

Field melons Auto

Summer 22

Germination complete placed in peat moss then once able will transplant also under TS600

Auto flower 2

Day 77 (Week 11)



21 updates

35 photos

Day: 77


She is stretched a bit but looking very healthy and thriving still consistent light schedule and watering on same schedule and feeding DTE products

2 years ago

Day: 75


Getting there lol

2 years ago

Day: 70


Absolutely thriving looking great ready to start my next harvest can’t wait for this one to be finished

2 years ago

Day: 64

 Going to defoliate tonight

2 years ago


Caliban Curios why you are defoliating that plant? She barely has any leaves and as an auto you don’t want to stress her since she is on a clock. Leaves help feed the soil and help with bigger buds. Just an opinion but if you are experimenting then keep one plant lush and strip the other and compare results. Just an opinion. Happy growing. 👍💨

Day: 58

Moved to a 12/12 light Schedule

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts Why’d you switch to 12/12? Just curious


Crispyflats Starting to bud


Crispyflats Preflower I should say

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Day: 55

Thriving and doing great

2 years ago

Day: 43


Defoliated and moved light to 24” to top of plant 3 days ago. 

2 years ago

Day: 37

Water and thriving she is rocking and rolling

2 years ago

Day: 33

Fed 484

2 years ago

Day: 30

1 month old she is doing great I am going to LST in a couple weeks

2 years ago


Oiasis Take them leaves so the plant can focus on growing up quick then you won’t have to wait weeks to train more like days


Oiasis The 4 big fan near bottom 🍃


Crispyflats What do you want me to do?

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Day: 28

Growing and thriving

2 years ago


Crispyflats Thanks brother I appreciate you man

Day: 23

Yellow and the chips of stop spreading which means to me that it was burning the plant via the light everything else is staying the same for right now 24 inches TS 600

2 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Sounds like an interesting strain


Crispyflats Honest to god man I never heard of it bought these guys a conference I went to. So they are both the same strain I can’t wait for it to get bigger so Someone can tell me what the hell it is

Day: 21

Just a continual update noticed yellowing leaves so I moved the light which I’m using a TS600 too 24” yellowing has stopped which eliminates nutes issue to me due to the yellowing not spreading to other parts of leaves

2 years ago

Day: 18

Due to the light being at 18 inches it burned the plant so I raised it to 24”

2 years ago

Dr. Boring

Dr. Boring That dont look like light burn to me, more like nutrition issue.


Crispyflats Could be going to be checking it out seeing what is going on


Crispyflats I was using tapwater to water now I’m using distilled so that could be the situation there of the plant may be adjusting I’m not sure but I know that these genetics are a little weird just cause it’s an offbrand I’m a new grower so I didn’t wanna go all balls to the wall but I have stocked up from some seeds from fast but so I’ll be looking forward to finishing this grow and starting a new one immediately

Day: 13

Light 20” away still coming along

2 years ago

Day: 10

Looking very healthy on 18/6 schedule, TS600 organic soil

2 years ago

Day: 9

Growing and seems to be healthy

2 years ago

Day: 5

Moved her to a 3 gallon pot

2 years ago

Day: 4

First day in a solo cup was success she has beamed to the surface so happy she is a strong little one

2 years ago

Day: 3

Humidity dome on and under TS600

2 years ago

Day: 1

In peat moss under TS600

2 years ago