Outdoor Grow
2019 season
18 seeds started 15 made it to veg
Day 89 (Week 13)
8 updates
18 photos
Day: 84

July is transition month!
6 years ago
Day: 82

Watered. My neighbour tells me that My jealous dog attacked one of them today. I knew it was her! I wonder why she’s digging them up besides actually being jealous of the time I spend with them lmao.
6 years ago
JoCo Also sprayed with safers end-all
Day: 80

All good
6 years ago
Day: 76

I see pistils!!!! A bit early to start flowering but oh well
6 years ago
Day: 71

Moved to 20 GAL containers
6 years ago
Day: 66

Help!!! What are these nasty white dudes?!? And is this a friendly spider?
6 years ago
JoCo Figured out it’s mealy bugs and their eggs
Day: 63

Almost time for a repot? Compost tea is brewing. Watered with organic grow nutes and molasses today. Also top dressed the soil with a large handful of Gia green organic 4-4-4 fertilizer. Hopefully it’s not to much for them at once. First watering since I put them out on June 6! It’s been very rainy
6 years ago