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1st grow
Seeds are unknown gene and age
Unknown seed
Day 57 (Week 9)
11 updates
17 photos
Day: 57

Think I’m getting it right some what I’m hell will be appreciated!!
4 years ago
hideawayacres Do you have a humidity meter in there and a exhaust fan
justincase Heat and light! Your not getting length because of that mate
Day: 37

Bad nute burn but recovering nicely!!!
4 years ago
ken-D What is a nute burn may I ask
kev1115play It’s when you add nutrients and you don’t have the correct ratio. So you can see the discolor of the stem and on the lead tips. But with a good flush sometimes it can be corrected.
Day: 37

Just lil experiment to go with her
4 years ago
Day: 37

All of them
4 years ago
Day: 21

Still vegging
4 years ago
Day: 11

Great growth
4 years ago
Day: 10

Looking good
4 years ago
Day: 8

Nice green others coming up quick
4 years ago
jaelyn33 How are the stems so strong? I have to keep adding soil so they don’t flop over
Forrest_Farms Move em closer to your light
Day: 3

Day 4 since popped
4 years ago
Day: 2

The start
4 years ago