
Random bag seed


Seed start


Day 75 (Week 11)

22 updates

29 photos

Day: 75

9 th day of flower

3 years ago

Day: 39

Growing good

3 years ago

Day: 36

Growing good clip 4 big fan leaves off to open it up to the light

3 years ago

Day: 32

Growing good

3 years ago

Day: 31

Growing good starting to show sex could be a female but still to early

3 years ago

Day: 27

Growing good starting to get some fat fan leaves

3 years ago

Day: 26

Growing good watered today

3 years ago

Day: 23

Growing since I fed with CaMg

3 years ago

Day: 21

Has a CaMg deficiency that I’m going to correct tomorrow during it’s next feeding

3 years ago

Day: 20

Growing 3rd set of leaves

3 years ago

Day: 18

Looking alright I believe I stunted it during the transplant but starting to perk up again watered yesterday

4 years ago


DannyPH Looks small compared to the days old she is. I noticed it before the transplant tho.

Day: 16

Transplanted yesterday seems to be growing good no water today

4 years ago

Day: 16

Growing good moves light to 26” to give it some stretch

4 years ago

Day: 13

Growing the second set of leaves roots are showing up everywhere

4 years ago

Day: 12

Growing good fed 10Ml @ 1/4 strength

4 years ago

Day: 10


The roots are forming more

4 years ago

Day: 8

Growing second set of leaves

4 years ago

Day: 6

Growing good roots are to the botttom of the solo cup climbing towards the sides

4 years ago

Day: 4

Finally fully opened up and stretched nice. Roots are all the way to the bottom of my solo cup

4 years ago

Day: 3

Popped out of the coco this morning has some weird purple leaves already

4 years ago


G-Thang You better be adding nutes!!

mitch2010 Why it’s 6 days old!!


CraigBengfort Well you’re in coco which doesn’t have any nutrients in it like soil mixes usually do

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Day: 2

Seedshell is popping though the coco

4 years ago

Day: 1

Started on 1/6/20 in soil germinating

4 years ago