

Creme de La Chem

Fall 2023 - Winter 2024



Day 88 (Week 13)


11 updates

32 photos

Day: 88


Finally chop day, this plant has been a problem from the start. Glad it’s finally over now… I had to do a bit of a dry trim to get all the dead/dying leaves off before it they get caught and dried into the buds. I plan on doing another trim when it’s done drying but over all the buds are looking good with all things considered.

6 months ago


NugPlug10169 I’ve heard ppl say to leave them in dark for two days prior to harvest. Any merit in this?


Jay-Root It’s bro science at best, there’s no conclusive evidence to support for or against this. It really just comes down to preference


NugPlug10169 Ahh gotcha. Maybe I will rub a test lol. One plant same strain.

Day: 74


Alright so it’s been a minute and she just been super stubborn with her nutes, pretty sure it had something to do with compacted soil and drainage issues but I just gave her a little bit more nutes to get her to harvest. I’m honestly kind of fed up with it at this point, next season I’m going back to hydroponics for the simplicity.

7 months ago


Sobekite I had a similar issue with the compacting soil and aeration issues on my last grow. Out of curiosity, how much perlite did you use this run?


blazinherb I wish i understood hydroponics enough to use the word “simplicity”. 🤣 i feel hydro is more stressful but personally i want to give it another attempt in the near future. Words of advice?


Jay-Root Sorry, hydroponics was the wrong word, I did coco coir with liquid nutes on my last grow in my profile which I found to be simpler cuz it was able to correct issues quickly

Day: 59


Been a. Few days since the start of week night, she’s only getting worse. I’m starting to think it’s nutrient lockout of some kind. The nutes won’t get absorbed and the NPK deficiencies keep spreading. I’m tried mixing the nutes into the water this time so I’m hoping that’ll help till chop. I’m really not enjoying doing slow release nutes

7 months ago

Day: 52


Okay so it’s been a few days since the start of week 8 and she’s a bit worse for wear… ran into so NPK deficiencies recently so I gave her nutes a couple days ago. I think my issue is that the nutes are a bit slow to release as most stay on the top of the soil and she only gets watered like 1-2 time a a week. I’m going to try to give her some less water but more frequently so that she can get as much as she can if that’s what the issue is. If not then maybe more water would do the trick… I guess we’ll see, will update on Friday

7 months ago

Day: 42


Alright it’s the end of week 6, start of week 7. She’s grown so much in the past week, it’s crazy how many pistils there are those nutes must have really done the trick. Will update some more progress by next week

8 months ago


PopsGarden420 Looking good

Day: 35


Alright it’s now the end of week 5, start of week 6. She’s starting to build flowers and grow much bigger, I decided to start watering her a lot less this week which seems to have helped her out. I just fed her some nutes so she can get as big as she can over the next few weeks, I want to make sure she’s as big as possible

8 months ago

Day: 28


Alright so we’re at the end of week 4, at the start of week 5. She’s growing quickly now and she’s showing the first signs of being female. I ran into a few bumps throughout this week, mainly with issues relating to LST and over/under watering.  she’s going to be building flowers any day now, i’m hoping the newly exposed growth sites well help her spread throughout this next week. 

8 months ago

Day: 21


It’s now the end of week 3, she’s grown pretty big over this past week. I’ll admit the first 4 days of the week were slow but she popped up a lot in the last few. I fed her for the first time last night which may have been a bit early, I’m going to give her till Monday and then I’ll start LSTing her if she’s tall enough. I just gave her 1500ml of water so now I’ll wait 2-3 days till I give her any more.

9 months ago

Day: 14

End of week 2, she’s grown a decent amount but a bit smaller than expected. I assumed that she might’ve run into some PH problems due to the root mass enhancer so I tested and realized it was way too high (8.1) so I used some PH down to balance things out. Hopefully we’ll see some decent growth and nutrient uptake over the next week or two

9 months ago

zollirum I’m running a CDLC in week 3 too. She’s pretty short.

bamalicious All of my cdlc started small compared to other strains

Day: 7


Alright so we’ve made it through the first full week (now starting the second week) of growth and she’s looking pretty good, all things considered (the germination issues). Hopefully we’ll see some big growth spurts over the next week or two, I’m excited to see how she turns out but I’m a little concerned about how I’ll LST her once she’s big enough. I know she’ll have some short genetics so it may take some time for her to get big enough to bend before she flowers. Im sure everything will work out, right? I guess we’ll see

9 months ago

Day: 1

After a long 4 days since planting, CDLC has finally started to open up. I was really getting worried she wouldn’t budge but after a little bit of water and some brute force I was able to pry her open to get those leaves to start growing. I’m hoping this won’t stunt it too much down the line but I’m sure everything will work itself out

9 months ago