

Forbidden Runtz

Jan 24

Fast Bud . Hand water feed.

Forbidden Runtz

Day 83 (Week 12)


32 updates

92 photos

Day: 83


Flower day 43 week 7. Cut and hanging

3 months ago

Day: 77


Flower day 38 week 6. She is changing daily 😮‍💨🥹

3 months ago

Day: 75


Flower day 36 week 6.

3 months ago

Day: 73


Flower day 34 week 5. Icy moved closer to light. More orange hairs

3 months ago

Day: 71


Flower day 32 week 5. Fattening up and orange hairs forming

3 months ago

Day: 66


Flower Day 27 Week 4. Trichomes visible 🥶😎

4 months ago

Day: 64


Flower Day 25 Week 4. Looking good 🥰 stacking going on!

4 months ago

Day: 62


Flower day 23 week 4. More pistols 🥰

4 months ago

Water the plants

Water the plants 😎🦊🚜


imafricanwinter 😎😎😎

Day: 59


Fast buds genetics are resilient and come back strong 🥹 she was just so fragile and small. This isn’t even her full potential ! Flower Day 20 Week 3

4 months ago

Day: 58


Flower day 19 week 3

4 months ago

Day: 55


Looking good 🥰 Flower week 3 day 16

4 months ago

Day: 54


Flower day 15 week 3. She definitely doubled… she would’ve been amazing if I hadn’t left for a week without care and properly flushed the coco but she’s still aiming for growth regardless 😍

4 months ago

Day: 51


Flower Day 12 Week 2. Flush 1200ppm to 300ppm.

4 months ago

Day: 46


Flower day 7 week 1. Defoliated her . Athena bloom 10ml and PK 7ml only now

4 months ago

Day: 45


Flower Day 6 Week 1. She looks like she doubled in size the past week. 🥺🤞🏾♥️ bright green = sign of flower … time for Bloom only Athena

4 months ago

Day: 39


Flower day 1 week 1. of photos .. she needed dark sleep to mature . She was stressed and continuously worked. I get her now very late ik 🤦🏾‍♀️

5 months ago

Day: 34

Flower day 1 week 1. New growth but heavily stunted and I am putting her in the back but I want to see how she turns out for my dos and donts 😊

5 months ago

Day: 32

New growth but stunted still … I’ll see what happens

5 months ago

Day: 29

Final runoff check x flush tonight… I see she is brightening up , no more yellowing … we will see if she can bounce back bc Bpp did 🤷🏾‍♀️😌 her leaves are growing bigger though

5 months ago

Day: 28


Defoliated the sick leaves so her energy can refocus and Day 2 Flush from 1667ppm to 887ppm (removed 780ppm of unnecessary heavy salts !!) one more flush day but I will let her dry out for now. Hopefully she’ll bounce back from these issues bc she is stunted but I seen my BPP speed up so there’s hope still with Fast Buds brand . If not at least I’m learning something new for next time 🤷🏾‍♀️ new growth noticed. 12hr difference photos .first 3 vs photo 4

5 months ago

Day: 26


Relocated to a new environment. Before and after for my references. She is looking more yellow, I will be taking her through flushing today. Let’s check that PPM now that I can. 3in

5 months ago

Day: 23


She was healthy after 4 days no water nice and green with minor yellow spots.. now she seems to getting worse. The first pic is Friday. Then Thursday. Then Wednesday. I have been feeding her CalMag as of 2 days ago x Athena Grow A+B … I think she is flowering I see bright green … any advice smh 🤦🏾‍♀️ Feb 20 yellow spots began after 4 days no feed vacation . Large Perlite mixed in. 8 leaves

5 months ago

Day: 21

Switching to 18-6 lights and transferring to another pot soon.

5 months ago

Day: 20

New leaves still pretty small. 24hr light for 5 days no watering done. Back from vacation.

5 months ago

Day: 15

6 leaves. Growing slowly

5 months ago

Day: 12

Moved the light closer, feeding Athena grow a+b. Regular humidity baths daily. Worm casting top dress. 4 leaves

5 months ago

Day: 7

Switching to 100% light… and Nutrient feeds daily. (I was doing plain water feeds mostly) I’m new to coco so I’m nervous 😬

6 months ago


imafricanwinter Should I separate my plant acc? Cus I wanna start one soon 🥹


imafricanwinter I’m @idi.Linda

Day: 5

Myco water feed 2 thirds straw

6 months ago

Day: 3

Beautiful 4 leaves real fast 🤩. Healthy signs. Fed at 5pm. 3 straws myco water 💧. Light on 50%. Dome still on and humidity baths 2x daily

6 months ago

Day: 2

Transferred into coco with myco in hole. 24hrs ago. Responding well. Dome and 2 feeds so far. 11pm yesterday and 5pm today. Straw water 💦 feed .. humidity baths to keep 70-80% rh . Light on 40% intensity.

6 months ago

Day: 2

Seed off looking good 😊

6 months ago

Day: 0

Goals 🌱

6 months ago