First Grow: Mystery Seeds and Freebies.
Fall/Winter 2020
Mystery Bag Seed Mama is in 10 gallon cloth pot. 2 more Mystery Bag Seeds in 3 gallon cloth pots. 2 Tangie x Mango seeds in 3 gallon cloth pots. Critical Purple Kush seed will also be going into a 3 gallon cloth pot. 6 plants total all using fox farm happy frog potting soil and added perlite, vermiculite, growilla veg and langbemite to my soil mix. Only nutrients I will be using are Humboldts Killer Tea and Fox Farms Soil Trio nutrients, fox farms boomerang and fox farms sledgehammer flush then urb natural for germination. Possibly trifecta crop control in the unfortunate case of an infestation. Mama Mystery Seed Sprouted: Sep 28 Middle Mystery Seed Sprouted: Oct 7 Mutant Mystery Seed Sprouted: Oct 8 Mango X Tangie x 2 Sprouted: Nov 24-25 Critical Purple Kush Sprouted: Dec 6
Mystery Bag Seeds, Tangie x Mango, Critical Purple Kush.
Day 71 (Week 11)
1 update
6 photos
Day: 71

In order is Mama Mystery Seed, Middle Mystery Seed, Mutant Mystery Seed, Tangie x Mango Blue Clip, Tangie x Mango Yellow Clip, and then Critical Purple Kush.
4 years ago