

Next gen

Smoke that shit

Next gen starting up

Mai tai and purple blizzard

Day 98 (Week 14)



19 updates

69 photos

Day: 98


Day 54 flower. Currently flushing

3 hours ago

Day: 93


Day 49 flower. Couple more days then they get flushed for 2 weeks.

5 days ago

Day: 84


Day 40 flower. 10 more days of nutes , then flush for 2 weeks

14 days ago


Discpimp🔥 Hell yeah combat👀 killer!! Gonna be 🔥🔥🔥


combatmedic81 Thanks pimp

wyattwelding101 These look amazing!!! Day 40 also and mine almost look a week behind yours.🔥🔥🔥🔥

Day: 79


Day 35 flower, shit is stating to look good

19 days ago


organic_grower Looking good combat! 🙌


combatmedic81 Thanks OG

Day: 76


Day 32 flower. Taking them to day 67 or so

22 days ago

Day: 70


Day 26 flower

a month ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🤩🔥🔥🔥👊🏾

Day: 64


Day 20 flower. Buds starting to form

a month ago

Day: 63


Day 9 of flower. Training with trellis

a month ago

Day: 54


Strip and flip. Day zero of flower.

2 months ago

Day: 47

Some of these fans are huge . Everyone gets their own tent on Wednesday, can’t come soon enough

2 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 Is a whole jungle in there bro lol soon they will be giants!!🔥🔥🔥🚀

Day: 42

Veggin out and praying to the sun god. 10 more days then they get their own dedicated tents.

2 months ago

Day: 33


Transplant day . Living in the veg tent for two weeks

2 months ago

Day: 31

Transplant coming soon

3 months ago

Day: 22

Veggin out / rootin in

3 months ago

Day: 16

Transplant day

3 months ago

Day: 14

Topping where needed. Transplanting either tonight or tomorrow.

3 months ago

Day: 9

Rootin in

3 months ago

Day: 1

Day 1 in dirt. They were really starting to cannibalize themselves in the cloner box. Forgot to take root pics. They should grow out of it in 10 days or so.

4 months ago

Day: 0

Day 0 in the box

4 months ago