

White Widow

May 22, 2023

Growing this at 18-6, 300w LED light. Weeks 1-8 NPK 12-4-8. Weeks 10-Harvest Flush with fresh water


Day 57 (Week 9)


22 updates

26 photos

Day: 57

Buds looking healthy

a year ago

Day: 54


a year ago

Day: 50

Thank you, Vermont! Medical patients now can have 12 immature plants and 6 mature

a year ago


ig:@eaegifts Damn that’s great. Congratulations 👏🏾👏🏾


dpat It’s a wonderful time to be alive for sure

Day: 47

And it begins…

a year ago


ChL2E118 Looks great! White widow Auto?


dpat Yes! First time I’ve ever grown an auto lol. Had her inside but she outgrew the tent

Day: 36

Had to move her outside. The growth was too much for my tent

a year ago


organic_grower Did you have it on 12/12 inside?


dpat 18-6


organic_grower My bad I didn't see it was a auto. Your plants are looking 🔥

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Day: 35

Hitting pre flower right on time

a year ago

Day: 32


Hitting pre flower. Adjusted the light up so avoid burns

a year ago

Day: 28


a year ago

Day: 23


a year ago

Day: 21

I’ve been doing a time-lapse video of my grow.

a year ago

Day: 20


a year ago

Day: 19

Very impressed with the growth

a year ago

Day: 18

Hit with NPK 12-4-8 1/2 gallon of water. Pretty rapid growth. May supplement with bone meal on top to deep in during the weekly watering

a year ago

Day: 17

⬆️ hoping for a nice, bushy Auto-flower

a year ago

Day: 16

Growth has been great

a year ago

Day: 14

She’s growing well

a year ago

Day: 13

Wetted her down

a year ago

Day: 12

Fell over from top growth and my low fan. Propped her back up and hit her with 1/2 gallon of NPK 5-0-1 GH FloraMicro. Getting good growth for 12 days at 18-6

a year ago

Day: 11

Dechlorinated water

a year ago

Day: 10

Light water

a year ago

Day: 9

Ordered a small, indoor humidifier to put inside the tent.

a year ago

Day: 8

Light schedule. 18-6; using NPK b12-4-8 Bless Your Soil Big Green Leaf mixture. 64oz of fertilized water at Day 7. ExHaleCO2 added day 7. https://blessyoursoil.com/products/big-green-leaves-houseplant-food

a year ago