
Mac 1 clone from the Clone Conservatory

December 2023 grow

GGT 2x4 spider light 2000

Mac 1

Day 59 (Week 9)



18 updates

30 photos

Day: 59


1 gal 14 TSP BB 1/4 TSP GB 1/4 TSP TB 11 a.m

6 months ago

Day: 55


Just water 11 a.m Feb 5

6 months ago

Day: 51


Feb 2 1/4 Tsp GB 1/4 TSP TB 11 a.m

6 months ago

Day: 48


Watered 2L just water 11 a.m

6 months ago

Day: 43


Watered with 1/4 Teaspoon FF Grow Big 1 1/2L 12 P.m

6 months ago

Day: 41


Moving over to 12/12 to make room. Going to attempt a personal pot scrog method

6 months ago

Day: 37

Watered 2L just water

6 months ago

Day: 34

Watered 11 a.m

6 months ago

Day: 31

Watered .75L just water 10 p.m

6 months ago

Day: 28

Watered .5L 5 p.m

7 months ago

Day: 26

Watered 16oz 1p.m

7 months ago


KultureBuddz Don’t call it come back 💪🏾

riverrat99 Almost got it brotha haha

Day: 23

Watered 7 pm 1/2 L

7 months ago


KultureBuddz Only give her 7 ounces of water every 4 to 5 days and light at 30 inches from canopy. 💧 with calmag 1/2 tea spoon per gallon of water ph 5.5 to 6.8


KultureBuddz Are your temps good ?

riverrat99 I’m having trouble getting this one to recover still. I topped this clone I received in the mail only 5 days after I received it so as you can see compared to wedding cake and super clue I’ve really stunted this one. Haven’t given her any nutrients at all just happy frog potting soil

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Day: 18

32 oz watered

7 months ago

Day: 15

Watered still trying to recover

7 months ago


@eaegifts She’s been heavily overwatered before so you should probably give her time to dry out, I’ve brought back plants from way worse..best thing is to cut back on watering and foliar spray micronutrients. Established plants only need 1/4 of their pot size in water so clones need significantly less 👍🏾

riverrat99 Thanks for the tips buddy. Still in the learning stages. I’ll give it plenty of time from here


@eaegifts No prob, I always suggest new growers get in the habit of checking pot weight since you can easily tell the difference when lifting and it feels heavy with water. Another method is the pointer finger in soil up to the middle knuckle

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Day: 9

Watered today 8 pm

7 months ago

noneyabud I think ya need some cal mag🫣

Day: 7

Watered with 32oz

7 months ago

Stanley’s Kush Cabin

Stanley’s Kush Cabin Looks like you might need cal mag on these to help with the grow

Day: 5

Lightly watered and topped it. Definitely topped to soon.

7 months ago

Day: 2

Received in mail and have transplanted to the 4 gallon pot

7 months ago