Begginer first time Grow Tent 4x4 First 3 Plants Group A !!.!.!.
Purchased February 19th 23
Began Germination On February 1 2023 Started With 8 Plants .!.!.!
Not sure on plant type began germination on February 1 2023
Day 42 (Week 6)
10 updates
15 photos
Day: 42

March 12 23
2 years ago
Day: 40

March 11 23
2 years ago
Day: 29

March 1 23
2 years ago
Day: 28

February 28 23! Plants have been in growing tint since Saturday night . They have been growing a lot more faster . Been having LED Light on at night for 8-10 hours (730p.m - 530a.m) Thermometer just came in today I’ll be setting up tonight . Thinking of putting group A in their own pot .
2 years ago
Day: 26

February 26 23 Group A
2 years ago
Day: 19

Moved plants into 4x4 grow tents
2 years ago
Day: 14

The plant I ended up cutting the head is still standing n still green.
2 years ago
Day: 13

February 13th 2023 . I decided to cut the head of the smallest plant looked dead .
2 years ago
Day: 1

Day 1 .- Germinated 4 seeds at 6:31p.m on February 1st 2023. Day 2.-Seeds started roots. Day 3.-Feb 3rd seeds transferred to wet towel in zip. Day 4.- February 4th Seeds need to be transferred to soil . Day 5. - February 5th transferred seeds into used soil it was my only option at the time . Day6.- Day7.- 8 Day9.- February 9th .. Growing …. Day10.- Day11.- Flower has 4 leafs . 2 growing 1 is coming back to life .
2 years ago
Day: 1

Germinated Day 1 .- Germinated 4 seeds at 6:31p.m on February 1st ……….——————……….. Day 2.-Seeds started roots. Day 3.-Feb 3rd seeds transferred to wet towel in zip. Day 4.- February 4th Seeds need to be transferred to soil . Day 5. - February 5th transferred seeds into used soil it was my only option at the time . Day6.- Day7.- 8 Day9.- February 9th .. Growing …. Day10.- Day11.- Flower has 4 leafs . 2 growing 1 is coming back to life .
2 years ago