
Random gas

Jan 2023

Trying to germinate some seeds from scratch that I been collecting


Day 200 (Week 29)


73 updates

242 photos

Day: 200

Icy 🥶

a year ago


Nyçrølyñiuis Crack cocaine

Day: 162


Drying right now random gas but she is hella purple

a year ago

Day: 160


She smelling fruity small nugs but maybe I can 3-4 ozs at the end

a year ago

Day: 160

Official weight 12 OZ from the random bud 4 plants

a year ago

Day: 159


Day of Final Cut looking Frosty🥶❄️

a year ago


shiz Small buds but looks pretty as fuck super frosty

loudpak23 Yea thanks man I have no clue what she might be but she’s looks and smells amazing….she drying now !

Day: 156

Cutting any day now she is flushing

a year ago

Day: 153

Flush time random pheno

a year ago

Day: 153


Curing time

a year ago

Day: 135


Day 3 drying

a year ago


Tallboy2023 Do you trim by hand 😳


mary_janebuds Looks very smokeable

loudpak23 First time grower but yea I trimmed some down but really going to wait after the drying process is over I don’t want to rush the drying

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Day: 133


Time to chop chop

a year ago

Day: 133


Chop 🔪 day

a year ago

Day: 133


Just took trellis net up

a year ago


organic_grower Nice work loudpark!

loudpak23 Yes sir appreciate it chopped them down today

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Day: 133


These girls are done ✅ Drying stage and curing next Day 1

a year ago


420countryboy1980 How long do you let them dry and how long do you cure

loudpak23 They say 10-14 days dry then cut and cure the longer the better at least 2-3 weeks I think this is my first grow also

Day: 133

Chopped and cleaned

a year ago


organic_grower 👍🎉🎉

Day: 132


She fell off so I thru her in a rock soil and she rerotted wow

a year ago


organic_grower 🤔 that's crazy


adders woah, I took some trimmings from my plant yesterday and have tried to see if I can get them to root, haven’t got loads of faith but I am interested to see what happens 😄

loudpak23 Yea it was one of the first buds to break was like I’m about to keep her alive lol

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Day: 132


Day 2 flush… the trics are crazy now check them out … harvest day tomorrow chop chop chop

a year ago

Day: 130


Flushing now chop day Sunday

a year ago

Day: 129


Flushed tonight 3 days then they getting cut down

a year ago


Stephsgarden I been flushing for 3 weeks and they barely change lol

loudpak23 Yes I’m ready to hang these bad ladies and start the next batch


Stephsgarden Same I can’t wait

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Day: 127


These girls turned purple

a year ago


420countryboy1980 Did you do anything in particular for them to turn purple?

loudpak23 Nope nothing at all they turned themselves

loudpak23 Trichomes are still clear light amber

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Day: 114


Looking good trichomes are looking great almost done about 1-2weeks

a year ago

Day: 105


Ladies getting closer and closer!!!

a year ago

loudpak23 I want to take mo leafs off but it’s tight in the 3x3

Day: 99


Buds killing it in here

a year ago

Day: 99



a year ago

Day: 98


They looking like they may be done soon thoughts 💭

a year ago


mushadog You mentioned first hydro grow in another post. I see DWC here. Do you have a plan to flush?

loudpak23 Yes going to flush with GH kleen the last week so I’m thinking about 2 mo weeks left

LeChron James

LeChron James With DWC/hydro a 2 or 3 day flush should be enough, but make sure they’re finished before you start flushing. Can you post a close up of one or two of the buds that look most ripe? Or do you have a jewelers loupe or digital microscope? Curious what the trichomes look like.

Day: 96


These girls 🔥 I need to get a jewelry loop so I can know when to pull these girls it’s going on 4 weeks of flowering

a year ago

Day: 89


These 4 gals are making it shake! Moveing them to the other tent I was able to throw up the trellis.

a year ago

loudpak23 This light was trash in a 3x3 replaced with my mars hyrdro ts1000

Day: 87


Looking 👀 good

a year ago

Day: 86


They looking nice since I found out these were autos I moved them to a different tent. They are on 12x12 but what happens if I turn them back to 18x6 any downfalls??

a year ago


piperboy007 Honestly at that point in flowering it prob bets to just stick with what your doing. Im sure it wouldnt hurt them but, ya know dont fix it if it aint broken 👍🏻

loudpak23 True right on

loudpak23 I Just wanted to speed up the process 😂

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Day: 81


Girls looking 👍

a year ago

Day: 72


babies are doing amazing

a year ago


organic_grower Everything's coming along nice!! You got a packed house 👊


stephss Niceeee

Day: 71


Officially flowering

a year ago

Day: 68


Girls looking nice 😊

a year ago

Day: 67


Looking nice

a year ago

Day: 57


They looking hella healthy ready for flowering this weekend

a year ago


organic_grower I would say they are flowering already


organic_grower Every pic has flowers in it, they all look awesome!!


GrNadeGrade I have so many questions. What’s the current light cycle? Are these bags seeds or purchased? If purchased, are they Autos?

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Day: 56


These girls have been topped and still growing and get more bushy in switching them to 12x12 this weekend any tips should I stick with GH products or switch to FF products for flowering ? All suggestions welcome before Sunday lol

a year ago


drdave1 When flowering they usually won’t need nitrogen


organic_grower Looks awesome!! You should do some leaf plucking 💯 open up some bud sites

loudpak23 Yes did some of that last night removed a ton of leaves 🍃!

Day: 54

These ladies are looking nice after topping

a year ago

Day: 53


I topped 4 of 5 in another week I’m going to put these ladies over to 12 by 12 light schedule

a year ago

Day: 53

All where topped let’s see them branch out now !

a year ago

Day: 49


These ladies trying to flower already wow

a year ago

Day: 46

Random seed she is growing quickly shoulda have topped her earlier

a year ago

Day: 46

Another random looking amazing

a year ago

Day: 46

This random she is bushy like huge fan leaves all tucked together should I defóliate her?

a year ago

Day: 46

Random nice

a year ago

Day: 46

Random girl

a year ago


stephss Ok ok


stephss She is coming back

Day: 44


Sexed them all out tonight and I’m 5 for 5 on random seeds all females

a year ago

Day: 35

Out of town babies looking nice

a year ago

Day: 31

New girls are growing should I top now ?

a year ago


Caliban Yes they look ready to me. 👌

Day: 30


Leaving the babies for a few days but everything is automated everything should be good

a year ago

Day: 29

Moved them over to permanent buckets

a year ago

Day: 29

Moved them over to permanent buckets

a year ago

Day: 29

Moved them over to permanent buckets

a year ago

Day: 29

Before she was moved to 5 gallon 🪣

a year ago

Day: 29

Check out those roots before transplant she is a random but hope she is great

a year ago

Day: 29

Permanent home 5 new babies from random seeds

a year ago

Day: 29

She is way to light I added some floraliscisous and some plant booster to help her deficiency whatever may be!

a year ago

Day: 29

Wow she is growing fast look how fast what is she?

a year ago

Day: 29


a year ago

Day: 29


a year ago

Day: 29


a year ago

Day: 28

Moved to new home 🏡

a year ago

Day: 28


Moved girls over to 5 gallon bucket

a year ago

Day: 27

Just moved these ladies to 5 gallon bucket time to grow

a year ago


ig:@eaegifts Looking good in there, you’re gonna need another tent soon

loudpak23 I hope not this is the new tent

Day: 25

Transplanted one to permanent bucket let’s see how she does before I transfer the rest

a year ago

loudpak23 She is a random seed of some gas but don’t know what she may be hope she is female

Day: 25

Just threw out the wack ass clones and kept the germs lol they looking nice waiting for clay pellets and transfer tomorrow

a year ago

Day: 22

I think It’s time for the transplant but when do I sex them out ???

a year ago


G-Thang Those look like clones growmie!?!?


G-Thang Sex them out in 4 weeks

loudpak23 Yea one is a clone from a clone lol and the tall one is the clone she was dying but trying to bring her back

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Day: 20

These girls are growing but the clones are trash lol was just trying something from a dying clone

a year ago

Day: 11

They breaking out after giving nutes 1st time

a year ago

Day: 10

Time for nutes today?

2 years ago

Day: 10

Check the girls out I think it’s time for nutes

a year ago

budmanEric 150ppm. You can up that on day 21

loudpak23 Ok they at like 225ppm

Day: 10

Rooting nicely

a year ago

Day: 9

They are hatching and growing roots look good day 10 I plan on adding nutes

2 years ago

Day: 3

They popping out do I need nutes yet

2 years ago

Day: 3

Seeds are sprouting

2 years ago