
Sky walker


Been growing for roughly 1 month


Day 93 (Week 14)

11 updates

14 photos

Day: 93


4 years ago

Day: 79

Plant is currently 26 inches tall and has over 20 bud sites

4 years ago

Day: 70

Plants currently 2 ft tall and 16” wife been feeding fox farm nutes going into month 3 soon

4 years ago

Day: 61

Cut most fan leaves off

5 years ago

Mrwolf Nice work!! Looking good 👍 am looking forward to seeing it grow!!

Day: 60

First sign of flower

5 years ago

Day: 53

This plant is currently 20 inches has over 20 fan leaves has grown its shoots on every node spacing. Going to increase feeding ration next week

5 years ago

Day: 49

This plant is 18 inches tall has been on a random light schedule but gets 12 a day minimum with light nutrients

5 years ago

Day: 49

18 inches tall 20 fan leaves light nutes 12 by 12

5 years ago

Day: 47

Male or female? Don’t kno yet think its a hermit

5 years ago

Day: 43

14 inches tall

5 years ago

Day: 40

14 inches tall 16 leafs and growing 18/6 light Nutes errday

5 years ago