First Indoor Plant (skill set- noob)
Noob grower
Growing indoor weed with the seeds I got from my friend.
Day 7 (Week 1)
8 updates
9 photos
Day: 7

Last update deleted by accident...if anyone knows how to separate them and put them in other pots comment bellow, also any advice and tips for more growth progression?
5 years ago
Mystrain420 Few tips- get some soil more suited for the plants, something with perlite and maybe nutrients. Don’t use miracle grow or anything with slow release nutrients. To separate them take the whole thing out by like u are repotting then use water to remove the soil. Since u new to it and they’re small u should put the pot on its side and slid the whole thing out then run water over it in a sink to get the dirt off then repot them separately into plastic cups..also don’t use clear cups. Good luck 👍🏾👍🏾
Mystrain420 Oo one more thing don’t use ceramic pots it’s harder to transplant and know when they need water. Use the cheap plastic ones or fabric pots which are best imo
Dukeshaba You going to want to look into a light for it quick too it makes all the difference
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Day: 7

Added a fan and watering seems to be working since all 10 seeds are sprouting , are they female or male & comment what strain it is And aslo comment tips and tools to help me thank you
5 years ago
Day: 6

3 more are sprouting I added water in there general area where they are growing, any suggestions on what to do keep the cycle growing ? Supplies? Tools ? I’m only using a lamp and water
5 years ago
Tyson Are you planning on an indoor grow or outdoor, how much money do you want to spend what yields are you expecting
Alfromthe9 I want to indoor grow since January is approaching in Georgia for colder months and they seem to much better with warm light over them & to answer your question on money idk what to buy if you have any suggestions let me know I’m always available.
Alfromthe9 See I’m sick a noob idk what yields I should expect or on the other hand idk what yields are...sorry I might be the most difficult POV to deal with fyi
Day: 5

Thanks to all that commented , taking everyone’s advice and keep alerting me with suggestions and tips , that be helpful. Today, it’s sprouting larger and if you look closely around the pot you might see another sprout.
5 years ago
Day: 4

First weed sprout , any suggestions to keep it progressing?
5 years ago
Tyson Your pots a little on the large side so when it dries out just water the area around the plant leave the rest of the pot dry as they need a period of wet and dry to mimic wild conditions, keep your temps below 30’C or or 86’f keep your light close what type of bulb are you using you need one with higher lumens maybe a cfl
Day: 3

No growth at all , waiting for sprouting
5 years ago
Kingbudz Is that soil or mud ?
metalmattak What’s your soil, how deep are your seeds and what kind of light
Alfromthe9 @kingbudz soil. I added water too much,Hopefully didn’t drown it.
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Day: 2

Nothing sprouted yet waiting on anything to happen
5 years ago
Day: 1

I planted about 10 seeds in this pot and waiting to see if anything sprouts
5 years ago
WiredKydd Did you do anything to the seeds before planting? Such as soaking or warming?
Alfromthe9 No I just planted them , any suggestions?
Marcotics Put them in a wet paper towel until you see a little spout