
Second generation

Clones from last batch.

Took clones from no tag plant in last grow. Will cull the slowest rooters and stick with just a single plant for this grow.

Blueberry X OG Kush

Day 20 (Week 3)


3 updates

4 photos

Day: 20

🪦 RIP none of them rooted.

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts Next time try sitting some cuts in a cup of water, you’ll get roots in 2 weeks usually as long as you change the water every few days.

anythinghere23 I think I may have pressed them too deep into the fox plug which damaged their stems.


ig:@eaegifts Oh ok hopefully they work out next run, you kept a dome over them?

Day: 7

Still looking good, waiting for roots to poke out still.

2 years ago


Doobie123 I like your rooting method!

Day: 0

3 little girls. Now to see how quick they take root. I will take the best looker of these three and cull the others. Probably try some LST with this grow to fully use the flower room space.

2 years ago