
Jungle MAC / Banana MAC


4 Jungle MAC - 5 Banana MAC

Jungle MAC/ Banana MAC

Day 69 (Week 10)

9 updates

27 photos

Day: 69


Day 69😉

4 years ago

Day: 59


Forgot to update. Watered yesterday and they are looking good

4 years ago

Day: 41


Trimmed the ladies up. They’re starting to form the first small buds. I’m adding some CalMag in the feed now along with my regular cyco advanced nuts. Watered today and lollipopped the branches again

4 years ago

Day: 37

HELP!!! My ladies are lookin very unhappy as they are wilted and showing what looks like a nitrogen deficiency. Anyone have suggestions on how to fix? Btw the only plants that look affected are the Jungle Mac, the Banana Mac looks fine

4 years ago

Day: 30

First Day of Flower! I watered with the Cyco Nuts and trimmed them up a little. The PPM’s were about 605 but I’ll probably be bumbing them up. (The girls are a little down right now just cause I took the pictures right after I watered)

4 years ago

Day: 25


Went ahead and groomed the ladies up for flower. I’ll be flipping next week so I cut about 80 clones. I lollipopped 7 of these here. I left the two smaller plants alone but did manicure them up. I’ll be watering tomorrow.

4 years ago

Day: 22

Watered today and trimmed some undergrowth. Using the full Cyco line of nutrients.

4 years ago

Day: 17

Watered today with Cyco. They getting big.

4 years ago

Day: 0


Starting my next grow here, I grabbed some clones today off of one of my buddies who got a nice Headstart on them for me. The first three closest and the one on the middle right is Jungle MAC all the rest are Banana MAC (first picture). Today I transplanted and watered. I’ll be throwing in the trellis net when the ladies get big enough. #BigColasOnly

5 years ago