

Next run of clones

8 clones

Transplanted the clones had some light burn and tent got to hot the other day but clones r doing better

Oreo,rainbow beltz, Durban Thai X jack herer, Gary Payton ,2 farmers daughter , mandarin sunset ,gasonade

Day 198 (Week 29)


11 updates

62 photos

Day: 198

Finally all dry and final weight was 2 lbs 3 ozs ! Gonna leave in grove bags for a month and try it all out on 4/20

a year ago

Day: 186


Getting close to harvest Saturday will be week 10

a year ago


ig:@eaegifts Great job. Looks tasty 😋


doworkson89 Thanks appreciate it

Day: 171


Day 51 of flower

a year ago


forkdik Nice spread !!

Day: 171


Bud porn

a year ago

Day: 155


Day 35 in flower

a year ago


doworkson89 Can’t wait to harvest these girls and I don’t put them in dark for a couple days everyone says this helps trics and terps not true at all plants need energy to produce sugars wen u put in dark your taking away that energy and your terps r less wen u put in dark so I keep light on til done it’s not the dark that helps it’s the cold that helps


ig:@eaegifts Yea I’ve been doing that for a few years now actually. It’s bro science to put them in the dark, the constant light is more helpful also because it’s a stressor. You may be interested in brix levels also, they’re supposedly higher at certain times of day and that’s what I determine chop time off

Day: 132


Put girls in flower on the 1st

2 years ago

Day: 51


Gave the girls a tea yesterday morning, gave the lip smacker a haircut this morning need to put her in flower but don’t have a empty tent for her

2 years ago

Day: 42

Just transplanted the clones and moved them to my 4x2 with the photo of lip smacker and got my new spider farmer light girls r loving it

2 years ago

Day: 36

Clones r getting big gonna transplant probably next weekend

2 years ago

Day: 29


Just transplanted the girls getting a lot of new growth

2 years ago

Day: 22


Had light to close and temp got way to hot in tent the other day but plants are recovering nicely

2 years ago