growing. Once she has her first set of true leaves, I’ll remove her from the humidity dome and put her into soil and her 3 gallon fabric pot.

4 years ago